
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs

Chapter 4

Qu Dani wanted to go up but was pulled down by Qin Li, so she had to watch the two talk and laugh their way up the stairs.

Qin Li quickly paid the bill and dragged her away.

Feeling suffocated, Qu Dani shook off her hand with all her might and screamed, "He's the one with the ghost, what are you running for? Why don't you go up and dismantle him?"

Qin Li, "So many people are watching, I can't afford to lose this face."

Qu Dani hated him, "The one who should lose face is also him, okay! I want everyone here to know that Sun Yat is a despicable, shameless and ungrateful scum!"

"Is this fun?"

"Of course it's fun, at least it's an outlet."

Qin Li, "Then what?"

Qu Dani, "What then?"

Qin Li, "What happens after you're angry?"

Dani Qu, "Divorce! What do you need this kind of scum?"

Qin Li, "It's not that simple."

Qu Dani, "Why not? You don't have any kids. Divorce is a matter of minutes."

This is a typical stand and talk not waist pain, Qin Li some helplessly, "I have been a couple with him for so many years, not to say can be divided."

Qu Dani felt unbelievable and called out, "This kind of scum, you still love him?"

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Qu Dani added, "Li Li, wake up. You have had three miscarriages for him, and it's still unknown whether you can get pregnant in the future. It's not enough that he doesn't make it up to you, but he still wants to find a third child. This is not a character problem, it's a moral problem, is such a person worth your love?"

"We're all old wives, what's there to talk about love? If I was three years younger, I would have left him long ago. But now ... my situation you are not unaware of, a twenty-eight-year-old woman who can not bear children, after divorce, you let me do?"

"What to do? What to do what to do, it is not divorced from a man the earth does not turn."

Simple to say, but I'm afraid that when things come down to myself, I won't be so dashing.

"My parent's side how to explain, my mom does not agree with my divorce. When I mention it, she will make trouble with me."

Qu Dani, "What do you need your parents to agree to divorce? When you first got married, you didn't ask for their permission either."

Qin Li felt that he couldn't talk to her clearly, "You don't understand."

"Why don't I understand? After all is said and done, the truth is that you just don't want to change! Even though this life has no quality to speak of, you still don't want to change, why? Is it really because you can't let go of the love of husband and wife? Of course not. I tell you why, because of human inertia and cowardice. To change a habitual state of life, one needs to overcome the trouble of determination, but also need to meet the courage of the new life, but also need a strong ability to resist pressure. The inertia of people who can sit but never stand, who can lie down but never sit, makes most people hold the mentality of getting over it when they encounter a marriage change. But, Li Li, this kind of thing is like a tumor in the body, not a cut to remove, and will continue to hurt until death."

"Then you teach me, what should I do?"

"Gather evidence and get a divorce, it's best to net him out and see if that woman still wants him. How much property do you have, do you know?"

Qin Li shook his head, "The passbooks are all with him, he gives me five thousand dollars a month to subsidize the family."

"What? Only five thousand? For the little three, a throw of money is willing to ..." Seeing Qin Li's face was not right, she changed her mouth, "When did you know that Sun overflows derailment? Why didn't you tell me? I can also help you come up with ideas, a person is not afraid to hold in the heart suffocated out of the disease."

Qin Li, "I also just realized."

"Then have you redeemed yourself?"

Qin Li shook his head, "He hasn't been home for a long time, he can't see anyone."

"You're too careless, you should be on guard if he doesn't come home, men are all bitches, not hearing about it is equal to indulging." Qu Dani said in a serious tone, "Li Li, forget it, we don't want this man, I'll introduce you to another one."

Qin Li laughed bitterly, "Who would look at me in my condition?"

Qu Dani had a bright idea and said, "Why don't you go to my matchmaking program for farmers? Foreigners are so open-minded that they don't care if they get married or not, and they don't care if they have children or not."

Qu Dani said more and more vigorously, said, "I think so."

Qin Li shook his head, "Give me a break."

Qu Dani said, "I'm serious. You can apply for a student visa, you used to be a German speaker, so it's not a problem for you to go back to your studies. When you get to Germany, you can stay at my house first, then I'll help you arrange a blind date, how about it?"

Qin Li, "Going abroad requires money, where will I get the money?"

"So negotiate with Sun Yat, give you five million dollars, and you sign immediately."

Qin Li shook his head, "You're thinking too naively. If I leave the country, my parents will kill me. Moreover, Sun Yat has already given me a sum of money."

"Where is the money?"

"It was taken by my parents to invest in business for my big brother."

"Then did you get any dividends?"

"All lost money."

Qu Dani was exasperated and laughed, "You this is still stupid or stupid or stupid?"

Qin Li, "My parents take turns to go to my and Sun Yat's unit to make trouble, once also let my brother Sun Yat kneel to ask for money, Sun Yat really can not see, on the spot on the scratch a sum of money to them."

Qu Dani listened with jaws agape, "There are such extreme things."

Qin Li helpless, "My parents are greedy for money, but after all they raised me, did not starve me nor freeze me, I can not ignore them."

"You are right to care about your parents, but your big brother has a few meanings. Still really rely on you."

Qin Li, "My parents have always been patriarchal, and have spoiled my brother since he was a child, and now that he has a grandson, he is even more bent towards them. If I don't give money, they make a scene."

