
My Half Mates

Esmeray is a beautiful kind and powerless human girl. The moment she met her Mates or in human word Soulmates, her world turn into an dangerous storm. She discover some thing which she never thought it's exist. What will she do when she discover her true self..?? Will she except her fate or is she going to lost her humanity during this process.???

Rukia_Debbarma · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Leave Me Alone

After Some class later —

Esmeray thought - Finally done with today's class. I can't wait to have some food and lay on my bed thinking about the tragedy which happened in the morning.

As I am heading towards my dorm room, I felt like someone is following me. Oh God now I am imagining things, maybe my subconscious mind thinking about the wolf attack more and more. As I am speeding up my pace without me knowing I started running towards my dorm room. Then I saw some shadows behind me, which is getting closer to me. Then suddenly some wind blows behind my back as I turn around to see what is happening around me, the lights are gone. Then I felt a cold hand at my neck,holding me close to his body. If I am not wrong this person is a man, then he smells my neck as he starts to lick my neck off. I said "Get the hell away from me you prick, leave me alone". But the men grip started to get tight around my neck. Then the men smile and smirk as he started to talk.!!!

Stranger - Oh shit...!!! Beauty beauty beauty you smell so heavenly, fuck..!!! You won't believe I can eat you all day all night without getting bored. I wonder if you smell so heavenly then what will happen if i taste your blood just once. Your smell is so addicting that I can't control myself. Just a little bite, beauty.. I swear it will not hurt, now give me some of that.

Esmeray - No please don't hurt me, i won't tell anyone about this,about what is happening. Just please let me go..!!! Please leave me alone, I didn't do anything bad, pls let me go.!! Hel...

Esmeray thought - Before I can scream the stranger holds my mouth tightly with his bare hands, so I can't scream. As I was thinking hard, i regret not attending the game show. If i was gone there none of this would happen to me. Then he again licks my neck, if i am not wrong this guy is a vampire, I know I sound cringey but the way he is acting, i am sure this guy is a vampire. I love to read about fantasy romance stories but never in my life do I imagine that, i am going to live through this fantasy, without romance of course because my life is less romantic than books. Anyway today is my last day on earth, so I pray to God, and say my Love to my loved ones, as I close my eyes to embrace death. Then the guy asked again,

Stranger - Any last wishes beauty, before I devour your beauty and blood.

I gather all my strength and scream as I said before my last breath.

Esmeray - Fuck you you fucker. Just LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.!!!!!!!!

Esmeray thought - Then suddenly boom. All I heard was a boom sound and I closed my eyes, embracing the only death. Because life is too short for me, i didn't even have the soulmate which I was wanting for my whole lifetime. And everything went blank.

---------------- After a few hours later ------------------

I open my eyes, as I open my eyes, I saw my friends who is sitting beside me, even Fenris and Zeke is here too. I close my eyes to adjust my eyes, for making sure that i am not dreaming. I open my eyes again, but i am seeing them again my friends, they are not moving from their place. I gather all my strength and talk -----

Esmeray - Hey guys, what are you all doing here, in my room.

As I said in those words Zeke is the one who stands from his chair and runs towards my bed, holding my hand asking me..

Ezekiel - How are you feeling skön??? Are you okay, i was so worried about you.?? Wait am i tiring you you can rest if you want.We can talk later, just tell me how are you.?? Are you in pain or you need...

Before Zeke said something more i put my hands on his mouth, making him shush!! Then I reply —

Esmeray - OMG....!!!!! Zeke one at a time please, I will answer your all queries but let me catch my breath.!! Sigh... I am okay, like nothing happened to me earlier. And good to go..!!

Fenris - You sure you are okay clumsy.?? Actually you hurt your head pretty well, thank God you are okay.!! We were so worried about you.. From now on i am not leaving my side from you, I can't see you in pain. I was so scared that I might lose you today.

