
My Girlfriends Can Kick Your Ass (And Look Good Doing It)

This novel has everything you love about harem. Harem novels are great if the girs are depenable and has their own quirks and appeal...And perfect if each of them has different tastes and different behaviors...The girls are highly skilled as title suggest but mc is unyielding .....................................................................------------------------------------------------- Haruto Kurogane's life takes an unexpected turn when he joins the debate club at his new school. Little does he know, this seemingly innocuous decision will lead him down a rabbit hole From the alluring and cunning Yumi to the stoic and observant Rei, each woman holds a piece of mystery to it Due to a sudden Dat- hanging out going wrong...Haruto has been exposed to the supernatural world and survives...After waking up from the hospital his life changes- "Join the dark side...I have million cultists " The mysterous leader emerged "Which colour is your buggati " Akira says by slapping everyone with her own money "It's not like I like you or something " Yumi during their wedding day "Ohoho Haruto you can run away from a goddess " A familar goddess known to haruto speaks "Don't worry Haruto....I will protect you...." Rei whisperes to him while caressing him. I am the bane of my own existence Mind is my body and Holy is in my blood, I have used and discarded thousand objects Neither created nor destroyed I have withstood pain to get this far Yet those conflicts will never end So, As I want, Never ending wonderful life Tags: #oyakodon#Harem #Mystery #Goddess #Assassin #Cult-leader #No NTR #No-Yuri #Proactive mc #Strongfemalelead #Supernatural #Vampires #Ghosts #Mythology #Demon #Witch #magic #system Contains 3 books Book1-ongoing Inspired by higurashi and Grisaia series from frontwing

DaoistXslFRK · Thành thị
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35 Chs

Where was I

My head pounded like a drum solo. Everything felt blurry. One minute I was walking, the next I was… where? A hospital room? Faces swam in and out of my focus, their voices a jumbled mess inside my mind

Then, darkness. A giant blank space where my memories should be. It freaked me out. Like being lost in a thick fog, unable to see anything.

Suddenly, sharp voices cut through the haze. People in kimonos, their faces etched with concern, hovered around me. "Haruto-san, can you hear us?" one asked. "Do you remember what happened?"

But what could I say? I should be the one asking questions! Why was I here, in this sterile room, with a throbbing headache? Last I remembered, I was at the park… then nothing. Just sleep, an endless, inky sleep, until I woke up here.

Everything felt strange, like I was watching a movie of my own life. But the worst part? I didn't know the plot.

The woman in the kimono, her face etched with a mix of worry and something… familiar? Gently helped me sit up. Disoriented, I followed her down sterile white hallways, I saw some of boxes vigoursly shaking and lights switching off and on like a horror movie. We stopped at a large, wooden door that seemed out of place in the modern setting. She bowed slightly and whispered, "The Hayakawa clan head awaits, Haruto-san."

Hayakawa clan head? My head throbbed with a new kind of pain – confusion. Clans? What was she talking about? Before I could protest, the woman opened the door, ushering me inside.

The room was surprisingly modern, furnished with plush chairs and a low table. Three figures sat around it. A stern-looking man with a salt-and-pepper beard, a girl my age with fiery red hair styled in a traditional bun, and another girl with gentle eyes and long, black hair. Wait I recognize this girl

The woman with the kimono bowed again and left, closing the door with a soft click. The man cleared his throat. "Haruto, I heard about you from my daughter, it's good to see you awake. I'm Masao Hayakawa, and yumi is our clan head."

Masao Hayakawa? Same surname as Yumi... Clan head? My head throbbed with a new wave of confusion. Clans? Yumi, the girl who always seemed more interested in rolling her eyes at me, was the head of a clan? The surprise must have shown on my face because Yumi, raised an eyebrow.

"Don't worry about it," Yumi said gently, her earlier amusement replaced by concern. "We can explain everything later. Right now, the most important thing is that you're awake."

I managed a weak nod, the throbbing in my head making it difficult to concentrate. "Okay," I croaked. "Clan head, huh? Never would have guessed."

A flicker of a smile crossed Yumi's lips, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared. "There's a lot you wouldn't guess, Haruto," she said, her voice turning serious. "But that's why we're here. To help you remember."

The air in the room grew thick with unspoken tension. Before I could voice my growing list of questions, Yumi leaned forward, her gaze intent.

"Haruto," she said, her voice dropping to a low cold voice, "do you remember anything at all? Anything about the night you collapsed?"

The question hung heavy in the air. My mind, still shrouded in fog, offered nothing. "I..." I stammered, frustration building. "No. Nothing. Shouldn't I be the one asking questions? Why am I here? What happened to me?"

