
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs

Chapter 3

Qin Li God to go to the third party, the third party named Xu Jing, is Sun Yat's newly recruited soon secretary. This story is nothing new, it's just a man who has become a successful boss and then can't resist the temptation to get together with a beautiful secretary.

Xu Jing is only twenty-one this year, is the age of beauty, a head of big waves, coupled with this year's popular smoky makeup, just one word to describe: flirty.

Qin Li stood on the side and watched, he felt dwarfed, seven years of feelings, can not withstand the junior throwing a wink.

Chest turned up waves of shock, driven by the impulse, Qin Li God like a ghost walked up and decided to show down with him. Without an opening statement, he bluntly recounted his intentions.

"I am Sun Yat's wife, I hope you can leave him ...."

Who knows that before she finished her words, she was choked by the other party, "My love I will look after myself, so your marriage is also guarded by yourself."

The implication is that if you can guard your husband, you can rob men.

Qin Li didn't expect her to be so shameless and couldn't help but move his hand, slapping her with a crisp, loud slap.

Xu Jing covered her face and screamed incredulously, "You hit me!"

Qin Li, "Educating you for your mom."

Xu Jing unwillingly slapped back, "You're not qualified to hit me, this slap is returned to you. If you want to hit, go back and hit your man, he's the one who can't stand the loneliness and cheats."

Qin Li covers her face, can't believe that the woman in front of her is so rampant when the junior is still justified.

"You destroy other people's families, don't you have half a sense of guilt?"

Xu Jing said, "Yes. That's why you should hurry up and divorce Sun Yat. That way we can be together in name only."

Qin Li was mad with anger, "Aren't you afraid of retribution?"

Xu Jing laughed, "If there was retribution these days, corrupt officials would have been struck to death by lightning."

Qin Li clenched his fists, at this moment wanted to die with her.

Seeing her grimacing, Xu Jing was a little scared, taking a step backward in case she made another move.

Qin Li eventually reason overcame her impulses, in the face of the provocation of the mistress, perhaps she should rush forward to tear her smiling face, or cry to gain sympathy, or not to mention that she should also ruthlessly scold her ...

But in this way, what difference is there between her and an abandoned woman? So she held back, and in the end, did not do it again. Poor woman, she had already lost her youth, if even this little bit of connotation and demeanor was gone, then she became a dowager wife.

"I won't divorce, I won't fulfill you guys. Therefore, you can only ever be a mistress."

These were Qin Li's most ruthless words, and also the biggest blow to Xu Jing, a junior most suffocating is not able to support the right. Only, hanging like this hurts others and hurts herself even more.


Qin Li was walking alone on the road, the sky was so big that there was surprisingly no place for her to go. When she saw the panic in Xu Jing's eyes just now, she had a moment of sourness, but it was only that blink of an eye, and then it was swallowed up by endless confusion.

She took out her cell phone and found out Sun Yat's phone number, which was written as my husband on the address book. I remember when she saved the number in the beginning, she wrote our husband, and at that time, Sun Yatsura even laughed at her and said, how is it our husband? I am yours alone. So it should be changed to my husband.

How sweet it was in the beginning, how sad it is now. Reality has proved that no love can last forever, no matter how sensational when falling in love, when the passion passes, eventually only trivial years. Then, cheating or not, depends on the quality of the man.

At the moment of connecting the phone, Qin Li hung up the phone again, she did not know what to say and did not think about whether to divorce or not.

Just at this time, the cell phone rang, she thought it was Sun Yat-sen called, and her heart jumped heavily, but the screen showed an unfamiliar number. Pick up and listen, only to realize that it was Dani Qu.

Danni is her best friend in college, the two slept in a dormitory, but also a professional, every day with the same in and out, so the feelings are particularly good. After graduating from college, Dani went to Germany, where she studied and settled. In the past two years, she seldom returned to the country, and the two cross-less, but WeChat button contact has not been interrupted, and four years of schoolmate feelings remain.

"It's me, Dani." Dani's voice was full of vigor as if she was still the lively and cheerful girl.

Qin Li suddenly felt old, old not in body but in mind.

"What did you come back?"

"Six o'clock this morning." Qu Dani overflowed with enthusiasm, "I came to look for you as soon as I got off the plane, interesting enough."

Qin Li perked up, "Did you have lunch? I'll treat you."

Qu Dani said, "I just ate, my stomach is not hungry, I just want to walk around. The changes in S city in the past two years are really big, with skyscrapers rising everywhere. Li Li, are you free?"

Qin Li, "Yes. I'm off today."

Qu Dani, "That's just right. Where are you? I'll come and find you."

"I'm in the Xinbei Economic Development Zone."