Esmeray - I am fine looking, anyway tell me what happened with me, how am I here, last time i remember I was in front of my dorm room, trying to open the door, then someone attacked me, Omg..!!! someone actually attacked me, who the fuck is that person i didn't fight with anyone here till now. Who is targeting me all of a sudden. Ouch!!!

Ezekiel - Hey hey hey,,give rest your beautiful brain and don't think about it too much, we can talk later about this,now just rest and get some sleep Skön.

Fenris - He is right clumsy take care and we will talk later. Don't pressure your pretty little head.. Okay, when you walk up, you will see me here close to your seat. And I am not leaving your site no matter what.....

Ezekiel - Me too. Sleep tight Skön.

'Little snoring sound'

Fenris - She just fell asleep. Yeah she just did, now can we talk about how it's happened. This is getting out of control, how can you l.....

Ezekiel - Shhhhh...!!! Not here Ri, we can talk about that after we return to our dorm rooms, you know the walls also have ears. *Eye contact*.

Fenris - Fine Ki. Now the most important part is we have to protect her from whoever comes our way.

Ezekiel - i know Ri, i know.

---- Few hours later----

Esmeray woke up from her loooooonnngggg rest.

Esmeray - Guys, you both are still here. It's already morning i guess, can I leave now please.

suddenly Dr. Derek comes into the room.

Dr Derek - Hey Esmeray, how are you feeling.??? But first you both can wait outside until I am done with her checking..!!

Both guys nod and leave the room.

Esmeray - I am a fine doctor, now can you please release me, i have a class to attend.

Dr Derek - Okay i will give you the release order but first let me check you. But i would say you are lucky women, both guys care about you so much they didn't leave you alone the whole time even when they carried you to the hospital till you woke up, even when you were sleeping last night. They were here the whole time not leaving you alone, and now done. You are ready to go Miss.

Esmeray - Thank you doc but can you tell me what happened with me, i don't remember how I am here.??? The last time i remember was I was collapsing in front of my dorm room.

Dr Derek - All i can say is it's just a little concussion, i think something hit your head, that's why you had a concussion nothing serious. So don't worry about that but the boys told me that you were senseless lying on the floor when they found you. That's all I know. Now you can leave, and take care of yourself Esme.

Esmeray - Thanks doctor.

As I left the room, but to my surprise both boys were not there, outside of my room. I look for them but with no luck i start walking towards the hospital exit. Then I hear Zeke's voice, he is calling me, as i turn around and see him with 3 cups of coffee.

Ezekiel - Hoof.... Yo....you..u wal...k t..to fi....first. Wait let me catch a breath,,okay you walk to first as a small person. Anyway where were you going huh,,leaving me alone here. *wink"

Esmeray - I thought you both left because we have class and all. So...i..

Ezekiel - And you just assume, bet you assume wrong Skön. Anyway I told you i am not leaving your side without taking you with me back to campus. I was just getting some coffee for you and for that grumpy ass.

Esmeray - Hey he is not that bad actually i think he is a cutie. Anyway where is he..??

Ezekiel - *Eyeroll* He is in the parking lot, waiting for us. He called some of his friends to bring the car for us. So maybe they are waiting for us. Now what did the doc say.???

Esmeray - Nothing just a little concussion, that's all we should leave this shit hospital, i was just here for some hours and I started hating this place. We should not make him wait anymore. Let's go Zeke.

He nods, and we leave the hospital. As Zeke said he is waiting for us in the parking lot. As we reach his car, Zeke offers the coffee to him. He takes it and opens the door before Zeke can open the door for me. Okay gentleman, I entered the car and he closed the door for me too. Then they both enter the car and Fenris start the engine. Then he held my hand as he asked —

Fenris - How are you feeling clumsy.?? Is everything alright.?? Sorry I wasn't there outside of your room, i have received the car from my friend so we can go back to campus.

Esmeray - I am okay Killer doc said everything is alright, just a little concussion common you guys tell me what happened how i was lying senseless in front of my room.?? Did you guys know something which I should be aware of.

