

Antoinette was a old friend of Ruth and it’s been ages the seen each other until one day them came across themselves and had a conversation from there. Antoinette was going through the most hardship of life until she met her old friend Ruth and from there Ruth decided to help her out, but upon the help Ruth did for Antoinette, she did Ruth evil at the end…. see how life is so blurry sometimes

wilfredbedrin · Hí kịch
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45 Chs

At A Bar

Characters: Alex, Alice and Waiter

Alex calls the waiter...

Alex: Waiter, Waiter, Waiter..... aaaaaaah where is the waiter?

The waiter shows up.

Waiter: Good day sir. You are welcome. Please what can we offer you?

Alex: I've been calling you for a while now why???

Waiter: I'm sorry sir. Please what do you care for?

Alex: Attend to the lady first. (He points to Alice)

Waiter: Madam please what do you care for?

Alice: Please get me anything soft.

Alex: And get me something quite mild. Not too hard.

Waiter: Alright sir. I'll be back shortly.

Alex: Alice, so how do you find this place?

Alice: Not too bad. It's a very nice and serene environment. I wish I come here regular for relaxation. (She smiles)

Alex: Is that a request.....(He smiles)

Alice: Eeeeeerm if I should say..... Then yes ooooh boss.

Alex: Request granted for your good work done. We won the contract as a result of your hardwork on the assignment given to you.

Alice: I'm happy we won the contract at last.

The waiter shows up again with their order. He gently places them on the table.

Alex: Alright. Thank you.

Alice takes her juice and have a sip.

Alice: Wow it really tastes good. Boss thank you so much.

Alex: Come on. We came to have fun over here. Just order for anything. All bills on me. (He signals the waiter to attend to them)

Alice: I'm okay with this oooh

Alex: What kinds of meat do you have?

Waiter: We have all kinds of meat available here.

Alex: Okay do you have bush meat?

Waiter: Yes please.

Alex: Alright get her some.

Waiter: Okay sir

Alice: Boss you will spoil me today oooh

Alex: I said just order and you will be served.

Alice: Really!!!!! (She raises her eyeballs)

Alex: Yes.... I'm in charge....

They all laughed