
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs

Chapter 42

Hearing Thomas's shout, he thought he had found a dead body, aliens, monsters, and beasts, and everyone rushed over there with a curious heart.

The result was a big disappointment, there were no bodies in the woods, no aliens, no monsters with two heads, and no beasts that could bite people, there was only a pile of garbage on the ground.

This pile of garbage was very familiar, an hour ago, it was still a colorful and attractive food.

Qin Li took a look and couldn't help but scream out, "Ah, isn't this the snack I made?"

I don't know who threw this bag of food in the woods, but also viciously stepped on it several times, hard to step on the three-dimensional flat surface. There were mud and footprints everywhere, and the dumplings and siu mai had been trampled into shit.

Thomas peeled open the plastic bag, took out the gutted dumplings inside, and shouted angrily, "Who is it? Who the hell is it? Who's spoiling the food like this? You're not afraid of being struck by lightning!"

People were shocked by his momentum, I did not realize that this guy usually walks the line of cute, seemingly harmless appearance, initiated the rage of the force value is quite high.

Section guide heard the commotion, also followed over, not slowly and unhurriedly said, "Look at the footprints are who, do not know who did it."

A word woke up the dreamer.

Thomas said, "Show me the soles of your shoes, I will not catch that psycho."

Watching Thomas walk around, Qu Dani lowered her voice and asked, "Who do you think it could be?"

Qin Li's gaze absently glanced over the somewhat fidgety Janni, hummed, and said, "Who else would do such a brain-dead thing?"

Before Dani Qu could reply, she heard Janine suddenly erupt into a shrill scream, pushing Thomas' hand away as she screamed, "Go away, go away. Why should I show you the soles of my shoes?"

But it's just to look at the sole of a shoe, it's not like you're going to strip your clothes to see your privacy, so if you don't have a ghost in your heart, how could you refuse?

No one in the room is a fool, one look at this situation immediately understood seven or eight points, Thomas asked in disbelief, "Why? Why are you doing this?"

Seeing that her evil behavior was exposed, Janine simply admitted it, glaring at Qin Li, "I'm stopping a foreign cultural invasion."

It was fine if she didn't say it, but once she did, everyone couldn't help but laugh. It's alright, still stopping the foreign cultural invasion, is she living in history?

Thomas held her shoulders and shook them, "What era is this, wake up."

Janine broke away from him and ran to Yan Sen, "Do you have to find such a woman?"

Yan Sen was made impatient by her questioning, frowning, "What woman I look for has nothing to do with you anymore."

Thomas fell in line, "Yeah, you guys are already divorced. Besides, you were the one who didn't want my brother in the first place back then."

Janie threw her chin up, "I want it again now!"

Qu Dani reaches out and pulls down Qin Li, quietly asking, "What's the situation?"

Qin Li eloquently summarized, "The dog blood story of the ex-wife splitting up and looking for three, and now regretting and wanting to eat back to grass."

Qu Dani lowered her voice and said, "How do I feel that Yan Sen is the male version of you?"

Qin Li laughed lowly, "Janni is a high-coordinated Sun Yat."

Qu Dani, "How so?"

Qin Li, "Split two at once, but also play threesome."

Qu Dani heard staggering, not only high match but also high energy, foreign women are tough ah!

This end of the two whispering, that end of the Jianni pulling Yan Sen is still making a scene, said, "Anyway, I just don't like this woman."

The Section Director couldn't stand it anymore and interjected, "Who cares if you like it or not? The key is just that Yan Sen likes it."

The crowd can't help but nod their heads, this woman is also a tosser, the marriage is divorced, but still tugging on others, so why bother? The sky is the limit!

But Janine, the princess, didn't think so, she thought that she was the one who didn't want Yan Sen, so now that she regretted it, she could ask for it back again. But she also does not think, the heart is not an object, a long time, will eventually change.

She looked at Yan Sen and unwillingly asked, "Then do you like her?"

The surrounding area was quiet all of a sudden, everyone has a gossipy and henpecked heart, so as soon as this kind of critical moment, they all shut their mouths and perked up their ears, sitting and waiting for the subsequent development.

