
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs

Chapter 51

Because of the rain and slippery ground, Qin Li accidentally slipped down the hill, and then her feet were stuck in the cracks of the rock and couldn't be pulled out. If Yan Sen had not found her in time, she would have had to spend the night alone in this deep forest, which would have scared her out of her wits.

She went up the mountain on impulse, just like when she committed suicide, and immediately regretted it afterward. If she rushed up the mountain without her mobile phone, not only would she not be able to find anyone, but she would also be in danger.

Yan Sen was used to walking up and down the slopes, and pulled out Qin Li's foot, which was stuck in a crack in the stone, and asked, "Are you hurt?"

She turned her ankle, and aside from some minor strains, it was fine. Yan Sen grabbed her and pushed her upwards, and in two or three steps she was back on the mountain road. He was about to say a few words to her, but before he could say anything, he was hugged by her in a deadly embrace.

"Thomas said you had a landslide, and I, I ..." She said this in a tone that was truly both aggravated and fearful.

Yan Sen was touched in his heart and reached around her shoulders to pat her, comforting, "I'm fine."

"Is it okay?" Although she saw him nodding, she was still uneasy, letting go of her hand and taking a step back to double-check up and down. He was fully clothed and indeed had no injuries, and only then did she put her heart at ease.

Although she did this a little silly, the true feeling, is if encountered a disaster, she would be like now, not afraid of death to go up the mountain to find their own. In this realistic society, this feeling is how rare and precious!

Thinking of this, Yan Sen's heart warmed, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curve upwards into a warm smile. He couldn't bear to lie to her anymore, so he was honest with her, "I didn't meet the collapse, it was Thomas who lied to you."

Qin Li reacted for a moment and asked, "Why did he lie to me?"

Jensen said, "Because he wants you to come."

Hearing him say this, Qin Li instantly understood that her reckless running towards this place turned out to be false. To cause her to worry for nothing not to mention that she almost became a savage in the mountains, it was so damnable.

As soon as the sadness went to his head, the anger surged up immediately.

She clenched her fists and angrily smashed Yan Sen's chest, saying, "Damn it, you guys lied to me!"

Jensen corrected, "Not us, Thomas."

Qin Li was stunned, then glared at him with twelve points of resentment, could this person not go along with her wishes and say something nice? After all, for his sake, even her safety and security are out of the question.

Seeing the way she rolled her eyes at him in a deadpan manner, Jensen lost his smile; it was a rhythm to take his anger along with him. So he reached out and pulled her into his arms, cradling her in his coppery arms as the words turned, "But I thank Thomas."

Qin Li struggled down and grunted, "What's there to thank."

Jensen, "It was this east wind of his that sent you back."

Hearing that, she stopped struggling suddenly; it was probably the most romantic thing that had ever come out of the stinking peasant's mouth. She rested her head against his chest, silently listening to his powerful heartbeat, and suddenly stopped thinking about Thomas.

Yan Sen kissed her hair and looked at a large flaming cloud in the distance, his heart was immensely satisfied. Reason reminded him that he should go down the mountain immediately, but sensibility was saying, wait a little longer, just a little longer.

Qin Li asked, "Did the Alps collapse or not?"

Jensen, "There are often avalanches in the winter. But rarely in the summer, basically never."

Qin Li, "Why?"

The mountains in China often collapse and slide, and she had seen it too many times on the TV news, each time causing great destruction and casualties, which was why she was deeply afraid of it.

"Maybe it's because the Alps are stone mountains." So not much of a collapse, at most rocks tumbling down.

Qin Li sighed mockingly, it's terrible to be uneducated!

The sun has already sunk the mountains of the sun, and there is still the last glimpse of a shock in the air, Qin Li is a little worried, "It's going to be dark soon, will you still be able to find your way home?"

Jensen shook his head, "It's a bit difficult."

There was no compass on me, and I had to wait for the stars to rise to the tips before I could tell where I was going. But it had just rained and the hills were fogged up, covering the sky. When I looked up apart from the clouds that flew by, I was left with the wisps of haze.

It's not completely dark now, but in a little while, I'm afraid I won't be able to see anything, and I'm afraid the road will be even more difficult to travel without light by then.

Jensen made a snap decision to find a place to spend the night.

Qin Li looked around worriedly, there was no cave and no house, where to spend the night?

The sky will soon be dark, under the mountain is the village, look down the lights. But the mountain is dark, can only rely on Yan Sen's mobile phone screen on the light, feel the dark forward.

Qin Li asked uneasily, "How do you know if we've been here before?"

Jensen said, "Then film the terrain."

Qin Li hurriedly stopped him when he heard, "Forget it, it's better not to take pictures."

Taking photos in the middle of the night in the mountains, in case something is captured, won't you scare yourself out of your wits?