Ezekiel - skön we were all attending and enjoying the game, but then suddenly Daisy came and told us that you are not with her and you are not answering your phone again, so I thought I should go and check on you but as I was going Fenris also came. He..

Fenris - I was just leaving the game to look out for you because you promised me to hear me out this time without shutting me down. As I was looking for you I came across Daisy she told me you were not here in the game, so I thought you would be in your dorm room. So I left the game and ran towards your dorm room to have a talk with you. But half way I met Zeke he was heading towards your dorm room too he told me that you were not picking up your phone again. We both thought that you might be in danger again so we race to reach your dorm room but as we reach close towards your dorm room we hear a loud bang noise. But when we reached there no one was there only you laying on the floor facing. We rushed towards you but you were unconscious so we called the emergency number and brought you to the hospital. You were unconscious the whole time like you don't exist in this world although you were breathing...

Ezekiel - After waking up you know the rest of the story. So can you tell us what exactly happened I hope you remembered everything.???

Hearing their words I asked myself what I am gonna tell them that I think the attacker was a vampire, they will probably think I have gone mad or the worst case scenario they will think I hit my head pretty hard. Or maybe it was I really don't know, it feels like I am imagining things then why does it feel like it's real.!!


Frustrated I took a long breath and decided not to tell them right now so I lied which I hate the most but what choice do I have .!!!

Esmeray - I was walking towards my dorm room then suddenly the power cut happened and I panicked because I have nyctophobia. I tried to reach my phone for some light because it was in my backpack so in a hurry I panicked more. The panic consumed me so much that I started losing my breath and collapsed after that I don't know what happened.!!!


Fenris - Then you didn't hear the bang sound clumsy.??? I thought something happened to you I was thinking wild guesses like someone is trying to harm you.!!

Esmeray - I am okay Killer nothing happens and no I didn't hear any bang sound must be from somewhere else the sound came from...

*little smile*

Fenris - Yeah maybe.!! Anyway you are fine that's all that matters.

Ezekiel - Yeah I guess you are right maybe we misheard something. You are alright that's the most important thing. Anyway why didn't you come to the game where all the students were there..???

Suddenly I remember OMG I have to be angry with ocean eyes I mean Ezekiel. Even in my angry mode I can't ignore the fact that I start liking him. I guess I really did hit my head hard when I collapsed to the floor. He was cheating on his girlfriend and she didn't even know what a first class cheater he is. Anyway why is he with me even though he has to spend his time with his gf who just got back from a long vacation. They should be kissing and spending some quality time by using her new lingerie which she buys specially for him.. The more I thought about them the more I became angry and before I bit my tongue I replied to Ezekiel.

Esmeray - Oh I just wanted to have some peace in my lovely dorm room after so much drama. It's just my third day but so much is happening it feels like I am in a movie or I am facing some adventure which I didn't even want.!!

Fenris - Yeah and I am so sorry clumsy so much is happening with you if I can take your burden away I will definitely take it , so in that way you can relax and enjoy the beauty here.

Esmeray - Hey Killer it's not your fault, and some random attack and panic can't stop me from enjoying this beautiful City. Anyway we are close I can't wait to relax and take some much needed sleep.

The whole ride Zeke didn't say anyword I guess he understands what I am talking about he didn't say a single word but I can see from the mirror that he is frustrated just like I was in this morning. If looks can kill he will definitely kill Fen with one single eye shot. The moment Fen holds my hand he starts getting angry It feels like a slap to his face which he did to me in the morning.

--------After some time---------

------ Car Engine Off------

Esmeray - Killer so this is me , I am so tired that It feels like I can sleep till tomorrow or day after, but it doesn't matter I have to get up tomorrow for classes, it's just my third day and so much drama and events are happening it feels like I am in some adventure movie.*sigh*

Fenris - You are clumsy but you are safe that's all matter, just be cautious all time okay and take care of yourself everything will be alright. Anyway I was thinking.....

