
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs

Chapter 43

Qin Li saw the pile of things was not an ant nest, but ten or so together with the small boar. Small boar than the family pig long lovely, dark brown hair on the back, mixed with a light-colored line, eyes big, nose big, short limbs thick, a little like not long open the plum deer.

Qin Li saw clearly and immediately picked up the SLR camera, a series of several photos.

Probably scared by the clicking sound, the piglets squealed a few times and ran out one after another.

Qin Li is a city dweller, if not go to the zoo, where can so close to see the piglets? So when they run over the feet upside down, feel especially cute, and do not realize the lurking danger a little closer.

But Yan Sen is different, he grew up in this forest, but also often comes to hunting, and the animals here are very understanding. There are no wolves, jackals, tigers, or leopards in the European forest, and the most dangerous animal today is the wild boar. An adult wild boar weighs two or three hundred pounds, especially a pair of tusks is particularly scary, a nose can arch people into the sky. Generally, wild boars do not attack people, or hear the sound of people who have long been far away from hiding, only in the spring breeding piglets, do they come out to look for food. By nature, sows will get angry if they sense danger. If you meet an angry sow, even lions have to go around.

Therefore, after Yan Sen saw the nest of young boars on the ground, his face immediately changed, and he tugged Qin Li, his voice urgently saying, "Don't go over there."

Qin Li had not yet reacted, saw a black shadow toward her this side scurried out, the ground tree branches were trampled creaking.

It was a boar, a male, why she knew it was a male, because she saw the balls under its crotch, big as hell, bigger than her two fists.

There is also that set of tusks, to be poked and prodded, not dead but also injured! The little boar was so cute, but the big boar was so hideous, even if Qin Li lacked the common sense to survive in the wild, she felt the danger this time.

Her heart is pounding, what should she do? Lie down on the ground and play dead? Or stand still and pretend to be a tree?

Seeing her standing frozen, Yan Sen grabbed her hand and said, "Run!"

It turns out that you still have to go to the top of the thirty-six plans. Qin Li's brain has not yet reacted, but her body has already responded positively, following Yan Sen to run.

Behind her came the roar of the boar getting closer and closer, at the critical moment she did not fall off the chain, desperately trying to increase the pace of her feet.

Probably because of fear, adrenaline accelerated secretion, stimulated her motor nerves, and a sudden scurry far, even Yan Sen almost could not catch up with her.

She looked back, only to see that stubborn boar always chasing after her, and couldn't help but yell out, "Hurry up, hurry up, it's catching up."

How can a two-legged one outrun a four-legged one, not to mention the fact that the boar is a notorious flash, Qin Li was anxious and afraid, and in her hand, she was still tugging on a DSLR that she couldn't throw, and her eyes were tearing up.

Yan Sen saw that the boar was getting closer and closer, he had a bright idea and said, "Don't run in a straight line, detour at a ninety-degree angle."

The boar is huge and fast, and it is not so flexible when it touches a corner.

The two ran back and forth at ninety-degree angles, like a relay race, Qin Li panted and couldn't run anymore, and all the food he ate just now was digested.

Although they were able to temporarily get rid of the boar, not long after it caught up with them again, Yan Sen suddenly said, "I finally realize why this place is called the Enchanted Forest."

Qin Li, "Why?"

Yan Sen, "Because the wild boars here have all become fertilized."

Qin Li cries and laughs, is this a time for jokes?

A fractured layer appeared in front of them, and the two ran too fast and didn't realize it, when they saw it, they wanted to brake, but it was too late. Qin Li's feet slipped, screamed, and rolled straight down. Yan Sen reached out to fish, but the result did not catch her, and was dragged down with her.

The slope is about 45 degrees or so, and below is a mud puddle, two people flopping two sound successive falls into.

Yan Sen first stood on his feet, then pulled up Qin Li, reached out to stabilize her, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Qin Li wipes her face, spits out a mouthful of dirty water, looks up to see his concerned eyes, and subconsciously shakes her head.

She observes the four directions, this is a small pool, the water is not deep, only up to the calf's belly, it's just that she fell all over the mud. However, it was fortunate that it was a soft mud puddle that didn't go uninjured.

Yan Sen pulled Qin Li to the side to hide, put his finger on his lips, and made a silencing gesture. Overhead break came messy footsteps, it is estimated that the wild boar chased, Qin Li covered his mouth, and the atmosphere dared not gasp a bit.

The wild boar's sense of smell is not as sensitive as a canine's, and its field of vision is also limited, feeling the presence of two people, finally gasping for breath and running away.

Waiting for it to go far away, Qin Li dared to make a sound, just now is afraid, a breath of hanging, to be able to hair foot wildly run so far. Now that the dust has settled, every part of my body hurts, especially a heart beating wildly out of my chest. Their legs were soft and sat on his butt in the mud puddle.