Qin Li saw that she had become the center of the onlookers again, and felt a sense of egg pain, honestly, at the beginning she was annoyed with Janine, but now she only felt that this woman was horrible, like a ticking time bomb. Sick in the head and still regards herself as a normal person, stirring up trouble and still feels justified, now and then to do little over-the-top things, and this kind of person has nothing to entangle, which can be avoided.

Yan Sen's eyes looked at Qin Li, only to see her attitude of unconcerned, his heart could not help but have a few points of disappointment. He wanted to declare in public, yes, I just like her. But he was worried that Janine would be irritated after hearing this and make bad to spite her, hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to bury his feelings in his heart and not say anything.

He is very sigh, did not think he was this big old man, a moment also learned a hundred turns of the heart, become a mother-in-law up.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Janine suddenly raised her hopes again and said, "Yan Sen, you still like me the most, right?"

In the face of this ex-wife, Yan Sen was helpless, her pestering behavior wore away very little of the guilt he felt towards her.

He shook his head and looked at her with a serious expression, "Janine, whether I'm single or not, it's over between me and you. You'd better realize that and stop embarrassing me and yourself."

Every word is firm, and the words carry a certain strength. If it were an ordinary person with self-respect and wanting to save face, they would have long ago stopped being cheeky and stalking.

Jenny and Yan Sen had grown up together and had been a couple for a few years, and were the ones who knew him the best besides Thomas. When he spoke in that tone, it meant that there was no room for things to be salvaged.

Her eyes burst into tears and she muttered, "You don't want me anymore!"

Thomas couldn't look away and annoyingly interrupted her, "Will you stop having a fit here? You're putting everyone in a bad mood."

However, Janine just looked at Jensen, treating everyone else like air.

Jensen said to Thomas, "Contact her brother."

Thomas woke up from a dream and immediately ran to the other end to make the call. His voice came out brokenly, only to hear him say, "Please lead that baby sister of yours back, okay ... Your family is no longer related to us! Have time to blame my brother here, or find a psychiatrist for her to take a good look. If it's too late, it'll be too late!"

What a venomous sentence! However, the words were on point.

Originally, everyone was having a good time, but after being messed up by this crazy woman, Janine was not happy.

Qu Dani looked at Qin Li sympathetically, "Congratulations, you've met the legendary extreme ex."

Qin Li looks at Yan Sen and sympathizes with him in her heart, this is called meeting a bad person ah meeting a bad person.

Sensing her line of sight, Yan Sen also turned his head to look over, and their gazes met in the air. She read the helplessness and guilt in his eyes.

Can't blame Yan Sen, who agreed to let Janey follow, he also has the responsibility, so each hit fifty big boards. Qin Li waved his hand, indicating that this matter should be left at that, it's just a pity about those snacks.

Qin Li moistened his throat and suggested, "Let's barbecue."

The mention of food put everyone in a better mood again, and Thomas hurriedly threw a bundle of branches he had picked up from the woods into the fire.

Jensen unscrewed a bottle of vodka and poured it on, and the fire shot up half a foot at once, almost licking his face.

Dry wood crackled.

Qin Li fished out a pot from Thomas's luggage, put in some lake water, and began to cook the crab soup.

The water boiled quickly, and Qin Li grabbed the legs of the crabs and threw them into the pot one by one. When the crabs encountered the heat, they scrambled outward, and Qin Li hurriedly used the lid to cover them.

Thomas saw this and exclaimed, "You're so cruel! Imagine if someone threw you into boiling water and boiled you alive ..."

Qin Li glanced at him and said, "One more word and no food."

Thomas grunted, "I'm not going to eat something so disgusting!"

Qu Dani pointed at him, "That's what you said. I'll cover his share."

Thomas, "You Chinese eat everything! Last time you let me eat crickets, this time you let me eat crabs, are you going to let me eat shit next time!"

Dani Qu patted his shoulder, signaling him to calm down, "If you want to eat shit, I'll show you the way to Japan. We're foodies, but not perverts."

Thomas, "Even eat this kind of stuff and you say you're not a pervert!"

Dani Qu hit him on the head with a spoon, signaling him to fuck off and stop pussyfooting around at the base of his ears.