Before Fenris can finish his words Ezekiel interrupt him and start talking....

Ezekiel - I should stay with her Ri my room is close to her and I can easily slip through her window in case of any emergencies. I think we should not leave her alone atleast for tonight.

*Fenris raise an eyebrow totally unhappy with the Ezekiel choice of words* Then he answer

Fenris - I don't think so Ki. She can stay in my dorm it's big enough for two people and I don't have any rules to follow. If everything happens then there is a security too.

*Ezekiel not liking the answer he clenched his jaw so tight it looks like he can literally crach his teeth right here right now, without unclenching his teeth he reply*

Ezekiel - In that way I can also invite her in my dorm room, there she can have everything she could ask for, just she have to say it that's all. But she might need her own dorm room which is her comfort place, that's why I suggest to stay with her that's all..

Before hearing their more argue I unclasp my sea belt and unlock the Fenris car door. I immediately step out of his car without listening their more arguments. And I start walking towards my dorm room because mentally and physically I am exhausted. I just need my sweet bed so I can drift off to sleep ASAP forgetting about the whole damn world which I am facing in regular coffee base. As I am leaving these two mans who is heating an argument which is out of the question.. I just took an 5 and 6 steps before I move further I hear Fenris calling my name...!!!

Fenris - wait for me clumsy I am not leaving you doc said you need someone atleast for today so if you feel dizzy again then I will be there to catch you. So please let me stay with you.

Annoyingly I turn around to face this two mans who is behaving like a boys. I raised an eyebrow and reply —

Esmeray - Why I am capable of staying alone. So no thank you so much you both can get out of here and don't make a scene.!!!

I am frustrated because of the way they are behaving there are so many reason that I should be stay away from them. One who have a gf but didn't even think to tell me about her and when we kissed he kiss me back atleast that time he should stop me before ughhhhh..!!! Never mind...

Second there is Fenris who is don't know what his problem is sometimes he ignore me like I am some kind of disease then suddenly out of nowhere he appears and start taking care of me like I am the most precious thing in his life. When things take a good turn he suddenly disappear and God knows where he went for one or two days then he came back and start apologise without explaining a word to me. I am so tired of this two mans who does they think they are, just because they are hot, handsome and irresistible then every girl will be laying on their feet so they can have some attention from them but God forbid I am not that kind of girl who is going to beg for their attention. I don't even want their attention they can both go to hell... Ughhh...!! It's just my third night in here and I had face so many trouble in these two days that I can't even describe it. It's like i attract all kinds of trouble. I should stay away from these boys the moment I start hanging out with them something strange happen. From now on I am focusing on myself, studying hard and staying away from them as much as possible in that way I won't have enough time to think about them and their stupid hiding games.. As I am speeding my footsteps towards my dorm room so that the both boys won't catch up with me as I am leaving them behind. Why they are even fighting for and making a scene infront of the girls dorm I guess they just want some girls attention. Anyway after I tell Fenris off he didn't come to me I guess he get my message loud and clear. Not thinking about them anymore I enter my dorm room. As I look through my window both were staring at girls dorm like their life depending on it. But then both of them nod their heads as agreeing on something and Ezekiel gone back to his dorm room and Fenris climb on his car and drives away maybe he went to car parking area. I close the curtains of my window and switch on the light. Suddenly I hear a squealing sound and I knew who was that Daisy.!!

Daisy - My god girl are you okay.?? I was worried about you..?? Your mom and dad are coming tomorrow to visit you they think that something happened to you that you didn't call them. Atleast call them to inform that you are okay they were so worried about you.!!

Esmeray - I will but right now I just need a good night sleep and it's late too I am so freaking tired. It feels like I can sleep a whole week without waking up.!! And yeah I am fine it's just a concussion that's all. And why didn't you sleep yet. It's preety late and you have a morning class.

