
My handsome imperfect coach

Gabriella's day was going bad and to make it worst she had an accident with a masked boy and ended up making a deal with him to coach her on basketball but surprisingly he can't play but is the best coach at the end of the day Henry the masked boy realizes that Gabriella is his bethroted and he will need to tell her he's a fierce being What will be Gabriella's reaction to finding out his real identity Read to find out

The_author3 · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

No One Bad Mouths My Student

Gabriella entered a taxi and stopped at the place Henry dressed her wounds the previous day but looked around and couldn't find him

*Should have known better than to trust a stranger with masked face 😔. Now my only option is to go and see if I can make-up with coach😒 *

*but let me wait a little bit for him then I'll go*

she sits down and waits for few minutes before leaving for the training center

•••Meanwhile 15 minutes before she arrives•••

Henry was already seated in the bench patiently waiting for Gabriella

*It's been over 45 minutes now and she still hasn't arrived yet, is she usually always this late? or does she think I'll not come for her?🙄*(waits for some extra 5 minutes and checks his watch)

*Well it seems she's not coming I'd better get going. I'm really begining to feel uncomfortable by all the stares I'm getting*( He said as some group of ladies passed and giggles at him🤭), *that's so immature*(he referred to the ladies in his mind)

*Come to think of it she should have tried attending a class rather than randomly looking for coaches, besides her sports wear yesterday proves that she just came out from Ladies Basketball Training Center (LBTC) and it's one of the best around here so why would she want to leave the school and come looking for coaches even as I told her I'm bad at playing it?*🤔

*Looks like I'll go there to get some info on her, besides knowing your own student is good, isn't it?*🤨

(he contemplates then gets up and heads for the training center)

When he reached the center, he opened the glass transparent door and noises from the girls training in the enclosed arena echoed in his ears


"Over here!" (the Ladies said to their teammates)

Henry studies their movement as he walks towards a man who is seemingly their coach


"Come on Bella, pass to Camille!" he screamed at the top of his voice as he coaches his students

"Um...escuse me" Henry said politely as he knew he was disturbing the class

"That's it, go get'em girl" He said as he cheered and supported Camille who dribbled past 2 players quickly and slam dunked the ball into the net giving her a win

"Woah!!" he screamed in excitement as he clapped alongside his cheering voice 🥳

*She's fast, and her handling for the ball is quite good, I'll rate her skills 63% and her jumping is good too, but she needs to perfect her teamwork, stance and body movement, with such a slender figure it shouldn't be difficult for he to master.* Henry thought as he calculated her movement and adjustment from just a look at her 3 minutes performance

*This Kinda reminds me of the old days and training with Shela * Henry found the sight picking into his memories

"Ok guys, that's it for now let's take a break and continue later" The coach dismissed his students.

He turned to Henry and stretched forth his hand for a handshake

"I'm sorry for the delay sir, I'm Dave Maxwell, their coach"

"It's nice to meet you" Henry replied as he accepted the handshake.

Dave walks to a table and gets a water bottle and drinks from it

"So, how do you see our training?" Dave asked

"It's great, suits the players well, although there's room for more improvement" Henry replied honestly

"Yeah, I know, this students just make me so proud especially that my girl over there" Looks at Camille while smiling

"What do you think? we're a perfect match aren't we?"😁 He asked Henry teasingly

"I'm not sure that's why I came here"🙄 Henry dismissed his question and tried diverting his attention to the main reason for his visit

"You know, the only student I'm actually not proud of was a student named Gabriella, she's too weak, sluggish and annoying. She already spent 2 weeks with us and yet doesn't know how to give a perfect pass, plus the fact that she has a private tutor makes it laughable doesn't it?"😑 He tried dragging Henry into mocking Gabriella

"You know you shouldn't really talk bad about someone to strangers, no matter how bad she is, as a matter of fact I came here for inquiries on her"Henry said vocally annoyed😤

"Ooh this is great, pretty boy's tryna lecture me, cool, so you're her boyfriend or what? not to pry into your relationship affairs but since she's the reason you're here why don't I layout her flaws for you"😏 Dave said teasing and mocking Henry at the same time

"You sure do talk too much for a man" He said disrespectfully

"What can I say? that's my strong suit and that's why I'm the best coach there is🙂, you see Gabriella is such a b*tch, like,she does nothing right and she's always fatigue, she's just the worst to have as a student"😐Dave complains

"Two weeks you said?that makes me wonder how you managed to be the best coach when you don't have patience and tolerance for your student?" 🤨Henry asked

"You watch your mouth there pretty boy, of course you wouldn't know cause you've never been one, saying those words sounds sweet to you don't they? look, look at my baby girl I think Gabriella should aspire to be more like her" He said pointing at Camille who was exercising

"I think I'll do a better job than you as her new coach"🤔 Henry said politely

Dave burst into laughter

"So you're a coach, I'll like to see your ID if you don't mind"😅 He said mockingly

Henry Just took out his hand which has been in his side pocket the whole time and showed Dave his still valid coaching ID

"Need more proof?"🙄He said as he gave Dave the ID

Dave's face suddenly turned soured as he looked at Henry's Coaching ID (C.ID)

"So you're the "Legendary Coach Henry" who doesn't know how to play but can coach? how pathetic" He mocked and the same time was annoyed😑

"Say, how about we make a deal? let's host an official match in next two weeks, my Gabriella versus your best student and the looser will face the consequences. You seem so much like a smooth talker, you wouldn't turn down the offer now would you?"

