
My handsome devil

It's a fictional book about an high school girl, Megan. She is intelligent but unwanted by her wealthy family. Regardless of the struggles she went through, she managed to scale through. She meets a guy, Alexander, wealthy, handsome and anything a girl could wish for. Their few first meetings were annoying to her but they later fell in love and he was able to make the light in her shine brighter. What are the struggles she went through? Will her family accept her relationship with Alexander? How did Alexander meets her? How did the students treats her? Curious? common readers, put on your seat belt and let's ride together. Genre; romance, mystery, deception. Other genres will unravel as the story goes on.

Ajiboye_Joy · Thanh xuân
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4 Chs

Was my eyes deceiving me?


Alexander's POV

I brought out my Android, scrolling down the news online. There were headlines that made me shook my head. Some like;

Illegitimate daughter of Derek meets Alexander

Alexander irritated by the sight of Megan

Megan ran out of the restaurant because of Alexander

Megan Derek turned dumb on seeing Alexander

Megan almost cried on seeing Alexander

The headlines of the news were much and I wondered if the people at the restaurant have no job to do.

If not that Megan... Right that's her name. If not that Megan has not sat at my regular seat, I would not have come to meet her. But who cares about that? The seat was close to the window where one can have a good view of outside.

I stood up from the seat with Xavier coming behind me. Xavier was my PA.

Xavier, I called.

Yes, answered Xavier.

Take down the news, I said.

Understanding what I meant, he replied with an "okay".

I entered the car and Xavier starts the engine. I rest my head on the headrest of the car as I close my eyes not sleeping.

I reminisce on my Mom and dad, our happy moments together, bringing a little smile on my face. That was the only thing that could bring a smile on my face ever since.

Within a few minutes, we arrived home.

Megan's POV

Megan, Step Mum called.

I turned and stared at her hoping I have not done anything wrong.

What were you trying to do? Running? She asked putting her attention on me.

Em...no... actually... I was try...ing to, I stammered not able to form a lie.

You what, Megan, it was obvious or were you trying to lie?

Oh what have I done again!, I screamed internally.

No, I immediately answered.

Lies, she said. You lie again, you were trying to lie and you lied you were not trying to lie.

I'm sorry, I said bowing my head. It will always end at "I'm sorry".

Hmph, as always, she said turning her head.

I was about to rejoice not until she turned back again to say;

What's with the news?

What news? I wanted to ask but I knew step Mum will consider that as disrespectful.

You can't talk? Cat got your tongue? She asked.

I tried to think hard of what news have I caused again which cost me a lot of time and this annoyed step Mum.

I became shocked as I remember what could have caused the news.

Oh my gosh! That was embarrassing.

I don't know what you are talking about, I said.

Step Mum brought out her phone to show me the news which cause me to go closer to her. She went to the internet to search for the news.

It looks like she was having difficulty searching for the news.

Was my eyes just deceiving me? She asked no one.

I hoped nothing was really there because if it was, I don't know what step Mum might do to me.
