
My Great vampire lord system

This is the story after the destruction appear on earth and human awakening their bloodline.Bit their was a ordinary boy who has not awake his bloodline and always bully by other. One day he meet a vampire which have promised him that he will give his power to him and help him to become strongest in all humanrace.In a world filled with abilities and superpowers, Aryan singha, a 16-year-old boy, is an orphan who is living his life with a little too much optimism, trying his best to get by. Due to him having no ability, he had been bullied and tortured everyday.Now that Aryan has the power to change his cruel destiny, how will he use it to get back at the world that wronged him on the road to becoming the vampire lord.

Rudra_kumar_Singh · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

killing deman

"Green weak monster," Aryan said emotionlessly.

"I heard they wield rusty daggers and other weapons. Is it okay for us not to bring any equipment with us?" Kavya asked.

"I think it should be fine, you should be strong enough to kill them with your nails," Aryan said with a smile.

"Am I that strong now?" asked Kavya, looking at her long black nails.

As the two of them proceeded down the corridor, they heard the angry scream of a creature within the cave.

The little green men wearing a dirty loincloth and carrying a small rusted dagger came towards Aryan and Kavya.

"The first one is mine!" Aryan said, running towards the monster at great speed, leaving a trail of red light behind him as his hands suddenly transformed into vampiric claws!

The green monster couldn't react to Aryan's movement and he saw two red things fall on his body, and bite him!

Slash! Slash!

The monster was cut in two and its body suddenly exploded into black smoke, leaving behind two small circular energy rings.

Kavya was shocked as she could barely see what had just happened, everything had happened in less than ten seconds.

"E-eh? Is it dead already?" asked Kavya, 

Then Aryan picked up both the energy circles that had fallen from the demon's body.

"Yeah, what did you expect? A tough fight against a green monster? This monster isn't Rank Seven," Aryan said.

"Seven rank green monster?" asked Kavya in confusion.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, these are energy circles, they have already taught us so much in school, right?" Kavya! said Aryan, showing the energy circles.

"Oh, the one that increases our power points?" Kavya asked.

Aryan said, "Yes, these will only work for us until we reach 75 points in each stat of Power Points, as they are first-rank energy chakras."

"Oh, as teacher explained first-rank energy chakras can be used until they become useless, and we need to absorb higher ranked energy chakras" said Kavya.

"We will use these up to 75, then we will use second-rank up to 150, then third-rank up to 300, then fourth-rank up to 600, fifth-rank up to 1200, sixth-rank up to 2400 and so on. Most of our classmates have these on an average of 75-150 points depending on talent and how efficiently they can hunt these. However, even when we reach fourth-rank, there are no fourth-rank space caves around to increase our points," Aryan said.

"I see, Aryan- Sir, you know a lot!" said Kavya, as she extended her hand towards the energy circle.

"Hmmm? What are you trying to grab? These are mine, if you want some for yourself, hunt them down with the power I have given you, Kavya," Aryan said.

"Ah! Well I guess you are right! I have to do something for myself, now that I have got this power and everything!" Kavya said, her eyes shining with conviction, however, Aryan had already walked away from her.

"Eh? Wait, Aryan Sir! Don't leave me alone!" Kavya shouted, and ran towards Aryan with her top speed.

Aryan went inside the damp and dark caves. Green monsters were chasing him around, raising their rusted weapons and roaring terribly.

A green demon came from Aryan's left, trying to attack Aryan's back with its axe, however, Aryan dodged in time with a jump kick, and used its vampiric claws to cut off the demon's head with a swipe of its hand.

However, there was no time to rest, as two more demons emerged from behind him, one holding a sword and the other a knife, plunging their rusty blades into Aryan's back!


Aryan felt a slight pain but then he turned his body in a fraction of a second and cut both the demons into two parts simultaneously with his demonic claws.

Slash! Slash!

Both monsters exploded into black smoke, as both only had one energy circle left.

"Since I got two energy chakras from the first one, I actually thought I would get at least one energy chakra per monster, but their energy chakra generating ability seems to be low, I guess I got lucky with my first attack" Aryan said, since he entered the cave he had killed about 12 green monsters, but he only had five energy chakras, including this new one.

A first-rank energy circle can only grant 1 point of stat, so Aryan will need a larger amount if he wants to hit the maximum number of points and become a second-rank warrior.

"They're fast!" Kavya yelled, as she used her black nails to puncture the green monsters' chests and faces, injecting a deadly poison into their flesh, causing them to crumble into the ground.

However, Kavya lacked much smartness, and was often attacked by various demons, so Aryan had to help her a little.