Yan Sen poked his head out of the broken crack, looked toward the top, to make sure that no boar could be seen, and only then greatly relieved.

Qin Li looked up at Yan Sen for a moment, then snorted out a laugh. There wasn't a single place where he was clean from head to toe, especially on his face, where there was a piece of mud from the east and a piece of mud from the west, making him look like a big spent cow.

Of course, she wasn't much better, her hair and mud were stuck together, and the clothes she had just changed into were no longer visible in their original color, sticking wetly to her chest and back.

She suddenly remembered her DSLR camera and, with a cry, got up from the ground. Fortunately, the camera was covered with a waterproof leather case, and these two drops of mud and water were also rubbed on it when she took it out just now to check it, and the lens was not affected at all.

Yan Sen looked lousy and funny, but very graphic, Qin Li's heart moved, and he immediately picked up the camera to take a picture of him.

"I'll take a picture of you too."

Qin Li hugged the camera tightly, "Don't."

Yan Sen gestured to grab it, but she died not to give, the two made a pile. In her resistance to death, he finally did not snatch.

Thinking of himself being chased by a pig, is unbelievable, but also a little ridiculous. The two looked at each other and finally let out a loud laugh.

Yan Sen said, "Fortunately, it was a boar just now."

Qin Li, "Or else?"

Yan Sen, "Sows love cleanliness and love to bathe in this kind of mud and swamp. Probably would have jumped down with it, and we wouldn't have gotten out so easily."

Qin Li looked at this pool of mud and dirt and was speechless, what could be cleaned by bathing here?

Thinking that there might be fleas in the pool of water, Qin Li felt nauseous, and when she fell just now, she choked on several mouthfuls of water. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but dry-heave a few times, and with her hands and feet, she tried to climb up.

However, there is a fault line here that is a bit steep, and she can't climb up with her strength, so she can only turn her head and look at Yan Sen for help.

Yan Sen often outdoor activities, summer mountaineering rock climbing, winter skiing and skating, arm biceps, and abdominal eight blocks, are not fake.

Only to see him bracing his hands on the slope, with a strong push, and another push from his feet, the person went up.

"Give me the camera."

Seeing Yan Sen reaching out, Qin Li didn't doubt him and took the camera off his neck and handed it to him. After Yan Sen took it, he opened the lens and clicked a few times, capturing her with this face of mud and dirt.

Qin Li gasped and wailed, waving his hand and screaming, "No filming, no filming. Give the camera back to me."

Yan Sen laughed, "The way you look now reminds me of the crabs you guys caught just now. It's cute!"

Cute, my ass.

Qin Li shouted, "Quickly pull me up."

Yan Sen stood up, patted the mud on his body, and said, "You wait."

With that, he turned around and walked away. Just walked away. Gone. Gone.

Qin Li called out incredulously, "Where are you going? Quickly pull me up ah!"

Yan Sen did not stop walking, not long after the shadow of the person saw, Qin Li's angry blood, this bastard cheated her feelings, robbed her camera, and now also left her alone in this deep forest. She went to touch the cell phone but touched a blank, the phone is placed in the tent, just now she just wants to walk around, where will think of this moth thing.

"Yan Sen, come back! You asshole."

Qin Li was afraid that her roar invited the boar to his wife, and really did not want to take a bath with the pig woman, also did not want to be piggy top, so she had to thick neck and dark curses.

Having consoled all eighteen generations of Yan Sen's family, at that moment, Thomas's voice came from above his head.

"Where is it?"

Then Qu Dani said joyfully, "Here here here."

When Qin Li looked up, she saw Thomas and Qu Dani, as well as the camera crew, and she was moved to tears.

Qu Dani said, "My god, how did you get like this?"

Qin Li didn't have the free time to answer her, and immediately reached out to them for help, "Quickly get me out of here."

Thomas brought a hemp rope and threw it down toward Qin Li, "Hold on tight, I'll pull you up."

Qin Li wrapped the rope around her waist and with the help of all the people working together, she climbed up the slope.

She cried tears of joy, with a thousand words in her heart, wanting to hug Qu Dani and have a good cry. Who knows, Qu Dani pinched her nose and took a step back in disgust, saying, "Don't come over, it stinks!"

Qin Li had a black face her face was covered in black mud, and she couldn't see the expression on her face, she could only feel her rushing resentment.

Qu Dani laughed while pulling out her cell phone and snapping pictures.

Qin Li was so depressed that he opened his arms to embrace whoever took the picture.

Qu Dani screamed and dodged, Qin Li said, "Don't you love to do silt mask? No, the existing pure natural."

