

Antoinette was a old friend of Ruth and it’s been ages the seen each other until one day them came across themselves and had a conversation from there. Antoinette was going through the most hardship of life until she met her old friend Ruth and from there Ruth decided to help her out, but upon the help Ruth did for Antoinette, she did Ruth evil at the end…. see how life is so blurry sometimes

wilfredbedrin · Hí kịch
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45 Chs

Alex’s House Day

Characters: Wisdom, Ruth and Antoinette

Alex returns from work. Antoinette peeps through the window.

Antoinette: Wisdom daddy is in...

Ruth: Wow he's come early today ooh

Antoinette: Maybe he has something special for you....

Wisdom: I can't wait to have it. (He smiles joyfully)

Ruth enters the living room.

Ruth: Is that not daddy??? It's like he has closed very early today.

Alex enters the room.

Alex: Anybody home!!!!!!

Wisdom runs to him to welcome him.

Ruth: Welcome honey...(She kisses his cheeks)

Wisdom: Welcome daddy...You have closed early today.

Ruth: Yeah honey you have closed very early today why????

Alex: Yeah I came early because of my Wisdom.

Antoinette takes his bag and welcomes him.

Antoinette: Welcome...

Alex: Thank you.... I have something in the rubber bag give it to Wisdom.

Wisdom: Wow!!! Thank you daddy. You are the best.

Alex: How are you faring today?

Wisdom: I'm very fine daddy. I'll even go to school tomorrow.

Alex: Hahahaha (He laughs) really???

Wisdom: Yes daddy...

Alex: I can see you have really missed your friends.... Don't worry if by tomorrow morning and you are fine why not you will definitely go to school.

Ruth: Honey please we had lunch yours is served.

Wisdom takes his chocolate and shares with Antoinette.

Antoinette: Oh thank you my dear... (She takes a bite) wow the chocolate tastes so nice.

Alex sits and dine with Ruth.

Alex: Wow honey your phone tastes really good.

Ruth: Hahahaha (She happily laughs) really....

Alex: Yeah as usual you are always good at what you do.

Ruth: Then you had it wrong this time. I didn't cook it. It's not handwriting. (She laughs)

Alex: So who did?

Ruth: Antoinette of course.

Alex: Really!!!!! (With much surprise on his face) are you sure!!!!

Antoinette becomes curious to know what Alex will say next.

Ruth: She did. You can ask her or even Wisdom. I never went to the kitchen, I was all here in the living room with Wisdom.

Alex: Then she's a very good cook. I can see I'm now in the mist of professional cooks. They both laugh. Antoinette overhead their conversation and becomes complaisant.