
My God slayer system

When the gods of the Universe got bored and tired of seeing the same creatures they decided to bring an end to humanity..... Humans managed to survive and those ones who did got immensely stronger and created cultivation paths unique to humanity,to protect humanity,the universe then blesses a certain boy with a supreme divine cheat bringing an end to the gods?....is that what you want your ending to be?......Yes?...... well you're in for a huge surprise.

cake_fish · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

Talent skill, yearly test

"Holy shit! "

I am so excited.....what the hell?

I have so many affinities-


Host you have yet to open your basic talent bundle.

Oh....hmmm,ok open it system.


Host you have received the talent SURVIVAL RADAR.

Would you like to read the description?

"Yes system"



The SURVIVAL RADAR allows you to scan auras, surroundings, climate and even vibrations.

"Oh shit.....shit,shit,shit I'm freaking out system,are you sure this is a basic awakening bundle?


"yes host"


"BOOM,BOOM,BOOM get the hell out here Lucian the yearly test is officially stating tomorrow!" said the person.

"Oh shit.....ok sir I'll be prepared for tomorrow"said Lucian.

"You better be,you little devil"said the person.

"Hehe, I'll be ready alright.... I'll be so ready"

"Bang, bang bang,open up Lucian!"said the person.

"Coming sir"

"Good morning sir-"

"Get the hell outta the healing pagoda!"

"Yes sir"

Scurrying out of the hall and then moving towards the dorm rooms,he then paused on the road and said in his mind....

Survival Radar-Vibration technique.


Suddenly his brain started capturing millions of vibrational energies around him, making him scream in pain....


"You are such a fool"the system said.

While clutching his head,he immediately screamed out..... Deactivate!!!!!



He then collapsed straight to the ground.