
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs

Chapter 50

The weather has been very unstable for a few days now, and the days have been characterised by thunder and lightning and storms, and everyone says that the Asian typhoons have immigrated to Germany.

Today the rain finally stopped, and a rainbow crossed the window, which seemed to indicate that the rain would soon be over.

After class, the students go one after another, the seat on the table is empty, and Qin Li is a little worried. In the past few days, Ma Shu Shu did not come to class, call her phone did not answer, as if the evaporation of the world, Qin Li considered whether to call the police.

But Danni said she was worrying too much, and that she was a big girl, not a child. Besides, she is an au pair, hosted by the family of the helpers, if there is something, they would have called the police. It's probably just that she's fallen for some guy again and is trying her best to hook up with him.

Hearing his friend say this, Qin Li thought it made sense, it's better not to meddle in other people's business, so he didn't think much about it.

Seeing that it was still early, she wanted to stay in the classroom to do some homework before going back, but all of a sudden, her mobile phone rang. She took it over and saw the number, it was Thomas.

Qin Li was very happy to hear the news from the farmhouse, and quickly pressed the connect button and said, "Hello, Thomas ..."

But before she could finish her sentence, he interrupted her.

"Lai, it's not good, my brother, my brother he ..."

The phone signal was bad and intermittent, probably caused by the unstable weather. Qin Li wondered, is it still raining over there? Although he was only 170km away from Munich, the weather in the mountains was unpredictable, and they could have wild storms when it was sunny here.

"What did you just say? I didn't hear you clearly, repeat it."

Thomas seemed to adjust his position, finally clearing up a bit, when he heard him say in a huff, "Something's wrong, something's happened to my brother!"

Qin Li was startled by his tone, his smile froze on his lips, and he was busy asking after him, "What happened? What happened to your brother?"

Thomas said, "My brother went to the mountains to graze his cattle and then, met a mountain collapse ..."

When Qin Li heard this, she felt a rumble, as if her world had collapsed with her. Her hand let go, and her mobile phone fell to the ground all of a sudden, the battery falling out without even realising it.

Her heart was in turmoil, and the only words left in her head were those four: mountain collapse.

Jensen, Jensen ...

Although Qin Li has not personally encountered it, the TV news has always seen, that when the mountain collapses, a village is gone, not to mention a person!

At the thought of this, tears rushed out, a heart as heavy as if it was carrying a piece of lead. She picked up her mobile phone and threw it into her bag, wiped a handful of tears haphazardly, and then stumbled out.

She didn't have the time or the heart to call Dani Qu and ran straight to the train station. She bought a ticket for an express train, not caring at all how expensive that ticket was, and if there was a plane, she wouldn't hesitate to take it straight away.

As the train bumped along, her heart hung in the air, like a dozen buckets of water at the same time. She tried to call Thomas to find out what was going on but realised that she'd lost the battery on her phone, and she couldn't even remember where it had gone.

She was red-eyed, wishing the train would go faster, faster, as fast as the wind, and send her to him.

Qin Li kept looking at her watch, she didn't know how she spent this hour, she only heard her frantic heartbeat. She rambled a lot, there was worry, there was fear, there was remorse, there was self-reproach ... all the emotions mixed, let her heart exhausted.

She kept asking herself why she left in the first place. It was all because of her pretentiousness that she missed Yan Sen. She would regret it for the rest of her life if that happened.

It took two transfers to finally get to Berchtesgaden, and as soon as she stepped off the train, she headed straight for the taxi rank.

Qin Li pulled open the door of a taxi, got in and said, "Go to this address, go quickly!"

The driver was reading the newspaper and was startled by her stance, and was about to say I'm not operating right now, but when he turned his head, he was shocked by her tearful appearance and swallowed the words hard.

Qin Li was only thinking about the collapse of the mountain and Yan Sen's safety but did not notice that it was not raining here at this time, but the ground was a little wet. She also did not expect, if happened to the collapse of the mountain was such a big thing, taxi drivers could still be so sure to read the newspaper. The whole place does not even have a rescue tent, people do what they are supposed to do, how is it possible?

The driver stole a glance at her, only to see this sister with tears, the corners of her mouth pursed tightly as if at any time would burst into tears. He thought that something big had happened to her family, and not daring to ask more than a single word, he put his foot down and pushed the accelerator to the bottom.

But it is just more than ten kilometres of road, not long to arrive, Qin Li hurriedly took out his wallet, and even when the bill was given an extra ten yuan did not notice.

The taxi sailed away and she stood in front of the farmhouse, knocking hard on the front door a few times. No one was home, the windows were closed, and even Schrödinger was nowhere to be seen.

Qin Li's head was spinning anxiously, where was she going to look in this big sky? It so happened that this place didn't even have a neighbour, the nearest farmhouse was ten kilometres away.

Yan Sen had never said where the grazing was, and she had never been interested in it, and at this point, it was regretful. If she had known, she should have grown a heart.

What are the chances of surviving a collapse? Maybe Yan Sen has been sent to the hospital, maybe he has ... not! Yan Sen goes up to the mountains every year to graze his livestock, and he is so flexible, that even if he encounters danger, he knows how to avoid it.

At this moment, Qin Li's heart only had one thought, she wanted to go up the mountain to find him.

Qin Li wiped his eyes, took out a note from his bag, wrote a few words with a pen and stuck it in the doorway. Then, with a turn, he ran out again.


To almost evening, Yan Sen led his horse back, these days heavy rain, had not been properly walked, and the horse hooves were rusty.

