

Antoinette was a old friend of Ruth and it’s been ages the seen each other until one day them came across themselves and had a conversation from there. Antoinette was going through the most hardship of life until she met her old friend Ruth and from there Ruth decided to help her out, but upon the help Ruth did for Antoinette, she did Ruth evil at the end…. see how life is so blurry sometimes

wilfredbedrin · Hí kịch
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45 Chs

Alex's House Day

Characters: Ruth, Antoinette, Wisdom and Musa

Ruth makes breakfast for her husband. Alex prepares to go to work.

Ruth: Honey good morning. How was your night?

Alex: Splendid..... (He smiles at his wife)

Ruth: Please breakfast is served.

He sits whilst Ruth serves him breakfast. Wisdom comes out from his room.

Wisdom: Good morning daddy...

Alex: Good morning my boy. How are you feeling this morning?

Wisdom: I'm feeling quite better daddy.

Alex: That sounds really great. Join me let's have breakfast.

Wisdom: Okay daddy. (He sits on the table and have breakfast with his daddy)

Antoinette later comes into the living room.

Antoinette: Good morning father and son.

Wisdom: Good morning auntie.

Antoinette: How are you feeling today?

Wisdom: I'm fine auntie.

Alex: Antoinette kindly join us on the table.

Antoinette: Fine thank you. I'll have mine later.

Alex: Alright..... (He shakes his head and smiles)

Antoinette: I can see you are ready to leave.

Alex: Yeah I am on my way.....

Antoinette: Alright. Have a nice day.

Wisdom: Good bye daddy. (He waves bye....)

Alex: Bye my boy....

Ruth shows up....

Ruth: Honey please are you ready?

Alex: Yeah sweetheart

Ruth: Please let me see you off. (Ruth escorts her husband to the car)

Alex: Alright honey please take good care of my boy for me. (He smiles)

Ruth hugs her husband and bids him good bye.... and calls Musa to open the gate.

Ruth: Musa... Musa... (She shouts and calls Musa)

Musa: Yes madam..... (He comes out of the guard room)

Ruth: Open the gate for him.....

Musa quickly runs to open the gate.... He waves Alex

Ruth returns to the living room and have a chat with Antoinette.

Antoinette: Is your husband gone?

Ruth: Yeah he's gone. Why any problem??

Antoinette: Not really..... But won't you go to work today? It's like you ain't prepared.

Ruth: oooh nooo I'm not going to work today. (She smiles)

Antoinette: Why is there any problem?? (Surprises draw on her face)

Ruth: Ooooh noooo why do you say so??

Antoinette: I'm just wondering why you didn't go to work and you don't seem I'll too.

Ruth: Oh yeah I'm not sick. I just want to stay back and have some time with my little angel. He needs me around him this time. (She smiles)

Antoinette: Oh really...

Ruth: Yeah....

Antoinette: But I'm around. (Surprises show on her face) Why is it because of the incident that happened? Is that you don't want him around me anymore?? (She sadly asks)

Ruth: Hey Antoinette!!! What's wrong?? Why would you talk like that?? It's far from that my sister. I just want to be with you guys for today. Why are you saying this??

Antoinette: Please I'm sorry if I offended you in my words. I'm sorry I meant no harm. I was just thinking aloud.

Ruth: its okay my sister. It's nothing to worry about. Remember we are still friends. (They all smile) There's something I want you to do for me.

Antoinette: Tell me I'll do anything for you. (She smiles)

Ruth: Eeeerm please I would want you to help me get some foodstuffs from the market so we can prepare lunch later in the day for Wisdom. I want to surprise him.

Antoinette: Okay then let me get inside and prepare. (She enters her room.)