But, no matter what, the scene of boiling crabs alive was a bit heavy-handed and left an indelible trauma on the German's tender heart. Even the knowledgeable director Koh silently said to the filming crew that it would be better to edit this part out.

Under Thomas' repeated hallelujahs, the crab finally stopped moving in the pot, and Qin Li threw in a headful of cabbage, mushrooms, garlic, and onions that he had bought at the supermarket. Then add salt, pepper, and curry to the soup, and finally pour a little cream into it.

In a short while, a pot of fragrant crab cream vegetable soup is so ready.

The two Chinese girls were probably the only ones in the room who were exuberant, the rest of the crowd was filled with curiosity and wonder and disbelief.

Qin Li served herself a bowl and took a taste, the creamy flavor mixed with the freshness of the crab, it couldn't be better.

Seeing everyone looking at her, Qin Li asked, "Do you want to taste it?"

No one did, so Qin Li added, "Don't worry, it's not poisonous."

In the end, it was Yan Sen who took the lead.

Thomas called out, "Brother, watch out."

Qu Dani rolled her eyes, beware of what? It's not like eating aliens.

When Yan Sen was sampling the food, so everyone looked at him with bated breath and kept asking, "How's it going? What's the situation? Is it edible?"

Qin Li was angry and funny, these Germans are also humorous, if you are curious, try it yourself and you will know the taste!

Yan Sen tasted a bite, then stuffed another bite into his mouth without commenting.

Thomas couldn't wait for him to chew and swallow slowly, and asked after him, "How is it in the end?"

Jensen nodded, "It's the strangest soup I've had in thirty years."

Thomas pursued, "And was it good, or not?"

Jensen, "I don't know. Let's just say that it made me want a second bite after the first."

Seeing that he couldn't tell, Thomas simply took the bowl from him and stuffed a spoonful into his mouth.

His first taste of crab soup was completely different from the dark cuisine he had imagined, it was very fresh, without a hint of fishy flavor, the creamy taste lingered in his mouth, and he did get a little bit of a stopping point when he ate it.

Seeing that he, like his brother, ate on and then stopped, someone asked, "Is it good?"

Qu Dani snaps, "Seeing him like this is there any need to ask?"

Qin Li sat on a rock and ate the crab, seeing her eating with a savory taste, Yan Sen couldn't help but say, "How to eat, teach me."

Qin Li said, "Like this to the hairy crab break open, and then tear along the grain into a strip, with the tongue to remove the shell, meat swallowed."

Hearing her say it was simple, but how could it be so laborious to do, Yan Sen ate and ate only the shell. He watched Qin Li skillfully separate the crab shell and meat, and teasingly smiled, "Your tongue is quite flexible. Next time you kiss, you should also utilize this crab-eating skill of yours."

Qin Li blushed at his teasing, even such a fresh and flavorful crab lost its appeal.

Although the crabs were too fierce-looking, the flavor was still very good, you a bowl and I a bowl, all said to taste a flavor, but in a short while, a pot of soup was at the bottom.

Thomas sucked his fingers and made a concluding statement, "The taste is good, it's just that the crabs are too troublesome to eat, and the shells are too hard, not good for the teeth."

The Section Leader nods and says to Qin Li, "Following you guys, you're refreshing your outlook on life every day."

The crab soup was just a pre-dinner, everyone was not full, Thomas said, "Let's roast meat!"

Meat is king in Germany, so this was an instant hit.

There's nothing fancy about grilling, just put the meat on a wire rack and turn it over now and then. After the pork steak was roasted, it gave off a tantalizing meaty aroma, which instantly made those carnivores hungry.

Qin Li didn't like those pork steaks, disliking the texture as too rough and not refined enough, so he prepared chicken wings. The layer of honey sauce wrapped around the outside of the chicken is self-adjusted, and it is called sweet and savory. When barbecuing, the chicken wings have to be turned over constantly, so that they are heated evenly and the meat is easy to cook. The fat on the skin oozes out, turning the skin into a thin crispy layer, and when you bite into it, you can hear a crisp click, while the inside is soft and juicy as usual. The sweet aroma of honey from the charcoal baking was irresistible even to Germans who didn't like to chew bones.