He tethered his horse in the stable and walked back to the farmhouse, looking down at the two ruts in front of the door and some panicked footprints. He was not only startled but secretly curious as to who had been here.

At that moment, Thomas came back, carrying a bag of land in his hand, and extremely depressed, "Boiled potatoes again tonight? I've been eating them for a month straight, and I'm about to throw up."

Yan Sen secretly said, "I'm about to throw up too, but what can I do about it? Who let both of us not know how to cook?

Thomas let out a long sigh, "Why hasn't Qin Li come yet?"

Yan Sen's eyes darkened, the one-month deadline was almost up, and gradually, he had less and less confidence in himself.

He took out his key and was about to open the door and enter the house when a piece of paper caught in the doorway suddenly fell. It swung back and forth in the air a few times before finally landing on the ground.

Yan Sen picked it up, and there were a few extremely scribbled words written on it: I'm going to the mountains to look for your brother.

What do you mean? Jensen was confused.

Thomas poked his head over curiously and took a look, "What's that?"

Jensen put the note in front of him, Thomas is nearsighted, without contact lenses and half blind, squinting half a day to see the words above.

Jensen thought it was someone's prank and was about to throw it when suddenly Thomas tapped his head and exclaimed an ah.

Yan Sen was startled by him and was about to chastise him for being so startled when he heard Thomas say there, "It's Qin Li! Qin Li is here."

Yan Sen was puzzled and wondered, "How do you know? When she came, why did she go to the mountain to find me."

So, Thomas confessed the cause and effect to him. It turned out that a few days ago, Dani Qu called him and said that Yan Sen and Qin Li were pining for each other, but they were twisting and dragging their feet. The two of them are just a gust of east wind away from being together, and she wants Thomas to help her to help them together. Seeing that it's been raining heavily for the past few days, there are indeed places where mountains have collapsed as well. So, Thomas had the bright idea to trick Qin Li into coming.

But no one thought that Qin Li unexpectedly cared about Yan Sen. In the heat of the moment, not only did he not realise that he had been fooled, but he also crashed into the mountain without a head.

Yan Sen knew what had happened, and when he heard that she had run to the mountains to find herself despite everything, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

This silly woman.

If it was a landslide, wouldn't it have been reported on the TV news? Besides, she hadn't been to his grazing site, so she had no idea where to look for him.

He glared at his brother at the thought.

Seeing Yan Sen's stinking black face, Thomas knew that his joke had gone too far, and hurriedly explained, "Brother, I had good intentions, and genuinely didn't expect it to come to this."

Yan Sen tugged at the lapel of his chest, and as he dragged him to him, he said, "This account will be settled slowly! Now you go to the town and call for help, I'll go to the mountains to look for her first."

Thomas nodded his head as if he were pounding garlic, and not daring to delay, he immediately went to carry it out.

Fortunately, it had just rained, the ground screwed up, you can still see the footprints. Yan Sen followed the footprints into the mountains while taking out his mobile phone to call Qin Li, but after half a day, she just could not get through.

He cursed the fuck out of him and strutted his feet even more.

The good thing was that there were no wild beasts in this forest that would eat and hurt people, but it would be hard enough if they couldn't get off the mountain when it got dark. It is now the end of June, according to the theory that it is already summer, but after the past few days of continuous rain, the temperature at night is still very low, and relying on the daytime clothes alone can not block the cold. What's more, it's not easy to walk up the hill after the sun goes down.

Yan Sen glanced at his watch, it was still early, only seven o'clock. Luckily it was daylight saving time now, it wouldn't be dark until ten o'clock. There were still three hours left, he had to find her.

He circled in the mountains and forests, the streams gurgled in the mountains, and the sound of shouting kept echoing. Yan Sen cursed Thomas in his heart, this guy's heart is good, it's a pity that, not enough to make things happen, but more than enough to make things happen, creating so much trouble for him for no reason.

Seeing time passing by, he still saw a figure, and even the footprints from before were broken. He didn't know where she had gone, and could only look for her by feel. Yan Sen was getting more and more impatient, and his calmness wore off a little with the sinking sun.

He was most worried about her having an accident, the roads were bad after the rain and it would be bad if she rolled down the hill and got stuck somewhere.

Yan Sen secretly decided that if he still didn't see anyone within an hour, he would call the police.

It was very difficult to find a lost person in such a large area of mountains and forests, especially when that person didn't have a mobile phone on them. Yan Sen's heart was both heartbroken and self-condemning when he thought that she had rushed here because of himself, had he known that he shouldn't have gone out today so that he wouldn't have missed her. No, had I known that I shouldn't have let her go, to hell with free space, that day I should have held her down and forced her to xo.

Yan Sen thought this in his heart, but the pace of his feet did not slow down at all, he began to pray to God, open a golden finger to let him find Qin Li. He promised to dedicate half of his next month's income to the church. Amen!

As if God had heard his prayers, a faint cry was suddenly heard as he was on the verge of despair.

It's Qin Li!

Qin Li was calling him!

Yan Sen immediately turned his head and pricked his ears to judge the source of that sound. At that moment he hated that he was a rabbit so that he would have good insight; at the same time, he wished he was a mountain eagle so that he could have sharp vision, allowing him to hear and see his surroundings more clearly.

Finally, he saw Qin Li crouching on the rocky outcrop at the edge of the slope.

Jensen took a deep breath, felt his eyes seem to heat up, and couldn't help but pick up the cross hanging on his chest and kiss it.

Thank God!