
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs

Chapter 67

July is the period of the extreme day, which means the longest hours of sunshine in the year. The sun rises at 4 a.m. and sets at 10 p.m., and only six hours or so pass before darkness falls.

Everything grows by sunlight, and under the sun's tireless illumination, the seedlings in the ground grew happily, and in a few days, they sprouted up a great deal. She planted groundnuts, beans, eggplants ... are relatively easy to feed.

When she first came to the mountain, there was still a lot of work to be done, and she was busy all day long, but it was a good way to spend her time. But, a month later, the do all done, except for the morning and evening grazing once, the other time is idle.

But, there was nothing to do, that was Qin Li. Yan Sen was still very busy, his work was either physical or technical, Qin Li could not get involved at all.

During the day, Qin Li can only spend time by herself, either with Xiao Hei as a companion, or at home cleaning, or washing clothes, or to go to the barn to milk ... only at night when sleeping, can and Yan Sen coexist for a few moments.

Before that kind of wine woke up only in front of the flower sitting, wine drunk still come to sleep under the flower mood long gone shadow. Now, she feels that such wasted light and shadow is simply a waste of life, making her feel guilty.

Knowing that a day to do nothing, open eyes closed eyes is a day, what is that feeling?

Wandering and empty, yet comfortable and cozy.

Qin Li counted the days every day, lamenting in her heart, it's only been a month, how can she live the remaining two-thirds of the day?

What is as terrible as having nothing to do is having nothing to eat. After continuously nibbling on hard bread and cheese for a month, Qin Li wanted to vomit as soon as he smelled the flavor, and even in his dreams, he wanted to eat a bite of fresh meat.

However, their stockpile of nothing but homemade jerky was left in jars, which could only ensure that they were full and not hungry, and the flavor was incredibly unpleasant. For a foodie like Qin Li, making her eat this every day was simply crueler than torture.

She wanted to make buns, but there was no meat; she wanted to make braised pork chops, but there was no meat; she wanted to eat dumplings, but there was still no meat!

Yan Sen promised to take her hunting, but he never made good on it, there was always one thing or another pulling him back. The cowshed needs to be repaired, the chicken coop needs to be built, the cow pens need to be staked, the milk needs to be sterilized, and the utensils need to be repaired ... Even if he leaves the herding and household chores to Qin Li, he is still very busy. Things were done one thing and then another, without even a moment to catch his breath.

Qin Li seems to be able to understand why Jenny refused to go up the mountain, the days here are really poor, the only inexhaustible this beautiful scenery. However, even if the scenery is immortal, you will get tired of seeing too much of it.

In the mountains, is to endure loneliness ah!

But for someone born in a bustling city, it's not that easy. She can not go to tea and watch a movie, she can not go shopping to buy things, but at least there is someone to talk to yourself a few words!

Qin Li has been idle to the point of nothing to find things to do, clean up the house, all the dishes and furnishings are all returned to their original places, even the dirty floor has been repeatedly mopped several times. She was a tidy person, and used to clean at least once a week when she was in the country.

Because the sky darkened late, Yan Sen worked outside for a long time, and came home late, guarding this empty house, Qin Li suddenly hated this endless polar day.

I'm looking forward to the stars and the moon, and I'm finally looking forward to this man coming back.

Yan Sen returned from work, looked up and saw a woman standing at the door of the house, and the tiredness of his body was instantly cured by the warmth. He reached out and hugged Qin Li, leaving a lingering kiss on her mouth.

The day was looking forward to this moment, Qin Li was happy to see Yan Sen, and that kiss temporarily suppressed the complaints.

After the two of them had warmed up a bit, Yan Sen then let go of her, ready to go into the house to worship his five organs.

Seeing that he wanted to step in like this, Qin Li couldn't help but yell out, "Wait!"

Yan Sen was startled by her, and his outstretched foot retracted, asking, "What happened?"

Qin Li asks, "Didn't you notice anything different in the house?"

Yan Sen looked around, looked left and right, and did not see a clue after half a day.

Qin Li said, "This window I wiped, this floor I mopped, this curtain cloth I washed ... Couldn t you even see it?"

Yan Sen shook his head blankly.

Qin Li's smiling face collapsed with a look of disappointment, she doubted if it was the same for him whether he cleaned or not ah!

"You take off your shoes before you go in."

Though he thought it was taking off his pants and farting - redundant, he did as he was told.

After walking into the house, Yan Sen took off his clothes, threw them casually on the sofa, and then went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Qin Li followed him all the way to clean up, looked up, saw him picking at the bread basket, and immediately went over and pinched his hand.

