
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs


The next day, Thomas and Ma Shushu packed out a pile of luggage, Thomas looked back at the farmhouse step by step, with a trace of hope. Hope his brother can come out, if not retain, at least send him a send.

But the facts proved that Yan Sen, like him, was a stubborn person, and no one would concede on the issue of principle.

Qin Li will send them to the bus station, Thomas can no longer carry the disappointment in the heart, red eyes, "or the first time was driven out of the house, the heart is uncomfortable ah!"

Mashuishu met him nearby, holding his hand and consoling him, "You have me."

Qin Li listened and couldn't help but correct, "He didn't drive you, just let you leave for a few days, everyone calm down." Otherwise, every day so noisy, there will be only one consequence, that is the separation of the family. After all, you don't want to split up with your brother, do you?"

Thomas asked miserably. "Will my brother change his mind?"

Qin Li took a look at Ma Shushu and asked Thomas in the same words, "Will you change your mind?"

Thomas froze and his face turned very bad.

Seeing this, Ma Shushu said, "Hope is in the world. After all, you are brothers, and if you don't want to part, one of you will give way."

This is true, so Mashuishu is a shrewd man who sees the problem very thoroughly.

Thomas held Qin Li's hand and asked, "My brother is over to you, you should take good care of him, he has a bad stomach and can't drink Coke." Also, he likes to drink green tea, does not like fruit tea, usually only with the Merci brand, tea bags I put in..."

Ma Shu Shu saw him nagging a no play, he could not help but interrupt him, "Well, Li sister is measured, will take good care of your brother."

At this time, the coach came, and Mashuishu grabbed the luggage with one hand and tugged Thomas with the other. He went to the car, and when he was almost out of sight, he turned back quickly.

"Sister Li, let's go first. You take care of yourself."

Thomas was dragged to the car. He grabbed a seat next to the window, eagerly opened the window door, blinked at Qin Li, and waved a tear, "Li, please help me to persuade my brother again..."

Qin Li waved goodbye to them.

Looking at the dusty coach, she could not help smiling, advised? How? It's a dead end on both sides, one is not a mashup, and they both pulled evidence, protected by local law. The other was to protect his brother from harm but also had to stand his ground, it was a nail in the head.

All called Qin Li quarrel, she has what way ah, neither for Thomas divorce and can not reverse the idea of Yan Sen, so she can only two hands a stall, cold mix.

After returning home, Yan Sen is reading the newspaper, Qin Li knows his mind is not in, so even the newspaper is upside down.

He glanced at Qin Li and finally could not help but ask aloud, "Is he gone?"

Qin Li made a cup of green tea and pushed it to Yan Sen. "This is what your brother ordered before he left," he said. "You can only drink this brand of green tea."

Yan Sen reached out to pick up the green tea, drank it, then frowned and complained, "Expired!"

This man is proud enough, the tea bag also points out what has not expired, even expired may not be drunk out. Want her to see, is the brother left, the heart is uncomfortable, make!

These two brothers are real.

Qin Li looked at the clock on the wall and said, "It's almost nine o 'clock, why don't you go to work today?" Has all the grass been cut in the pasture? Will there be enough cattle to eat this winter? Do you want to buy some feed online?"

Who knows, what Qin Li said, Yan Sen did not listen to a word, but said a word, "When will he come back?"

Qin Li was angry and funny, and said, "Since you are not willing to give up, why do dead ducks talk hard?" If you make a move, everyone will be happy."

Yan Sen snorted, "Dream."

Then he got up and walked out.

Looking at his strong back, Qin Li sighed, are all men like this? Is it funny that you care so much, but you're acting like it's just a passing thing?

Qin Li ate breakfast, put away the cutlery, and cleaned up the kitchen. Then she went out with her straw hat.

The vegetables planted in the field have been fruitful, Yan Sen to help her pick, see her too, the way, "to get a weigh over."

