

Antoinette was a old friend of Ruth and it’s been ages the seen each other until one day them came across themselves and had a conversation from there. Antoinette was going through the most hardship of life until she met her old friend Ruth and from there Ruth decided to help her out, but upon the help Ruth did for Antoinette, she did Ruth evil at the end…. see how life is so blurry sometimes

wilfredbedrin · Hí kịch
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45 Chs

Living Room

Characters: Ruth, Alex, Wisdom and Musa (Gate boy)

IN THE MORNING: (Mom prepares breakfast for the family)

Ruth: Good morning honey. Sorry for what happened last night.

Alex: It's alright my dear. I've forgiven you but make sure it doesn't happen again.

Ruth: I cross my heart. (They both laughed) please have your seat, breakfast is served. (Daddy joins Wisdom and his mom on the table)

Alex: Today I'll drive u to school myself.

Wisdom: Wow that will be great daddy. (Wisdom happily embraced his father's decision.

Alex: Wisdom we are running late hurry let's set off.

Wisdom: Good bye mom!!! (Wisdom waves his mom)

Ruth: Musa (Gate boy)

Musa: Madam....

Ruth: Open the gate for them (Musa opened the gate and they drove off)