Yan Sen looked at her suspiciously.

His hand was black, and Qin Li asked dizzily, "Did you wash your hands?"

Yan Sen, "No."

Qin Li shouts, "Go wash them!"

Yan Sen, "Why?"

Qin Li, "It's dirty!"

Yan Sen calmly says, "Wash it together after eating!"

Qin Li snatches his bread and throws it back into the basket, then pushes him to get up, "Go wash it, go wash it! There's no food if you don't wash it."

Yan Sen was tired after a long day and really didn't want to get up, but after grabbing the bread a few times and failing to do so, he had to get up.

As he washed, he grumbled, "Ugh, I really don't understand your idea of washing your hands. I've done this every year I've been on the mountain, and I haven't gotten a bacterial infection, not before, not now. It's just dirt on my hands, and dirt is nature, it's not dirty ..."

See how that sounds?

Qin Li's hands knocked on the table, revealing his teeth, almost growling roared, "You nonsense less talk, quickly give me to wash!"

Thinking uneasy, Qin Li walked to his side to supervise, said, "To rub the soap."

Watching him wash down a pool of dirty water, Qin Li did not have eggs also hurt!

Yan Sen muttered, walked back to the table and began to eat.

Two people's feelings sublimated, in the sexes is also very harmonious, but some life details of the differences are more and more obvious.

Qin Li on Yan Sen casually throwing clothes, not allowed to shave on time, not bathed every day, not wash their hands before meals and after the bad nature, attempted to carry out the second transformation, but Yan Sen always accepted with a false sense of humility, but the next time is still repeatedly taught to change.

Although Qin Li disliked this about him, but after all, she was in the middle of the mushy period, so she still chose to tolerate it if she could.

Yan Sen sees her watching her eat, so he cuts a slice of cheese down and gives it to her, Qin Li takes it and throws it to Xiao Hei without looking.

Yan Sen asks, "You've already eaten?"

Qin Li barely ate much for dinner, every meal was a thousand pieces of black bread, making it really hard for her to eat. She opened a jar and pinched her nose and ate a few bites, only barely keeping her stomach from getting hungry. This down for a month, her stomach was smaller by a circle, when she went down the mountain, it was estimated that it was not the slightly fat world but the slightly thin world.

Qin Li said, "Tomorrow you take a day off, let's go to the forest to hunt."

Yan Sen asked, "Why?"

Qin Li said without any humor, "Because I want to eat meat!"

Yan Sen wanted to say that there were still a lot of things to do, but when he saw her expectant gaze, the words of refusal were instantly unspeakable. Thinking that she was willing to go up the mountain to accompany him, how could he still bear to let her down?

So he nodded and said, "Good."

The resentment on Qin Li's face disappeared all of a sudden and asked, "Really baa?"

Yan Sen nodded.

Qin Li cheered and asked, "What do I have to prepare? To make traps?"

Yan Sen sees her so happy, and suddenly his mood brightens, saying, "Nothing is needed, just follow me."

Qin Li, "What's in the mountains?"

Yan Sen, "Wild rabbits and pheasants, and if you're lucky, you'll be able to hunt wild deer."

Qin Li rubs his hands together in anticipation, "Then let's go to bed early today and leave first thing in the morning."


Really not as good as God's plan, Qin Li excited for a night, it is not easy to fall asleep, the next day to get up and look, I shit, actually heavy rain.

The promised hunting is out of the question, her heart don't mention how disappointed, the whole day is lying on the window sighing, just hope that the sky quickly get better. But the more she looked forward to, the more the sky is cloudy, the rain continues, look at this situation, it is estimated that this week will not stop.

Outside the rain, Yan Sen can not work, but all day at home, at least to appease a Qin Li that lonely and full of disappointment heart.

Two people have nothing to do, bed sports has become the only pastime. In every place in the house, there are shadows of their entanglement, trying all kinds of shy body *. Yan Sen showed Qin Li the value of a woman, and these experiences were something she had never had before. She felt that she was getting bolder and more licentious, spoiled and taught by Yan Sen, so she began to know how to lust.

She fell in love with his strong body, fell in love with his rough movements, fell in love with his conservative and repressed teasing ... In short, she was completely inseparable from him.

The heavy rain washed the cabin over and over again, the electricity and thunder outside the house, and the spring light inside the house was tantalizing.

This week, is the happiest period of time after she came to this place, those dissatisfaction and grievances in the two sweet and sweet kiss me in the dissipation.

With Jensen by her side, to hell with hunting, whoever was happy went. She just hoped it would keep raining, preferably until the day they got off the mountain.