After Qin Li followed the group back to the tent, she went to the lake to wash up, and when she saw that Yan Sen was also there, she rushed up and pinched him fiercely.

"Where is your gentlemanly demeanor? Was the dog eaten?"

Yan Sen did not hide, let her vent, a face of innocence, "I am a farmer, not a gentleman!"

Qin Li, "If you run away like this, what if the boar comes back?"

Yan Sen shakes his head, "It won't."

Qin Li, "Why not?"

Yan Sen, "Because if I go and lure it away, it won't come to you."

Qin Li, "..."

Eh, that made Qin Li lose her breath all of a sudden.

Qin Li, "Then you can't leave me behind."

Yan Sen, "That slope can't pull you up by myself, so I have to go call for help."

Qin Li, "Then why did you take my camera away?"

Yan Sen, "Afraid you'll delete the photos."

Qin Li grunts, just when you think this man is romantic, he makes you fall into the abyss.

Qin Li washed herself clean three or two times, she changed her clothes, dragged a head of wet hair, draped in a bath towel, and walked out of the lake.

She hugged her SLR and sat on a rock, looking at the pictures she had taken the day. There are the small boars, the big boars, and the two people who are deep in the mud ... A lot of snaps, from nature to the people, are all taken real and vivid.

Especially the two where Yan Sen is covered with mud, his hair is messy, and his clothes are dirty, but the corners of his mouth are with a very deep smile, just like the sunrise. His smile is very sunny, the corners of his mouth hooked, and the two dimples on his cheeks are visible, adding some handsome to him for no reason. It's just that he has a cold temperament and usually loves to pretend to be B and play it cool, so he doesn't smile much, making people overlook his super charming dimples.

Qin Li flipped through the photos of the two of them one by one, her mind recalling the moments just now scene by scene, the corner of her mouth unintentionally laughed out, this was the highlight of her life.

At this time, Yan Sen walked over with two cups of fruit wine. The man was much more casual, jumping into the lake and swimming from east to west, climbing ashore, and then counting himself clean. He was shirtless on top wore a pair of beach pants underneath, and didn't feel cold in the sun's rays.

Yan Sen handed her a glass of fruit wine, then raised his glass and clinked it, saying, "To our life after the robbery, cheers."

After the robbery, it's quite apt.

Qin Li asks, "Anyone who died at the feet of the boar?"

Yan Sen shakes his head, "I haven't heard of any, but there are those who got their lungs perforated by the top."

Hearing him say this, Qin Li naturally remembers the phrase I'll top your lungs, so it's this allusion, she can't help but lose her voice in laughter.

Yan Sen looked at her face and suddenly reached out to touch it, asking, "Does it hurt?"

She inexplicably shakes her head.

Yan Sen puts the wine glass down, stands up with his hand on the ground, and says, "Wait."

Qin Li did not know what he was going to do, and she was too lazy to find out, after putting the DSLR camera away, she took the bottle of soapy water sitting on the ground and started blowing bubbles with a click.

When the wind came, it took away the soap bubbles, falling on the lake and rising to the sky, beautiful and somewhat unreal.

Behind someone is saying, the lake in front of me is called Sinte Lake, this is the phonetic translation, the Italian translation is the lower reaches of the King's Lake. The lake is the mountain snow water left behind and formed, and the King's Lake in the upper reaches of the same breath. Looking out from here, you can also see two large rolling snow mountain peaks, which are the symbol of the Berchtesgaden region.

The man casually said, Qin Li also casually listened. After a while, Yan Sen came back, holding a medical kit.

Seeing her face confused, Yan Sen pointed to her cheek and said, "Broken skin, I'll take care of it for you."

Rarely did this rough man have a gentle side, but Qin Li didn't stop it.

Yan Sen took out a cotton swab, dabbed some iodine, and smeared it on the area where she had worn through the skin.

The sun had worked all day in the northern hemisphere, and it was time to get off work. As the sun set, a large golden-colored evening sun reflected half the sky, even the lake water carried a golden glow.

Occasionally, a school of fish passed by, causing a ripple on the sparkling lake surface, making for a beautiful and serene view.

Qin Li and Yan Sen were facing the lake, the western sunlight dragging each other's backs for a long time, and it seemed that this moment could be frozen into eternity.

But Yan Sen knew that it wouldn't be forever, and the one-month deadline was almost up. In a few days, Qin Li would be leaving this place.

He looked at the mountains and water in the distance and secretly wondered, would she stay for herself?

Just as he was thinking this, he only felt a weight on his shoulders, and when he turned his head to look, it turned out to be Qin Li leaning her head against him.

Yan Sen's heart inexplicably warmed, and in response, he reached out and wrapped his hand around her waist.

It should be. He thought.