
my gunpla come to life

Joseph_Murphy_8039 · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

chapter 1 death and rebirth

so this story will be updated at my own time, but the character will have system that will interact with the Gundam universe so to speak.

hope that clarifies everything

chapter 1 launching

I just got done watching Gundam build divers i was satisfied with the ending of it.

after i turn off the tv i check the time it was late so i quickly put on my sleep wear to go to bed as i was about to sleep i hear voices yelling normally i am able to ignore this but i had something to do in the morning. 

so i got up and march up the stairs to go outside i hear them getting louder as i make my way towards the door.

 i opened my door to look around to see where they were arguing from i see two of my neighbors also gotten tired of this as well.

finally i see two arguing at the sidewalk i make my over to them with irritation on my face that slowly turned into concern as i got closer.

two people who arguing was a man and a woman as i see the woman was crying with tears of frustration and grief and the man has raged and hatred that i can see just what im getting into i look at my other two neighbors that came with to make their way there to were also concern at this point.

i tapped them both on shoulders as they looked at me i gestured them to hide behind the two trees they nodded went behind them as i make my to arguing people.

"Hey what is going on here people are trying to sleep" i said once i was close enough as two arguing turned to me as the woman have some in her eyes.

"stay out of this sir its between me and her none of your concern" he spat at me as i looked at him like he was a idiot.

"i think it does concerned me because your disturbing the neighborhood with this argument" i said to him 

"look jack just leave me and go home" the woman said to the man known as jack

"no Elise i want to see my kids" jack said to the woman with rage that I'm not comfortable with i can tell what happens next is going To be violence.

"NO jack you are not seeing them you lost custody of them and you have a restraining order" Elise said with finality in her voice that broke whatever little restraints left.

"fine i'll go through you with force then" jack yelled out as he pulled a gun out aim at Elise who screamed in fright i rush at jack grab him he struggle then head butt stunning me he fired at me hitting me with two shots to my chest as i fell my two neighbors tackle jack to the ground

"hey stay with me the ambience is on its way" Elise said to me as she try's to stop the blood from coming out of me.

my vision is a blur now I see a white light along with flashing lights as my vision fades away my last thought was I'm going to miss my Gundam i made it was a blast playing with offline and online.

as i woke up to pitch black void i hear a voice in my head "don't worry man I'm going to reincarnate you but you won't have your memories of your old life but your Gundam is coming with you."