Yumi's fiery eyes seemed to flicker with something akin to desperation. "That's what we're trying to figure out," she snapped. "You were found unconscious in the park, with no memory of what happened. But that's not all..." Her voice trailed off, a pained expression crossing her face.

"There was another victim," she continued, her voice barely a whisper. "A woman... a wolf woman, to be precise. She was found near you, brutally beaten. And worse... children. Several children, found dead nearby separated their heads from their bodies."

My breath hitched. Wolf woman? Children? The words echoed in the emptiness of my mind, unease. "A wolf woman?" I echoed, the words tasting strange on my tongue. "What does that even mean?"

Yumi's eyes narrowed. "It means we have a monster on the loose, Haruto," she said, her voice laced with ice. "And we need to find out who it is. We need to know if you're involved..." Her voice trailed off, replaced by a heavy silence.

"Me?" I scoffed, disbelief coloring my voice. "Why would I be involved in something like that?" But even as I spoke, doubt crept into my heart. The memory gap, the pounding headache... There is no way I am involved?

"Surprised?" she asked, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. It was a look I wasn't used to seeing from her. "There's a lot you don't remember, huh? You were alive and unharmed of course there is something very suspicious"

I glared at her, the playful tone grating on my nerves. "Even if you don't exactly like guys,"

I shot back, referencing her usual dismissive attitude towards me in the history club, "and maybe even despise me in particular, that doesn't give you the right to accuse me of murder."

Yumi's smirk vanished instantly, replaced by a steely glint in her eyes. "It's not about that, Haruto," she snapped.

"This is bigger than our petty arguments in mystery club." Her voice softened slightly. "Look, I just want to know what happened that night. You were there, Haruto. And right now, you're the only lead we have."

Before I could retort, a deep rumble sounded from the man at the table, Masao Hayakawa. He held up a placating hand. "Enough, Yumi. Let's not jump to conclusions.

Haruto is clearly not well, and these accusations aren't helping." He turned to me, his voice firm but kind. "We just want to understand what happened, Haruto. If you can remember anything, anything at all, please tell us."

Just then, the girl with black hair, Hana, spoke up for the first time. She glanced at a clock on the wall, her brow furrowing slightly. "Young mistress yumi" she said to Yumi, "it's almost time for the evening ritual."

The mention of a ritual did little to calm the storm brewing inside me. "Ritual?" I scoffed. "Can't that wait? This is important! I need to know what's going on. Why am I here? Why am I suspected of—"

"Absolutely not, Haruto," Yumi interrupted, her voice regaining its icy edge. "The evening ritual is sacred and cannot be delayed for your convenience." She stood abruptly, her fiery hair brushing against her shoulders. "Come on," she said, gesturing towards the door.

Before I could protest further, Yumi was already striding out of the room. Masao Hayakawa offered me an apologetic nod and followed Yumi, leaving me alone with Hana.

"Hey," I said, frustration coloring my voice. "What the heck is going on here? Why am I being dragged around without any explanation? I don't have any idea what it is "

I don't the fuck is going and where am I. This place is like traditional and yet horrific to stay here. Why do these people aren't giving any explanation

Hana looked at me with a mixture of sympathy and apprehension. "I understand your frustration, Haruto-sama," she said gently. "But trust me, things will be explained in time. Right now, it's important that you attend the ritual."

"Important? Important for who?" I demanded, my voice rising. "This whole situation is insane! A monster, a dead woman, a missing memory, and now some mysterious ritual? I want answers, you! And I want them now!"

My outburst hung heavy in the air. Hana flinched slightly, her eyes filled with a sadness I couldn't understand. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could get a word out, the door creaked open and Yumi reappeared, her face etched with annoyance.

"Honestly, Haruto," she snapped. "Can you be any less cooperative? The ritual is starting, and we don't have all night." She grabbed my arm, her grip surprisingly strong, and began pulling me out of the room. When did I get so weak...or that she is stronger than I think

Uncooperative she says while she is not cooperating with me.

This woman.....Pisses me off

First she will object my ideas and then criticize my decision and make me convience that I am the worst living human on earth and that too she behaves as if boys aren't important. Why are pretty girls such irritating

Panic surged through me. Being yanked around by this fiery bitch was one thing, but being forced into some unknown ritual was another entirely. "No way!" I yelled, digging my legs in. "I'm not going anywhere until I—"

But my protests were cut short as Yumi yanked me forward with surprising strength. Hana followed behind, her face a mask of concern.

"This is kidnapping. " I protested

"Shut up, Haruto," Yumi spat back, her fiery temper flaring. "This isn't a kidnapping, it's crucial! Don't you understand? You're the only lead we have in this entire mess!"

"Lead? Lead about what?" I demanded, frustrated. Better be good explanation.