Qin Li went home to look for it and finally found it under the bathroom sink, so she strode back with the scale in her hand and asked, "How about this year's harvest?"

Yan Sen, "Tomatoes can take at least 50 kilograms, and this melon..."

There is no winter melon in Germany, so Yan Sen does not know it, so he cannot name it, Qin Li reminds one side, "Winter melon."

"A total of five winter melons are ripe."

Qin Li was happy and urged Yan Sen with a dance, "Where, where, let me see quickly."

Yan Sen turned around and pulled open the leaves to show her. Sure enough, there were several rolling and strong round winter melons.

Qin Li picked one down and held it in his arms like holding a small doll, and he knew that the weight was at least three or four kilograms. Five is twenty kilos, forty cities... God, even if she likes to eat winter melon, eat every day, eat every meal, that must not eat until vomiting?

In addition, watermelons, Dutch beans, hangsola, broad beans, and small green vegetables can be harvested, and these vegetables and fruits can be eaten for three months.

Qin Li is beautiful, Yan Sen poured cold water on her, "rotten."

"Can't you put it in the fridge?"

Yan Sen, "The refrigerator is not safe and can only be kept for a few days. Unless you put it in the freezer."

Qin Li's face suddenly collapsed, "vegetables are to be eaten fresh, put in the freezer taste changed, it is better not to eat."

Yan Sen shrugged. It wasn't his problem.

Qin Li felt worried again in his heart, "So many vegetables can't be eaten after planting, how to do?" We can't throw it away, can we? For cows, chickens and ducks?"

Yan Sen shook his head, "They don't eat."

Qin Li snorted, "I still don't give up."

Finally, Yan Sen proposed a compromise, that is, to sell to the market.

Qin Li heard this and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. It was better to sell than to throw away and rot. Now I know that too much planting will become a burden, so next year, do not be so black, do not kill hard to sow, and resolutely adhere to the principle of how many kinds of food.

But then again, the harvest is different every year, and this year there was a lot of rain and the earth was moist, so there was a good harvest. Will there be a drought next year and nothing will happen?

Just as Qin Li was dreaming, Yan Sen pushed a large wooden box, sorted the fruit, and put them in one by one.

"I'll see what markets there are in nearby cities," he said. "I'll apply for a stall and we'll sell there."

Qin Li looked at such a large basket of fruits and vegetables, very worried, "Then what if you can't sell?"

Yan Sen shrugged, "Then you can only rot in the field to do fertilizer."

Qin Li cried pity, think of how difficult it is to plant them out, and cultivate and fertilize and catch insects, if you rot in the field, your heart will hurt.

Yan Sen not surprised, said, "Very normal, this is the risk of farmers."

* * *

With so much harvest, Qin Li cooked four or five dishes every day. Anyway, Yan Sen had a good appetite, so he ate more and tried not to waste it.

Weekend to find Qu Danni, Qin Li plans to also give her a little winter melon navigation nightshade broad beans. These things can not be bought in German supermarkets, Asian super thief expensive, she and her taste is different, will love.

But that's it. There's a lot left over, all in decimal kilograms.

Yan Sen applied to the Salzburg booth, anyway, a hundred years ago it was a Deo, and a lot of documents could be accommodated.

Just 50 kilometers from Berchtesgaden, Salzburg is located in the north of Austria and is also a big tourist city.

Although there is no difference between people and language, Qin Li is excited and happy that it is another country.

This day, got up very early, did not need Yan Sen holding a trumpet in her ear, and automatically got up.

Yan Sen put a large wooden box into the trailer, and two people sat in the car and went to sell vegetables.

After driving for more than half an hour, we finally arrived in Austria. Because they are EU countries, borders have long since been abolished, and the former customs buildings are now just rows of empty houses.

Geographically, there is no big difference between Austria and South Germany, both at the foot of the Alps and surrounded by mountains and lakes. The only difference is that salt is grown in the Salzburg region, so the literal translation of Salzburg from German should be called salt castle.

