
My Godkiller System

https://discord.com/invite/kP7qGdFC Born in a world where those with strong abilities ruled, Shian was born in this era in a poor family that was barely able to survive, his mother left him and his terminally ill father to be with another man because she couldn't cope with the difficulties. Shian was then trained thoroughly by his father before he passed away, and due to the constant threat of the Cythrauls, Shian trained with all his might. After the death of his father, he made a promise to himself to rise to power and become powerful enough to protect those around him to prevent himself from facing emotional pain again. Find out how he does this as he awakens the Ancient Godkiller System which aids him in his odyssey.

JJ_Smart · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

Run, Run, Run!!

The trio looked at each other for a split second, and as if a being had suddenly took control of them, they blasted out of the room at their highest speeds and began to run towards the Red Zone with only one thought in their minds.




In a spacious hall decorated in grand style, chandeliers hanging from the ceilings with luminescent crystals that released a warm glow, a red carpet accurately splitting the hall into two, windows with transparent curtains that let in the sun's warm rays, the walls that were draped with decorative materials, and several rows of chairs lined perfectly, there sat all the students that had just awakened their abilities.

They faced the stage in the center of the hall that had all the authoritative figures of the Academy sitting calmly.

Several teachers of different departments sat gracefully, and Dormamu Silva, in his imposing armour, reclined on his chair like some ancient king on his throne.

They were being briefed on how the academy worked, what they needed to watch out for, things to be done and things that shouldn't, how their classes were going to be arranged and many more.

Shian sat and listened carefully, Ryan by his side doing the same, they heard some rules that made them rejoice gleefully inside them, and some that made them twist their faces in despair.

All weapons were going to be seized, and all spatial rings would be kept with them too, this had made Shian a bit unhappy, but he soon forgot about it and listened to the speaker.

"....and finally, to let you all know, the senior years must be treated like teachers and their words like gold, if you violate this rule, they are allowed to punish you as they see fit, and if you try to fight back or report them, don't blame us when you suddenly go missing, or your mutilated corpse is found soaking in a pool of blood somwhere."




A feeling of dread descended on the students like a tide and they voiced out their complaints immediately.

"What bullshit are you spouting?!!!"

"Do you want us dead or something?!!!"

"How can you say such a thing boldly?!!!"

"Hahaha, they must be joking!"

Questions and curses rained down on the figures, but they didn't flinch, neither did they retort.

Shian was just as dumbfounded and angry as the rest, but he kept to himself and didn't speak.

Then, just like it had started, it had stopped, a blood cuddling fear crept up the students spine and their mouths were sealed shut.

"You dare question our authority?" Dormamu, as scary as always, said lightly, his voice traveling into the students ears and making goosebumps erupt on their flesh.

"The purpose of this is to make you strive to be a stronger version of yourselves, and cultivate strong warriors for the sake of this crumbling world."

"We do not care if you like our rules, and if you can't respect them, leave while you still own your lives, or they might be cut short by your disobeience."

No one uttered a word or dared to breathe out loud after that.

"And for this blatant display of disrespect, Sanna Zain, a second year, will discipline you all who dared initiate a protest."

No one knew who this Sanna Zain was, but they knew that they would be punished severely by him, and no one wanted that.

"How hard can the punishment be!!!" The boy who had started everything said once again, trying to rile up the crowd and pull then to his side. "Rules can be changed if they affect everyone negatively, we can't say nothing when our lives are at stake here!!"

Alas, if only words could move people, the world would have long ago been peaceful. No one looked in his direction, he was left to carry his cross alone.

"Cowards." The boy muttered.

Dormamu his scary speech with that, he said no more, and the students were then taken care of by the staffs.

Their space rings, weapons and other banned items were taken away from them and given to Dormamu.

Shian sighed as his trusty Scythe was gone, and ignored the stares he was receiving after pulling out almost twenty different weapons.

Even Ryan was surprised even though he new already the amount of weapons Shian kept in his space ring and his mastery over them.

Shain and Ryan did all what had to do and were led to their dormitory, and the rest was history.

They were running for their dear lives, because from the boys or girls dorm to the Red zone, it would take the fastest sprinter at least ten minutes to reach there if they ran at their full speed, so Shian didn't care about the other two and moved at his top speed.

He burst out of the building with stunning speed, though no one cared about that as they were too focused on their own legs.

Shian didn't see how it happened, but Ryan was suddenly by his side and was running almost as fast as him.

All their time together in the Blackwill's mansion, had made Ryan adapt to Shian and also get his physical strength increased by a notch, though it still wasn't enough to match Shian who had lived his whole life fighting to survive.

Shian could be seen leading the charge as he passed by several lucky students who were outdoors when the transmission had entered.

They all had expected only Noel Wesley to be called –The boy who had caused everything– and not them all, and even if they all would be called, they didn't expect it to be this soon, and even be such a hard thing to reach the destined punishment ground.

So they pushed theirselves to the limit in hopes of getting there in time.


Within the confines of a room sat, a yellow haired boy, he had a crazy smile plastered on his face, and behind him, were two wooden puppets.

The yellow haired boy's smile widened as he watched several screens displaying the image of all the first year students in the academy, sprinting like their lives depended in it, and then, he made some gestures with his fingers.

A pulse went out of him, and the puppets behind him came alive, they shook briefly, and got down on their knees with their heads bowed.

"Slow them down." The yellow haired boy said sinisterly. "Make sure no one gets here in time."

The puppets clanked as they got to their feets, and walked out of the room.