Seeing that she was so timid, Yan Sen couldn't help but smile and took the initiative to hold her hand, saying, "Don't be afraid."

Two people are better than one, Qin Li felt the warmth from his hand and finally settled down a bit. But in the middle of the night walking on this mountain road, the top of the head from time to time issued one or two night owls screaming, also really call people can not be at ease.

The two of them walked up the mountain for a while, peaked and turned, and suddenly saw a cabin in the woods.

Qin Li is really both happy and scared, happy is finally can not sleep in the mountains, scared is why there is a house in this deep forest ah! It's not a haunted house, is it?

Qin Li's fear was not without a source, the cabin stood alone. From the outside, the rags and tatters, the paint on the walls are faded, the roof tiles are broken, and look very some years old. But just like this wind and rain, actually did not fall.

Jensen walked over and said, "We'll settle here tonight."

Qin Li pulled him back, "Here?"

A lone cabin in the deep woods is so mind-boggling.

Jensen patted her hand, "Better than outside."

Qin Li was still hesitant, but Yan Sen had already pushed open the door of the house with a big grin and took a step inside. He turned his head and saw her probing at the door, and couldn't help but feel amused, saying, "There are no ghosts or monsters in this world."

Being seen through his mind with a glance, Qin Li blushed a little and had to follow him in with a stiff upper lip.

The house was not very large, but it had a door and a window, and chairs and cupboards, only it was covered with dust and dirty. It was unventilated and smelled of mold and decay because no one had been in it for a long time.

Qin Li held her nose and opened the door, letting the wind bring in the fresh air, scared but curious, so she asked, "Why is there a house in the mountains, and it's unlocked? Is this for people to live in?"

Yan Sen pulled open the cupboard door, found a few candles, took out his lighter, and lit them up, the room lit up at once.

He explained, "This is where hunters rest. Sometimes when they go up to the mountains to hunt, they go for a day or two at a time, and to make it easier to land, people pool their money to build one or two of these huts right in the forest. It's communal, so it's not locked."

With such a reasonable explanation, Qin Li wasn't so scared.

Yan Sen said, "But this cabin is very old and dilapidated, some years old, so I guess it has been abandoned."

Remembering what he used to say about how he used to hunt wild boar to cure his meat, he asked, "Do you go hunting a lot, too?"

Jensen nodded, "Will be there some time."

Qin Li was curious, "What all can you hit?"

Jensen, "Zombies."

Qin Li was startled and turned her head to look at him, only to see his gaze flickering under the fire, a smile at the corner of his mouth, obviously taking her amusement.

Although I know that there are no zombies in the real world, seeing the darkness of the outside, and from time to time the shadow of the trees swaying is very eerie. Qin Li's heart a burst of blocked panic.

Seeing that she looked nervous, Yan Sen stopped teasing her and said, "Wild boar, wild deer, wild rabbit, whatever there is to fight."

Qin Li shot up and continued to ask, "Then how come you don't have any hunting dogs?"

Jensen, "died of an acute illness the year before last."

Qin Li asked, "Not buying another one?"

Jensen, "Puppies are a pain in the arse to raise, especially hounds, to train, there's no time."

Qin Li blurted out, "I'll help you cultivate it."

Jensen's eyes rolled to her and he said, "Good."

He promised to buy a dog for her as long as she stayed at the farmhouse. Maybe she didn't remember, but he kept that promise.

The cabin was small, but it was pretty well furnished, just broken.

Qin Li looked around curiously, "Is there any food?"

Before Yan Sen could reply, he heard her suddenly scream miserably, startling him, and hurriedly turned back to look over. Only to see her standing there with her whole body stiff, pointing at a certain place with one hand, and saying with a horrified expression, "Skeleton, skeleton."

Yan Sen at first thought that she was joking, after all, he had just teased her with a zombie himself, so he didn't take it seriously. But walked in to take a look, and could not help but also be shocked, the cabinet of the crevice there is a skeleton. That shape is human, the eyes of the place of two black holes, the following nose and teeth, a moment difficult to distinguish is human bone or model.

Qin Li saw the skeleton for the first time in his life, or in this case, a heart-thumping straight, his feet did not know where to stand, as if standing where there were bones hidden.

Yan Sen was a man after all, and after being taken aback, he regained his composure. He was curious and wanted to find out what was going on.

Seeing that he was going to open the cupboard, Qin Li hastily pulled him back and called out, "Don't go!"

He laughed, "Maybe it's fake."

Qin Li still tugged at him with a deadly grip, so what if it was a real human bone?

"Could this be the scene of a murder?"

Saying that Qin Li automatically brainstormed a perverted cannibalistic maniac who killed people with a shotgun, then dragged the victim here, split the body with a saw, ate the meat, and threw the bones here ... Emma.

This horror story Pete made up gets full marks for scaring himself.