Qu Dani said, "I sincerely advise you to go abroad with me to avoid the distance. Women still think a little more for themselves, or a famous marriage, a family of extreme oddballs, enough to drag you to death. Alas, looking at you now, I want to get married even more. When I first thought about it, you and Sun Runtang were like glue, only envious of lovebirds and not envious of fairies."

Seeing Qin Li's eyes reddening, Qu Dani didn't dare to sigh anymore, waved her hand, and said, "Forget it, don't say it. Let's go, we'd better go to the party. Several close little sisters still mention you. That fat sister Wang, do you still remember, she also divorced, with a five-year-old child, now playing all over the world, can be dashing. Women should be like this, don't be bound by public opinion and children, men ah, are floating clouds, their own money and ability is the king."

Qin Li sighed, reasoning understand, but really to do up difficult. Just like now is a tumor, stay will die, but because of the fear of pain, afraid of not being good, afraid of the moment deterioration, and delayed not to see, not to remove.

Looking at her best friend's haggard face, Qu Dani couldn't bear to say anything else, patted her hand, and said, "Take your time!"


Come to the party are all college friends, used to be in the same class, now each has their future. Some people open their own companies, some people at home as a good wife and mothers, and some people go abroad for further study, dragging the child with them a child is not used to celibacy, celibacy ridicules dragging the child with the child, anyway, everyone dislikes each other when they meet.

Qin Li and a group of old classmates together to talk and laugh, which is kinda of fun, seems to be back to the joy of the university era, the gloomy mood went most of the way.

In the past, she was either working or doing housework at home and had never participated in such a party. She was like a bird confined in a cage and had forgotten what it was like to soar in the sky.

In the afternoon was pulled over Qu Dani temporarily packaging over, cutting their hair, doing beauty, but also putting on light makeup, Qin Li all of a sudden a lot of young, many male classmates chased them to ask if there was a boyfriend.

Although it was just a joke, it cured the inferiority complex that arose from seeing Xu Jing in the afternoon, as long as she wanted, she could still be beautiful and young.

After everyone finished eating, they went to sing karaoke again, and they didn't go back until late at night.

Qin Li drank a lot of wine, wine is really good, and it can make people forget their sorrows, no wonder so many people would choose to live a life of today's wine and drunkenness.

Back home, found the house lights on, thought a thief, and went in to see, but it was Sun Yat.

Qin Li froze, and subconsciously rubbed his eyes with his hand, thinking that he was drunk and hallucinating.

Sun Yat saw her smell of alcohol, was disgusted frowned, and said, "What did you do, why did you just come back?"

Qin Li laughed out loud, "Rare guest. I thought you don't even remember which way my front door opens."

Sun Yi also does not intend to talk nonsense, "I came to get the clothes, by the way, I brought the divorce agreement, you sign it, we get along well."

Hearing the word divorce, Qin Li immediately woke up, froze, and looked at him, "You want a divorce?"


Hearing his decisive answer, Qin Li's tears came down at once, thinking of good redeeming words that were all blocked back, yelling at him, "Why? Where am I inferior to that goblin?"

Qin Li, can't you be more refreshing?"

This impatient attitude irritated Qin Li, a wave of resentment in her chest rushed straight to her head, and all cultivation and refinement were thrown to the back of her mind. She looked around and saw the divorce agreement on the table, and without thinking about it, she picked it up and tore it up in two or three times.

She kneaded the shredded paper into a ball and threw it toward Sun Yi, roaring, "I'm not divorcing, I'm just dragging you to your death, but I'm not divorcing."

"What do you want?"

"What do I want, I even asked you what you want. When I had a miscarriage for you, how did you promise me? Sun Yat, do you still have a conscience."

Sun Yat hates Qin Li always grasping their pigtail and not letting go, their attitude is also bad, said, "You miscarriage blame me?"

"Not blame you blame who, that time if not to support you to develop your career ..."

"Even if I ask you, the body is yours, you can not flow, how do I know your body so tofu dregs."

Qin Li saw him flip out, his chest heaving with anger, pointing at him angrily, "How can you say this."

"Even if your miscarriage was caused by me, I've given you and your family enough over the years. Your Qin family is a bottomless pit of insatiable greed, I've had enough now and don't want to be burdened with a penny more."

Qin Li, "Don't change the subject, are we divorcing because of my family? It's because you cheated on me. After all, you had another woman! Sun Yat you can afford me!"

Sun Yat is too lazy to argue anymore, "well, I'm sorry, I'm not a human being, so you hurry up and sign the divorce agreement and let yourself live!"

Qin Li was speechless, in the face of her flawed marriage, she felt a deep sense of helplessness and despair. Divorce was simple, it was just a program, but what about afterward? Just like what Qu Dani said, this is a hurdle that can be reborn if you step over it, but if you don't, then you will sink into endless quarrels and hurt forever.

Qin Li thought of Qu Dani's words and quickly calmed down, saying, "Divorce is fine, but you give me five million at once."

Sun Yi screamed, "Five million dollars, are you alright! Don't say I don't have it, even if I do, I won't give it. If you want money go ask your parents for it."

"I'm not leaving until I give it."

"Then I'll see you in court."

Qin Li laughed back in anger, "Fine, let's see you in court. See if the law will stand on the side of you cheating scum!"

Talks could not come to an end, the two ended up in a fight, Sun Yat dragged the suitcase huffing and puffing away, slamming the door with a bang.

In the empty room, in addition to Qin Li, there is a room of depression.