
chapter 02

Evan: "Ethan, brother, it's Sunday today and I need some notes."

Ethan: "Don't worry, little brother, I'll ask Ava to send you the notes. She has all the notes."

Evan: "I need them today because I have to study today."

Ethan: "Okay, I'll tell Ava to send you the notes. She has all the notes."

Evan: "Okay, brother, tell her now. Call her."

Ethan: "Okay, I'm calling her now."

After a while, Ethan calls Ava.

Ethan: "Hi Ava, how are you?"

Ava: "I'm fine, what about you?"

Ethan: "I'm fine too. I need some notes, can you send them to me?"

Ava: "Sure, how many notes do you need?"

Ethan: "..."

Ethan: "I don't know, let me ask Evan." (to Evan) "How many notes do you need, brother?"

Evan: "Five, brother."

Ethan: "Okay, got it. (to Ava) She needs five notes."

Ava: "Okay, I'll give them to her when I come to the university tomorrow."

Ethan: "No, no, can you send the pictures (of the notes) instead?"

Ava: "Yes, I can do that."

Ethan: "Then send the pictures, please."

Ava: "Okay."

After a while, they start having snacks.