

Antoinette was a old friend of Ruth and it’s been ages the seen each other until one day them came across themselves and had a conversation from there. Antoinette was going through the most hardship of life until she met her old friend Ruth and from there Ruth decided to help her out, but upon the help Ruth did for Antoinette, she did Ruth evil at the end…. see how life is so blurry sometimes

wilfredbedrin · Hí kịch
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45 Chs

Village Day

Characters: Grandmother, Ruth and Alex

The next morning, Alex and Ruth prepares to set off from the village.

Ruth: Mother, your grandson sends his regards. He misses you.

Grandmother: Tell him I'll be visiting him soon since you people refused to bring him. I also miss him.

Alex: Eeeerm mother please we will want to take our leave today as we discussed last night (Alex politely seeks permission from grandmother)

Grandmother: Okay.....ooooh my dear. Send my regards to my grandson.

Alex puts his hands in his pocket and brings out some money for grandmother.

Alex: Mother please u can have this.

Grandmother: Do you have to do this? You have done enough.

Alex: Mother I insist. We ain't going unless u take it.

Ruth: Mother please just manage this for us

Grandmother: Did u say manage?

Ruth: Aha.....

Grandmother: You people will not kill me. (They all burst into laughter)