
My girlfriend is a BL Writer !? (SEASON ONE)

Meet Satsuki Mariangela Fukumoto, a 20 years old college student at the Seaton Intergrated University of Naga. She’s already in her 3rd year and she’s taking a BS in Digital Illustration and Animation. But her parents were not favorable and to them, she was just nothing but a disgrace and the fact that she holds a disgusting secret which is why they don’t want her to waste her time on the hobbies that she had. And they didn’t want her talent to go to waste just because she was obsessed with her BL. As of now, she was forced to work as an intern content marketing in Wei & Hua Group. She’s one of the illustrators that they needed for the brand designs of the company. The company was owned by the soon heir, Chang Heng Wei. He’s one of the youngest heirs in this company, he’s just the same age as Satsuki. And as the heir, he needs to take his business course seriously because of his father’s wish. That’s why he’s currently taking a BS in Accountancy at Delos Rios University of Manila. Just like Satsuki he’s one of the interns too and his father has been training him in their company because once he graduates automatically he’s going to be the Vice-Chairman of the company. He was known as strict, prideful and he was really scary. Other people can’t take his attitude when they work with him so it’s quite a miracle that Satsuki can continue working with someone like him. In the morning, Satsuki appears to be an innocent and pure girl but what they didn’t know is that she’s a Fujioshi. She's a BL manga artist and writer. She fantasize about him and made him a character in her own story and she imagines him as a bottom due to his cute face.

MissNerdyGirl20 · Thành thị
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50 Chs

CHAPTER 26 (3)

Taking a day off -3.

This isn’t new. And I already knew that she was the type who will always look for a fight. But this girl, she isn’t just irritating but rather she was here to ruin my mood as always. I got closer to her and I crossed my arms and I rolled my eyes, “So? What did you even came here for?” I asked irritatedly. I don’t care what kind of attitude that I should pulled off because I wouldn’t even welcome her because she’s the one who invaded my privacy in the first place.

She just rolled her eyes to me and she got closer to me and she slapped me, “I’m here to warn you. I am Margaux Eunice Chua and I’m the Executive Director of Chua Enterprise in the future. I own a lot of businesses and my dad is a president of the company so don’t try me bitch because I can make your life miserable! And I can become your worse enemy! And I can definitely fired you!” She shouted and she just pushed me away but I didn’t just stood here and do nothing because I slapped her back. Did she really think that I will just let her step on me? She shouldn’t have underestimated me.

“Then remember this you bitch.” I smirked at her and I got closer to her and I pulled her hair, “ You've looked like a waste of food. Meaning, you’re just a random girl that his father picked. If it was me, who would even take an interest in waste like you? So If I were you, you should grow up. You’re not a kid anymore and what you’re acting like now is childish. You’re older than me but you’re so fucking childish.” I said harshly to her. But it didn’t even matter anymore. We’re not in the company anymore so I can say what I want to this woman, plus she was the one who started this fight, not me. I’m not gonna let anyone step on me.

She looked so irritated. But I don’t care. I get that I got no control over the words that I should say, but if it’s her then I wouldn’t hold back on what I should say to her. She almost looked so mature like Momo but between them, Momo is the mature one. This brat doesn’t even scare me at all. Really? Firing me? Does she even think that would be enough to pull me down? I already experience a lot of pains, would I just let them disrespect me all over again? The way how my dad disregarded me and forget me as his daughter, the way how my ex-boyfriend compared me and complained to me just because I’m a big eater? Do you think that her threat will even make me give up? In the end, I will just always look like a villain to everyone even if I wasn’t. I’m already used to people disregarding me so even if she disrespects me right now it doesn’t even have an effect anymore. Why is it always me, huh?

Why do I always have to feel so small every time people disrespect me like this? Was it my fault that I rebelled against my father? Was it my fault that I’m not the kind of girl that Yuuto was looking for? That he has to cheat on me because of how odd a girl that I was? Why do they always have to point this on me? And right now, Margaux is pointing me as a bad person just because Chang Heng choose me? Why is it me again? What did I ever do to deserve all of this? Do they enjoy seeing me hurting? Oh Gosh. I am so sick of this!

My grandma appeared out of a sudden and she hisses, “Could you not make a scene here in our village? And she’s my granddaughter, didn’t you know who are you messing with? She’s the daughter of the Fukumuto group. And what you did to my granddaughter was not unforgivable so expect me to put you down bitch!” Grandma shouted and Margaux was too shocked to even say anything.

“That’s not true..that bitch, isn’t she just a damn assistant? How can she be this rich?” She shouted and I raised my eyebrows and got irritated by her voice. This woman is testing my patience. She’s too damn loud.

“I’m not just a mere assistant, yes the President appointed me to look after his son and for the record, I’m an intern content marketing in the company. At least learn to know me well before even judging. “I glared at her.

Seriously, I can’t believe her. How dare she even say that I was the one who’s flirt here while she’s the one who’s a flirt here? What she’s acting like now is no even different from a mistress. Does she think that I would do nothing if she’s flirting with the guy that I like? She’s taking everything from me. And she always wanted to make a competition with me. But I don’t even think that she was a competition either. Those were just cheap fights. I’m not gonna bother fighting to a damn animal like her. I got closer to my grandma and pushed her a bit then I faced Margaux once again and I slapped her face hard.

“You better remember this, you can never get him from me. You will always be the kind of woman who will just be randomly picked by anyone. He can never have feelings for someone he didn’t love. I wonder why are you this obsessed then? Is it because of money? If it is, then you’re so low kind of woman. I have always been at his side and I will protect him from the people who just wanted to use him so don’t you ever get close to him ever again!” I shouted.

The guards came out of nowhere and I pulled her hair and walk towards the gate, “Get this woman out of here. She suddenly fights me out of nowhere. Don’t you even let this fucking animal visit here ever again!” I shouted at the top of my lungs and I cried. Who is she to do this? Does she think that she can just do what she wants? She’s getting into my nerves. I am not flirting with anyone. So no one dares to do disregard me like this.

“Just make sure that bitch won’t go here again! How dare she hurt my beautiful granddaughter, huh!?” Grandma asked irritatedly and she got closer to me and she hugged me and she gripped on her phone. Looks like she was the one who called the guards.

The guards got closer to Margaux and she tried on fighting them, “Let me go! I can get out on this dirty village on my own!” Margaux shouted and I glared at her. How dare she even say that? She glared at me then she bumped me, “We’re not done yet.”

My hair was so ruined and my face got a few scratches too. That’s why when I arrived at the mansion, the maids looked so worried about me and they decided to take care of me. They don’t need to be so worried like this. It’s just Margaux, nothing else. I can pull her down if she wants. She’ll see what kind of fight she wants.

“I’ll call your siblings to do something about this. Even if she’s the Executive Director, what she has done is wrong! You’re not the kind of person like that Satsuki. She’s just insulting you and I don’t like that. I won’t let her get away with this!” Grandma shouted and she decided to call my siblings on my phone and I sighed deeply.

This is supposed to be my day off, but look at what happened this is a mess.