*This dude just got on my nerves and is making bet on something so petty, how annoying😤*

Dave smirks😏

"Now now, how can I turn down such an interesting offer where I can kill two birds with one stone, I'll first of all show the world how pathetic both you and your student are and then show them how superior my teachings are to every other coach's to ever exist. Hehehe, let's make things more interesting, the looser will cease to be a coach and serve the other's will for a period of 2 months" Dave suggested

*He really has no clue on how much of a trouble he's getting himself into*

"You really wanna rub your face in the mud don't you? then it's a deal,If you wanna loose so much I can assist you with that, don't thank me, I'm just being a little generous so make sure you don't back out, ok?" Henry added

"Right back at you pretty boy" Dave said

"Now If you don't mind, can I have my ID back? I really feel uncomfortable when it's being held by a person of low IQ such as yours and a looser to be" Henry mocked😈

*Damn this dude, so annoying* throws Henry's ID to him

"I'll make you take that back"He walks away angrily😠 to his awaiting student and dismisses them

"That's enough training for today, go home you guys"

*Dismissing a class because of an argument, childish isn't it? * smirks

*He just made me say more than I usually do, I only say 230 words in 5 minutes but he made me say more words than usual in lesser time, so infuriating*😖 He complained before walking out the door.

As soon as he opened the door, a little figure who seemed to be in a hurry bumped into him and fell backwards to the ground

"Ouch!" the fragile girl screamed

******Back To Gabriella******

She is seen hurrying towards her training center

*oh God, now I'm late, all these people asking for help is just too tiring*😫she mumbled in annoyance. Previously as she was approaching school a kid met her and asked her to help him knot his shoe lace to his desired style which took her about 7 minutes and then she had to help an old lady cross the street and also go back to get the old lady's purse which she forgot at her previous location, thus taking her about 25 extra minutes.

As she came closer to school she saw some of her fellow practitioner going home

*what happened? Why did they close so early, did something happen to coach?* she thought as she approached one of them

"hey Mary!" she screamed and as Mary turned to look at who was calling her Gabriella was already there with her.

" Why close so early? did anything happen?" she asked straight to the point

"Gabriella, I thought you were under prohibition of coming unless you learn how to pass?".She asked🤨

"Answer my question"😑 she demanded for an immediate answer

"Ok, ok, chill girl, the coach seemed annoyed so he sent everyone home, I need to do something at home that's why I hurriedly ran out before he changes his mind" Mary explained

"Is he still back at the training base?" Gabriella asked.

"Yeah... i think so"🤔 Mary said as she rubbed her chin motioning that she's thinking

"Ok, thanks" Immediately runs ahead to the training center

*What's wrong with her? she seems? extremely restless* Looks at Gabriella for a while before turning to go home

As Gabriella ran to the base she quickly opened the glass door, although it was transparent she didn't bother looking as she was in a hurry to meet her " ex-coach ". As she was about to enter she collided with a body which didn't seem all that muscular but sure was strong enough to make her loose her balance and fall


*Not again, who's it this time*😩 she scratches her eyes to get a clearer view of the person she bumped into.

"Huh? you again? why do I always have to meet you in an accident-like situation, is this a curse?" 😤 She said as she looks at Henry who was equally confused

Henry bends down to meet Gabriella's eyes who was comfortably sitting on the floor

"And why does it seem like you're always at the receiving end? should I call it bad luck?" 🧐 He teased

"You're the one who's unlucky"😒 Gabriella returned

"But I'm not the one who's always screaming and end up enjoying the space on the floor"😏 Henry said

"It's all because I always have to bump into your hard body"🙄 Gabriella said.

Henry flicked his finger on her forehead

"ow! that hurts"😖 Gabriella screamed while holding her forehead.

"I'm not hard bodied you're just too weak and you lack stamina" Henry said

Gabriella looks at him completely annoyed

"Don't look at me like that"😕 Henry defends himself from the heart piercing gaze

"Why do you always like annoying me? do you gain extra height from it? You're always pricking my peace"🤧 Gabriella said

"same goes for you because you need the height more than I do, I'm already tall enough but you... you're short"🙂 Henry teased

*Hmph, he's so annoying*

"What are you doing here anyway?" Gabriella asked

"I came to pick you up, don't ask how I knew cause your track suit from yesterday had the school's badge on it, besides you never told me you were such a late comer " Henry said

"I had to deal with a lot of things at home and also help people too that's why I came late" Gabriella partially-lied defensively🤥

"You should learn to say NO sometimes you know?" Henry said

"I can't possibly say no to helping a woman cross the road or a kid knot his shoe laces, even if I was late to an appointment I would still stop to help them" Gabriella said🙁

*That's a cute way of thinking like a child*😊

Henry smiles which was noticeable to Gabriella even though he was wearing a mask

"So what are you doing here? I thought he asked you not to return until you're ready?" He said with a piece of annoyance in his voice

"I came to give it a try, who knew you would show up and with your pain causing entrance?"😣

"I told you a handshake is an unbreakable promise to me, you should have trusted me"

"How can I trust a guy with a mask on his face?"

"ok, enough talk let's go" he stretches his hand to help Gabriella up

Gabriella stands up with his help

"I haven't met with coach yet" She said

"There's no way he'll allow you, come on I'll explain everything to you" He said and without giving Gabriella a choice he dragged her along with him


Sorry for the late update guys I have a lot going on for me and please support my other story

"Demon Of Then"

Thank you Your handsome author: Henry 😎
