
Chapter 297 Separate Actions

After cooking the fish back at the cave, everyone had a bit to eat, and then we discussed which way to go next.

Looking at the maps we had collected, Wei Guo, the pale scholar, and Xu Shao had Map A, while Liu Chen, Li Wenshan, and Yang Qing had Map C, which meant that for a good length of the journey ahead, we would have to split up and go separately.

The skinny dark-skinned man looked at everyone with a confused expression, "So, who am I teaming up with?"

Li Wenshan leaned in to look and laughed, "Oh, you have Map B. No one else here has the same one; you're in a group by yourself."

"No, really?" The skinny dark-skinned man looked at everyone in shock, then angrily threw the map down, "How can I be so unlucky? Everyone else has a team, and I have to go alone; this isn't fair!"

"You might encounter like-minded people on the way, and you can still form teams then!" Liu Chen laughed.