Thomas sucked on his fingers, savoring the taste, "Why can even grilled chicken wings be this delicious! Ri, how did you mix this sauce?"

Dani Qu knocked him with a twig, "You couldn't do it even if I told you."

Thomas rubbed his head and sighed, "That's true. I'm not related to a cook in this life."

Dani Qu, "You could get a celebrity chef for a wife."

Thomas, "A celebrity chef is no match for Ri. If my brother hadn't fallen for you, I would have chased you."

Upon hearing this, Qu Dani laughed out loud, "If you can't do it seven times a night, don't come after our Qin Li."

Thomas pulled down three black lines on his face, "Seven times a night only exists in women's fantasies, biologically speaking, it's impossible."

Dani Qu teased him, "Saying it's impossible when you can't do it yourself."

Thomas argued, "Seven times a night, a night is only eight hours in total, on average, one ejaculation an hour, even if it's possible, you'll run out of sperm."

Qu Dani, "..."

After padding his stomach, Qin Li carried his SLR and planned to wander around. The trees and grass here were all very flavorful and worth taking pictures of.

She was bending over to take a picture when footsteps came from behind her, and when she looked back, it was Yan Sen. She shushed and turned her head back, continuing to fiddle with the camera.

Yan Sen came closer and realized that she was photographing a hedgehog.

Qin Li worshipped Qu Dani as her teacher and followed her to learn a little bit of three-legged photography skills, professionals can not be compared, but used to show off the circle of friends is more than enough.

She just learned a new filter and wants to try the feeling, so all directions to the hedgehog come into the picture. After shooting, she got up and said to Yan Sen, "I want to walk around, do you want to join me?"

Yan Sen was thinking of doing just that, so he followed.

The forest was quiet and somewhat cool, with the occasional bird flying by.

Although the two kissed and planned to sleep together at night, Yan Sen was still stuffy and didn't say anything along the way.

Qin Li wanted to liven up the atmosphere, so he asked, "Why is this place called the Enchanted Forest?"

Yan Sen shook his head, "I don't know."

Qin Li struggles, "Is it because this place is particularly beautiful?"

Yan Sen shrugs his shoulders, "Maybe."

Qin Li, "Is it far from King's Lake?"

Yan Sen, "Not far."

He's so shy with his words, that Qin Li can't continue the conversation and turns his head to look at him, "You know what? Talking to you is a technical job."

Yan Sen raises his eyebrows.

Qin Li complains, "Can't you be more enthusiastic and say more words?"

Yan Sen, "I'll try."

The two of them walk deeper and deeper, and the woods get quieter and quieter, Qin Li can't help but think, could there be magic in this forest? If you go in, you won't be able to get out.

Qin Li turned her head to look at Yan Sen beside her, suddenly wanting to hold his hand, but she couldn't muster the courage because Yan Sen's nonchalant attitude always made her daunted.

But not shaking hands and a little itchy, she gritted her teeth and managed to gather the courage to grab his hand. Who knows, just as she stretched out her hand, he stuck his hand into the belt of his pants, making her pounce.

Qin Li was too embarrassed.

When Yan Sen senses her abnormality, he turns his head to look at her, Qin Li stiffens her face and smiles, pointing to the tree across the street and pretending to say, "Stand over there, I'll take a picture of you!"

Yan Sen didn't seem skeptical, and with an oh, he obediently walked over. Qin Li raised her camera and pressed the shutter, and only after focusing did she realize that this place was genuinely good, so she adjusted her orientation and wanted to take another picture. Suddenly her eyes slanted and she saw a pile of small dark brown dirt slopes behind Yan Sen. It looked like an ant mound, and seemed to be moving.

Feeling curious, she pointed over there and asked, "What do you see there?"

Yan Sen turned his head and looked over in the direction of her finger, and when he saw it clearly, his face changed and he was busy drinking, "Don't go over there!"

Qin Li was startled and hurriedly stopped her steps, looking at Yan Sen in confusion. Before she could react, she saw a black shadow rushing in her direction.

Holy shit, what is this?