They got up early and the square was empty, so they got a good seat. The stall is very simple, is a few tables put together, and then a tablecloth on top, and a basket of fruits and vegetables on the line.

Yan Sen went to buy two cups of coffee, one for himself and one for Qin Li.

During the period, other stall owners also came one after another, although they did not know each other, they also pointed their heads, which was a face.

Everything is sold in the market, vegetable and fruit stalls, chicken, duck and fish stalls, fur stalls, flowers stalls, children's toys stalls, cheese stalls... All in all.

Others are good, is next to an Iranian woman selling groceries is very unfriendly, and runs over Qin Li saying they robbed her position, and they must move places.

This stall is not fixed, who came early who was placed there, she came late, and did not get a good position, who can blame her? Qin Li is still patient, and she explains a few words, Yan Sen even with a roll of the eyes is too lazy to give her.

Aunt sees ideological work can not do, swears to run away, caught next to the neighbor, pointing to Qin Li they a screed. Fortunately, foreigners take care of themselves, and her complaints are heard even if. Aunt a person who can not toss out a reason, angrily cursed for a while, but from time to time flew a knife eye.

Qin Li does not understand, they are not selling the same goods, the two positions are only a few meters away, and they can steal her what thunder ah? See her always a face of black line staring at themselves, The really good mood is gone, and Qin Li simply backs the body, out of sight for the net.

Yan Sen threw Qin Li a rag, two people wiped all the fruits and vegetables, the fruits and vegetables were golden, bright, and greasy. Then pick out the ones with mottled skin or insect bites and put them on the other side.

Because I grow it myself, I don't want to make money on it, just go back to a stall. As a result, all the fruits and vegetables are priced very low and labeled as green and organic.

Qin Li is not there, there is no fertilizer in the field, Ma Shushu can only water and pull weeds for her, so it is green and organic food, not ashamed at all.

Qin Li now realized the meaning of this sentence of Lao Wang selling melons and boasting, went to the stalls around, and found that the peers were not as fresh as their own, and did not know whether it was a psychological effect.

It was cheap, it was organic, and it didn't take long to get its first customer.

The old lady a native of Austria, came to pick a handful of Dutch beans, she happily said that Dutch beans are sold very expensive in the supermarket, two euros only 100 grams, that is, two two, usually can not afford to eat.

See Qin Li a catty 500 grams to sell for three euros, I was very happy and immediately grabbed a catty.

She saw long, dark purple fruits in the basket, and was very curious. She asked, "What is this? Is it eggplant?"

Qin Li nodded.

The old lady asked, "Why is this eggplant different from the ones sold in the supermarket?"

Qin Li immediately gave her literacy, "This is Hangzhou, made in China, so it is a sliver." This eggplant is much better than the big ones here, it's crisp and soft and melts in your mouth. We have a word, only eggplant and meat can not give up either! That is to say, eggplant and minced meat together, if you can accept garlic, first put a handful of garlic until fragrant, after the taste comes out, then put the eggplant in the stir-fry, and finally put the fried meat. I promise you to tastes great."

After hearing this, the old lady chased after her and asked, "Really?"

Yan Sen heard this nearby and replied, "She is our chef."

The old lady smiled at them, "You two are husband and wife!"

Qin Li blushed and waved his hand quickly, "No..."

Yan Sen answered, "It will be right away."

The old lady looked clear, patted Yan Sen's arm, and said, "Young man, we need to find a wife who can cook, and some eat is a good fortune for a lifetime."

Looks like the old lady's a foodie, too.

The old lady touched the gourd again and asked, "What is this?"

Qin Li Road, "Winter Melon."

The old lady asked, "Is it a melon that grows in winter? Never heard of it."

Qin Li shook his head and explained, "This melon has a layer of white hair, which looks like falling in a snowdrift from a distance." That's why we call it the winter melon."

The old lady asked, "Are they from China, too?"

Qin Li nodded, "It's Chinese, but we grew it in Germany, and it's all organic." Will you join us?"

