[Author's Note: A reader asked me to create a support chapter with the main girls of this novel, and I understand that there are people who go some time without reading, to let chapters accumulate, some people also forget about them, and it's okay, after all this is a long novel.
I also know how important a chapter like this is to help people with some psychological problems like ASD, Dyslexia, Autism, and others.
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter of described literature. Take care!]
— Meredith Scully
(First time she appears: Chapter 2)
Meredith is a half-fox who has a silky orange tail, the same shade as her ears. Her full breasts and thin face are the things that most attract Luke, who has not known since his childhood how to advance the relationship, even though he is often teased by the girl.
Although Meredith is twenty years old at the beginning of the story, she has no expectations of a future or dreams, so when Matthew and Ynosuke have the plan to rob the Strogueher gene train, she immediately accepts. That seemed to be the only way out of her life in the shadows of Oukiwa.
The half-fox is a shrewd girl, who has studied hard to never be fooled by anyone and is able to help Luke in her own way. She admires the half-wolf so much for his selflessness, and before she knew it she was already liking him, but she always felt that she ended up in the background, never up to Luke's standards.
Meredith dreams of living well alongside her friends, and this is what motivates her to get out of bed every day.
— Ayumi Yamazaki
(First time appearing: Chapter 3)
Known nationally as one of the most beautiful women in the Broteforge Empire, many feels that her position as Matriarch of the Strogueher Noble Family only further accentuates her beauty.
Ayumi is a tall, blonde elf with large breasts and eyes as green as emeralds. To everyone, she has an air of superiority, which leaves her in status to many unattainable, and Ayumi is positively surprised when she sees that the half-wolf does not see her as everyone else does.
At first, she convinces herself that her love interest in Luke is purely to protect her daughter, Nathalia, and she uses this justification to get with him for the first time, but as the days go by, during her trips to Oukiwa, she realizes that she feels something real for the young bodyguard.
Although Ayumi Yamazaki is a highly respected woman, she has never been an Adventurer and has never even entered a Dungeon, but she still has powerful Gene's abilities to defend herself if necessary.
— Nathalia Strogueher
(First time appearing: Chapter 10)
Initially introduced as the girl with a beauty so stunning that it makes Luke's heart flutter, Nathalia is now 20 years old, but still has the appearance and look of an innocent young girl.
Her long white hair accentuates the color of her eyes, which are a ruby red shade. Even though she is Ayumi Yamazaki's daughter, she still carries Strogueher blood in her veins, which is why her bust is not as voluminous as that of her mother.
At first, little is known about her motivations for wanting to enter Vasconcelos Dungeon. Perhaps he wants to learn? Perhaps he wants an adrenaline rush for his monotonous life? None of these options is the real thing, for the girl's greatest desire is not to prove something to herself but to the rest of her family.
Since Luke is her partner in the day-to-day life in Dungeon, they quickly create an important bond. While she struggles to reach her goal, Luke protects her from the greatest dangers, but without hindering her development.
Could this bond of friendship evolve into something more romantic?
— Alexis Dmitry (The S-Class)
(First appearance: Chapter 56)
Like Luke Lange, Alexis is a half-beast, half-dragon, who carries on her shoulders the responsibility of being one of the few people on the continent who knows about the existence of demons and wishes to annihilate them.
Although she is a very young S-Class Adventurer, little is told about her background in this risky profession, but her strength is undeniable, being able to give Luke goosebumps with her powerful abilities.
Her bright reddish horns are easily forgotten before the beauty of her face, which with its large eyes and fine features captures any man's attention.
Alexis uses demons as an excuse to stay close to Luke, aiming to protect him and the family of her old friend, Ayumi Yamazaki, with whom she went to university.