
My Goddess System

Kayden lane, an average male soldier that died in combat, finds himself reincarnated into a goddess, and yes, a GODDESS. He finds a new way to live life more enjoyably. But finding some difficulty living an enjoyable life, he will do anything to live the life he loves. ========= Please at least read the first 30 chapters. This is my first novel, so the beginning might be slow but gets seriously better later on. And you also might find the MC kinda naive. But it gets better, later on, I swear. === Note: I do not own the cover. All rights of the cover belong to the original artist. === Other novels: Reincarnation of the Empire’s legend(It’s also genderbend)

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56 Chs


Lilith launched herself into the air with the force of a thunderbolt, soaring high above the ground. With each passing moment, her muscles coiled and tightened like a spring. As she neared the peak of her ascent, Lilith's foot struck the mountain's surface with a resounding thud, sending fragments of rock and dust scattering in all directions. Using the momentum from the impact, she propelled herself even higher. With each successive leap, Lilith traversed a distance of twenty meters, her body moving with a grace and fluidity that defied the laws of physics.

A surge of exhilaration coursed through Lilith's veins as though she had sprouted wings and taken to the skies. As she ascended the mountain, Lilith's movements became more fluid, more graceful. With every passing moment, the world below her grew smaller and smaller, like a miniature diorama cast in shadow. Soon, she had risen above the clouds themselves, the misty vapors swirling around her like a veil.

Suddenly a veil of white descended from the heavens, blanketing the mountain's surface in a shroud of snow. Yet Lilith wasn't able to feel the biting cold at all, thanks to the perks of being a goddess.

In a few more seconds, Lilith was finally able to reach the top of the mountain. With a flashy entrance, Lilith landed in a soft pile of snow. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but dead trees and withered bushes, their twisted branches reaching up like bony fingers from the frozen earth. 

Lilith set forth on a path that wound its way through the snowy wasteland, her feet kicking up plumes of powder with each step. And then, in the distance, she saw a massive river, its waters shimmering. Maybe if she followed the river, then it would lead her somewhere.

Just then, she heard a child's voice far into the distance. 

Lilith heard the faint sound of a child's voice as if carried on the wind itself, its lilting tones echoing across the snow-covered landscape.

"Eh...? I didn't expect there to be people living this high up...and I'm also..." Lilith's eyes widened in horror as she glanced down at her body. She muttered a curse under her breath, her voice low and fierce, as she realized the gravity of her situation.

But just as she was about to retreat, she heard the voice again. "Grandpa, there's a naked sister by the river!" 

"What? A naked sister?! " Another voice echoed through the vast space. "You must have seen wrong!"

As Lilith's eyes flicked toward the sound of the voices, a strange sight met her gaze. There, standing before her, was a small child with a shock of golden hair and a pair of delicate antlers sprouting from his head. His skin was rosy and flush with warmth, his cheeks dimpled in a joyful smile. He was swathed from head to toe in fur clothing, the thick fibers covering his body like a second skin. Despite the biting cold, he seemed perfectly at ease, as if the frigid air held no power over him. Lilith couldn't help but stare in wonder at this bizarre and wondrous creature, unsure if what she was seeing was real or some sort of hallucination. 

As Lilith's gaze shifted beyond the child, a figure began to materialize in the swirling snow. It was a man, tall and broad-shouldered, with a shock of silver hair cascading down his back. Like the child before him, he bore a set of antlers atop his head, the elegant branches spiraling upward like a pair of natural crowns. His features were stern and weathered as if etched by the winds and storms of a lifetime spent in the wild. 

Lilith stood rooted to the spot, her eyes wide with wonder and disbelief as she took in the strange pair before her. Her gaze was fixed upon the child's delicate antlers. Her eyes were pools of deep crimson, shining like twin beacons in the midst of the swirling snow.

As the man drew closer to Lilith, his eyes widened in surprise and alarm as he caught sight of her glowing crimson gaze. A shudder ran through him, and he took an involuntary step back, his hand reaching for a weapon that wasn't there. His mind raced with memories of his past with demons and devils.

The man couldn't help but feel a thrill of desire and apprehension as his eyes roved over Lilith's bare form. Her curves were smooth and supple, and the soft glow of her skin seemed to beckon him closer. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he wondered if this was some kind of trick, some devilish ploy to lure him into her clutches. His mind raced with images of succubi, their sensuous forms, and the siren call leading foolish men to their doom. 

Lilith parted her lips to speak, but before a single word could escape, the man's hand shot out, seizing the child by the collar of his fur cloak and yanking him backward. Lilith watched as the man leaped back several paces, his eyes darting nervously from the Lilith to the boy in his grasp. Lilith was left with confusion about what had just happened. Did they just run away from her? 

Returning to a safer place, the man placed the child back down on the ground. "Whatever, don't look at that demon too much, and definitely don't listen to whatever she has to say. She might be using hypnotizing speech. We have to change the demon out. Remember your teachings."

"Yes, teacher." The little boy nodded.