But God seemed to have a grudge against her; when she wished for sunshine, it rained; and when she wished for rain, it cleared up again.


The successive storms that toppled the roof of the barn and flooded the door of the tool shed had undoubtedly added another job to Yensen's plate.

Qin Li, who originally thought that he could go hunting when the sky cleared up, realized that he was really stupid and naive in this idea.

Waiting day after day, Yan Sen always had endless things to do. She could understand repairing the barn, she could understand resetting the door to the storage room, she could understand letting her wait, but the wait had to have an end, right?

Yan Sen's whole day, coupled with his lack of discipline in life, to put it nicely, is not discipline, to put it badly is slovenly, finally let Qin Li's heart of the resentment out of control.

Seeing a series of black footprints left on the floor she had just mopped, Qin Li was somewhat unable to endure it.

Yan Sen didn't see her expression of trying to hold back, still doing what he did, grabbing something to eat without washing his hands.

Qin Li watched from the side and gritted her teeth, itching to take a pot and directly knock him on the head to see what exactly is contained inside.

Yan Sen wanted to eat meat, but couldn't find it after looking around, so he asked, "Do we still have cured meat? Where did you put it?"

She took a deep breath and said coldly, "No."

Yan Sen said, "It can't be, I saw two unopened packages yesterday."

Qin Li, "Threw them away."

Yan Sen was incredulous, "You threw them away? Where did you throw them away?"

Qin Li grunted, not wanting to care about him.

So Yan Sen had to look for it himself, and finally found the cured meat in the trash can. He painfully took it out, put it on his body and rubbed it, and asked in confusion, "Why did you throw it away?"

Qin Li, "I don't eat."

If you don't eat it, you have to throw it away? Yan Sen doesn't understand the logic and looks reproachful.

Qin Li's idea is actually very understandable, there is no meat to eat, you have to think of something, right? She just wants to go out for a walk, by the way, a hunting trip, improve the food, take time out to accompany her for a day, that's all, is it extravagant?

Qin Li asked, "Are we still going hunting?"

It turns out to be a mood for this. Yan Sen suddenly realized that he did not think that he pinched her face, "I have too many things these days, wait a little longer ..."

Qin Li interrupted him, "I've been waiting for a week. Can't you put down the matters at hand and fulfill my wish first?"

Yan Sen said, "Wait a few more days, wait for me to take care of the matter at hand."

Perfunctory again, dragging it out one day at a time, really treating her as an idiot, casually dismissing the matter.

Qin Li slapped his hand away and screamed at him, "You're a farmer and not Bill Gates, what are you fooling around with every day? How do you always find time when you want to sleep with me?"

Yan Sen saw that she was agitated and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you! Wasn't it good the other day."

The other day was good that was because there was him with her and all the bad times turned into good times, and now everything is back to normal and she can only talk to him a few times a day before going to bed. If this continued, she was going to get dementia.

There was a lot of dissatisfaction and resentment piled up in her heart, and when it reached a certain level, it made her explode all at once.

Qin Li, "Not good, not good at all. I spend every day in boredom, I can't surf the internet or play with my phone, in addition to doing household chores is just daze, and in the end, you still don't respect the fruits of my labor. What's more, you can't even have a bite of hot rice, jail is more dashing than me."

Yan Sen was stunned to see her angry and threw the bread away to try to pacify her.

Qin Li was in a rage and refused to compromise in the slightest, "I've had enough of this kind of life, how much longer do I have to live?"

Hearing her say this, Yan Sen's face smile gradually also hidden in the mouth, sinking his voice, said, "I thought you were mentally prepared."

Qin Li, "Yes, I was mentally prepared, but I didn't expect you to be so busy, you don't know what you're doing all day long, if I had known, I would have been better off if you had gone up to the mountains alone!"

Yan Sen, "I didn't force you, this is your own choice."

In fact, Qin Li threw a tantrum just to get him to value himself and usually take time out to spend more time with him.

If Yan Sen was willing to hold her and coax her a few times, saying that he would take her hunting tomorrow, she wouldn't make trouble anymore.

But Yan Sen this sinews even to the end of the boring gourd, let him read women's hearts is really too difficult for him, favor to say such a sentence to add fuel to the fire words. Therefore, not only did not calm Qin Li's anger, but more and more intense.

"You didn't force me, it's my own brainwashed self that came here with you." After throwing down this sentence, Qin Li grunted and ran into the bedroom, falling headfirst into the pillow.

This stinking man, is it so hard to take a day out to accompany her? Busy, busy, busy, fucking busier than when Sun Yat started his business!