Yan Sen couldn't help but laugh at her words, this woman was truly an unabashed foodie, horror films with food.

He took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the skeleton first, then dialed 911.

Qin Li asked, "Why didn't you call the police just now to save us."

Jensen said, "The police wouldn't have come without an unexpected situation just now."

And, the next day at first light, he'd be able to get down the mountain by feeling his way south-east and north-west. But now since he found human bones it was different.

Qin Li was worried, "Can the police find us?"

Jensen, "I switched on my phone's satellite location."

The fire in the room was saved, the light was dim, and coupled with that set of human bones that he didn't know were real or fake, it made Qin Li feel creeped out, mapping out all kinds of horrific scenarios in his mind.

She struggled a bit, "I'd better go sit outside."

It's really disturbing to be in a room with human bones!

With that, she didn't wait for Yan Sen to answer, so she took a candle and walked over to the steps and sat down on her arse. But outside wasn't much better, clouds flew by one after another in the sky, the moon appeared and disappeared, the ground was full of shadows, and when a cloudy wind blew, the hairs on her body stood up in sweat.

It was a little chilly at night and she wrapped her jacket tightly around her, tucking her chin into her shirt. She looked at her watch, it was only 1.30 am, and couldn't help but mentally wail when the police were coming!

Jensen took a candle as well, walked out, and sat down next to her.

Qin Li subconsciously leaned towards him, and seeing this, Yan Sen asked, "Cold?"

It's not just the cold, it's mostly the lack of heart.

According to Yan Sen's peasants' urbane nature, Qin Li didn't expect any gentlemanly behavior from him, but he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to take off his jacket and put it on her shoulders.

Qin Li turned his head to look at him with a flattered expression.

Yan Sen felt a little guilty in his heart, although his brother did the good deed, getting into such a mess was because of him after all.

Qin Li saw that he was naked, so he asked, "Aren't you cold?"

How can you be cold when you have her by your side and your heart is hot?

Even though he shook his head, Qin Li moved next to him, draping his jacket over the two of them to keep them warm together.

Yan Sen reached out and wrapped his arm around her, and Qin Li obediently leaned her head on his shoulder, removing this weird and gloomy atmosphere, it was barely a little romantic.

Jensen asked, "Are you going back?"

Qin Li asked instead of answering, "Then do you wish me to leave?"

Jensen was silent for a moment and said, "Then don't go."

Qin Li, "Why?"

Jensen, "Your seedlings are sprouting and the peach tree is blooming."

Qin Li's eyes lit up and he called out, "Really?"

Jensen nodded.

Qin Li joyfully said, "The weather here is on the cold side, so I don't know if the winter melon and squash and aubergine will bear fruit."

"Stay and don't know."

Qin Li didn't answer immediately.

Jensen's hand covered the back of her hand on the step and said, "Don't go."

Qin Li actually had no intention of leaving, but she still had some conditions to talk to him about, and now since he was the one who took the initiative to talk about it, it was an opportunity that could not be missed.

"So what's in it for me to stay."

Jensen, "Buy you a dog."

Qin Li shook his head, "Not enough."

Jensen, "Add another flock of ducks."

Qin Li still shook his head, "It's not like I drive a zoo."

Jensen said, "So what do you want?"

When Qin Li saw that the fire was almost ready, he said in one breath, "I want to open a farmhouse!"

Yan Sen doesn't like outsiders and doesn't care if he can make money, but now it's about getting a wife, so he's going out on a limb.

He nodded, agreeing readily and without objection.

Qin Li cheered and planned, "Then empty the leftmost room on the second and third floors, as it has the best view. When you charge people money, you always have to provide the best."

That said, she was a little concerned, "What if Thomas doesn't want to?"

He has a previous record, last time he was dead set on not letting Dani Qu live in, this time he opened a farmhouse, it's hard to guarantee that he won't kibitz.

Jensen said, "I'll go talk to him."

With this assurance from him, Qin Li immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The money earned, the three of us will have one share each."

Jensen, "Good."

Qin Li, "No, after we make our first pot of money, we'll set up the garden again."

Jensen, "Good."

If you want to open a farmhouse, there is still a lot of preparatory work to be done. After all, the farmhouse is still too outdated now, and it needs to be refreshed with a new facade, and the interior needs to be adjusted, or at least the toilets need to be replaced with a new set of bathrooms. That's another big expense when you do the maths.

Qin Li was calculating expenses in her mind when suddenly her chin tightened and her face was turned over by him. Immediately after, his mouth printed up, warmly sucking on her lips. At the same time, his hand quietly touched her breast ...

I didn't agree to this condition for nothing. It's not too much to ask for a sweetener first.

The recent thoughts came together, and the two of them quickly got into a state where they were kissing each other. Coldly, a torch's light shone over and hit their faces.

Then someone asked, "Who called the police?"

Jensen: WTF!