Daisy - Thank god you are okay, Zeke inform me that you were okay but still I want to see you and check up on you with my own eyes so I can finally relax that's why I was waiting for you. Now you need rest and lots of sleep so you can kick that concussion ass. Yeah I have class at early morning but I won't mind because I am totally fit and fine but on the other hand you got hurt so as a friend I have every right to wait for you and worry about you that's all.. Now now climb on the bed and close your eyes you need this girl. Good night and have a sweet sleep.. We can continue our conversation tomorrow.

While Daisy having a conversation with me I change my clothes to my PJs and comb my hair and wash my face before going to bed. My eyes start closing like I order them but in reality I am really tired my eyelids become so heavy I fail to open them. Then I climb on my bed and wish her —

Esmeray - *Yawning* Yes good night girl and you too.!!

I drifted off to sleep but that sweet sleep didn't last any longer.

— In dreams—

I was in my dream flying from one side to another side then I suddenly hear a whispering sound behind a tree. Suddenly my vision gets blurred and when I open my eyes I was in a beautiful garden but I don't where it is but it's like I am in heaven. I gather all my strength and raise from the soft grass which was lying down under my body. Standing up I straight my back confidently holding my head tight and straight I look around but the whisper sound didn't stop yet even after the place has changed. I took a step towards the tree and ask cautionly

Who is there.??

Show yourself..???

Then suddenly the whisper sound stop after that a rustling wind cross my ear while whispering.!!!!

""Danger is coming flower.!!!

Don't believe anyone.!!

Learn to trust the only significant one.!!

Everyone is liar.!!

Run before they strike.!!!

You are the key flower.!!!

Save yourself before it's too late.!!!

Don't make them aahhhhh.!!!!!!""

Before someone can finish his or her words the wind started to chill it's like someone just throw a thousands of ice in the wind so it can change its temperature. Before I think of something some shadows appear behind me clutching my throat it's like they are trying to hurt me.!!! Before that claws catch my throat I run as much as my feet can take me but before I run further from that shadows someone approached me like a wind and start clutching my throat so tight that I can't even breath. It's like all my windpipes were block by these clutcher then that shadows whispered in my ear —

"" I will find you flower ..

You are mine ...

Sooner or later....""

Before he could finish his words I gather all my courage and kick him in the balls he immediately release me I took a long breath because he squeeze my throat so much that I almost lost all of my breath. Then I greeted my teeth while replying —

"" I am not yours..

I am not anyone's too..

So leave me alone..""

And I screamed as much as my body can take then suddenly the vision started to blur. I start waking up in reality but still I was screaming in that dream ""Leave me alone".

Suddenly my eyes are open it's like someone just woke me up. I look around a bit but there is only three people me,Daisy and so as you can see there is two love interest you can choose anyone .

Fenris part

I look around a bit but there is only three people in my dorm room me,Daisy and Fenris. I jerk my eyes before opening them again but still Fenris is there staring at me without blinking I took a deep breath and ask while whispering so I won't wake up Daisy...!!!

Esmeray - What are you doing here.?? I told you I don't need anyone care. I can take care of myself.!! Why don't you leave me alone just like you do all the time.

But he just stand in there then he start walking towards my bed without breaking the eye contact he lean on me and with a husky voice he reply..!!!

Ezekiel part

I look around a bit but there is only three people in my dorm room me,Daisy and Ezekiel.I jerk my eyes before opening them again but still Ezekiel is there staring at me without blinking I took a deep breath and ask while whispering so I won't wake up Daisy...!!!

Esmeray - What are you doing here.?? I told you I don't need anyone care. I can take care of myself.!! Why don't you leave me alone just like you did while your gf show up. Go to your gf dorm room I am not your girlfriend she will be heartbroken if she finds out just go. I don't need you here.

But he just stand in there then he start walking towards my bed without breaking the eye contact he lean on me and with a husky voice he reply.!!!!!

What did the two lover reply.!!

Find out in a next chapter !!!

Please support and enjoy.!!!

Rukia_Debbarmacreators' thoughts