"How do I sell it?"

Qin Li said, "Six yuan a catty."

This is the Asian super is the price.

Who knows, the old lady shook her head, and said, "Never tasted, or forget it."

Qin Li is a face of disappointment, in her view, this table dishes or the most valuable gourd.

The old lady bought eggplant and Dutch beans, and bought a handful of small green vegetables, and said that she would go home and make an Asian meal for her son, son-in-law, and old man.

To send the old lady away, Qin Li will receive ten dollars, put in a small bag, the heart of how happy.

It's the first payday from the opening.

Growing vegetables, selling vegetables, in s city, such a life can not be imagined.

Seeing her so happy, Yan Sen's mood also followed the sunny, pointed down her nose, and said, "Little money fan."

Every time he touched her nose, her whole body would tense up, as if this part of her body were especially sensitive to him.

Qin Li remembered what he had just said to the old lady and said, "Who said to get married?"

Yan Sen, with some sarcasm, said, "Thomas is married, I can't marry anything."

Qin Li cried, "Are you getting married to get revenge on Thomas?"

Yan Sen shook his head, "No."

BRRRR. I'd be surprised if it wasn't.

Towards noon, it was getting hotter and hotter, though it was summer

It's late autumn, but it's still hot in the sun.

Qin Li waved a sweat, a morning of dishes had been sold a lot, other basic German dishes, so it is easier to sell, only big winter melon ah... No one wants it.

Yan Sen suggested that if you don't cut the wax gourd and let people know what is inside, there may be hope.

When Qin Li heard this, he thought it was very reasonable. He immediately cut a round head of the winter melon and sealed it with plastic wrap.

After a while, if someone came to buy it, the person pointed to half a piece of winter melon and said, "I want this, how much?"

Because it's less than a pound, it's only three or four bucks.

The man frowned and said, "So expensive?"

Qin Li smiled, "It is a Chinese specialty, no supermarket, exclusive management, so expensive."

The man asked, "What is it called?"

Qin Li, "Winter Melon."

The man muttered a strange name, counted out four yuan from his pocket, and gave it to Qin Li, "Then I will try this winter melon."

Anyway, this is the first piece of winter melon sold today, Qin Li is very happy and especially sent two tomatoes to him.

The man took the melon and left.

It was getting hotter and hotter. Qin Li had been busy all morning. Sweating like rain, he sent Yan Sen to buy ice cream.

After Yan Sen left, she sat down in the stall and took a tomato to chew, when the man came back again.

He was holding the small half of the winter melon he bought, with a row of tooth marks on it. The man looked at Qin Li angrily and said, "What are you selling?"

Qin Li puzzled, "Winter melon ah."

"How is this melon raw? The flesh is white, but also astringent mouth."

Qin Li was immediately shocked, the feelings of the uncle were directly gnawed.

Hearing her ask, the uncle said, "What's the problem?"

Seeing her shocked face, the uncle could not help but add, "Isn't it? Papaya, watermelon, and cantaloupe can not be eaten directly."


Qin Li explained, "It's fruit."

"Then what is this?"

Qin Li was laughing and crying. Was the Austrian a fool or a fool or a fool?

"Winter melon is a vegetable and must be cooked and eaten. You go back and get some water and boil it and mix it in salad, or put it in soy sauce, or stew it in soup..."

Before Qin Li finished his speech, he was interrupted by the uncle and said, "So troublesome, then I don't want it, I thought it was fruit, and bought it to quench my thirst."

Speaking of this, he pointed to the stall not far away, and said, "I am the stall owner there, so I bought to eat directly."

Since everyone looked up and did not see each other, Qin Li was also embarrassed to theorize with him again, anyway, it was only a few dollars, so why did he hurt the harmony for this, so he simply returned the money to him.

However, he had already bitten into the winter melon and could not sell it to others, nor did he want to take it back to eat it himself, so Qin Li had to give it to him as a favor.