"I'll take a taxi over now, wait for me."

Qin Li walked around the street garden in the development zone, she knew this area well and used to come often. Sun Yat's company was in the development zone, and for a while, when she didn't have a job and relied on Sun Yat to support her, she came twice a day. At noon to give him a meal, and at night to pick him up from work, the two like glue, envy dead bystanders. Later, she found this job, to assess the title, to promote, busy. Gradually, ignoring Sun Yat, plus three miscarriages, and heart failure, ultimately led to the two more and more far away.

One thing Xu Jing is right, the man cheated, and the woman also has a part of the responsibility, marriage is to operate, and wanting once and for all is impossible.

The more you think about it, the sourer, the more you think about, the sadder, thinking about the sweet words of the past, Qin Li has never been able to believe that he was so abandoned, the depths of his heart still hold a glimmer of hope. After all, they have paid enough for this family, even after their miscarriage three times, Sun Yat will not be too merciless to himself.

The cell phone rang again, picked up and listened, or Qu Dani.

"Turn your head forty degrees, you will see a mouth beauty ... quickly wave to her."

Qin Li turned back to look, only to see Qu Dani wearing a flower dress, with a sun hat, and a sharp short hair cape, playfully standing not far behind her under the flower tree.

Qin Li was a little shaken as if time had regressed to seven years ago when the two first met on campus.

God is unfair, in some people, bodies scratched the marks of the years, but to some people extraordinarily forgiving.

Qu Dani walked over in big strides and gave her a bear hug, "Long time no see, Qin Li!"

The joy of meeting her best friend washed away the resentment in her heart, Qin Li reached out and hugged her back, saying, "Dani, you're still the same, haven't changed a bit."

Qu Dani ruffled her hair and said, "Of course, I have eternal youth. Rather, it's you ...."

She took a step back and looked up and down critically, "Why are you dressed so old-fashioned? Your hair is coiled like an old woman, your clothes are so plain in color, and you don't even put on any makeup!"

Her best friend has always been so venomous, Qin Li is used to it.

Qu Dani, "Are you okay at night?"

Qin Li shook her head.

Qu Dani gave her a hand and said, "Let's go."

"Where to?"

"Shopping for beauty and hair. Dress up and go to the class reunion."

Before Qin Li had a chance to speak, Qu Dani grabbed her hand and said, "Today, everyone is giving me a welcome, not going is not giving face."

Qin Li did not have this intention, but it is not good to refuse.

Qu Dani half persuaded half pulled said, "You work every day to go home two points into a line, not boring ah. Is not afraid of Sun Yatang did not agree, or call him together to the black skin?"

Sun overflow derailment is not something honorable, so did not tell Qu Dani.

Qin Li heard her mention the name Sun Yat, and her heart was sad, there is a right saying, that rich couples have many trials and tribulations, and poor couples have a hundred things to mourn ah.

Seeing that she didn't look right, Qu Dani asked, "What's wrong? Fought with Sun Runner?"

Qin Li didn't want to expose her wounds to others, and smiled in a disguised manner, "How would we quarrel, I'll go, okay?"

Purpose accomplished, Qu Dani smiled and made a victory gesture, holding her on her arm, choosing a beauty salon nearby, saying, "Let's go, let's go do a face first. It is said that spa is very popular in China now, this skin of mine, ah, can't survive that dry weather in Germany."

This is a development zone, many are white-collar women, so the beauty store is high-end and upscale. Qin Li has never gone in to spend money and was shocked by the amazing price.

Qu Dani laughed at her, "Which village are you from, can the owner of this kind of lot give up the opportunity to chop people up?"

Qin Li has nothing to say, these years her mind is on work, her clothes are Taobao to buy, her hair is ten dollars to cut, and beauty and slimming so never goes. People are envious of her as a broad wife she is just a narrow-eyed small woman.

Qu Dani bitterly, "Your husband is so good at making money, and you do not lack money, you should have fun in time."

Qin Li laughed and had bitter words.

Qu Dani shouted two beauticians over to give them facial spa treatments.

Qin Li asked, "Are you still in that chemical company?"

Dani Qu, "It changed a long time ago. I'm now working for a TV station in Germany."

Qin Li, "Sounds good."

Dani Qu, "I'm just an odd-job man, that's all. But there are a lot of interesting things on the TV station, so it's eye-opening. By the way, recently they're recording a TV program that's quite interesting, it's called Farmer Matchmaking. It's about introducing German farmers to each other."

Qin Li asked, "Germans are also dating?"

Dani Qu, "There are a lot of leftover men in the mountains. It's the same all over the world. Young people love to go to the city, so country people can't get wives."

Qin Li listened to Qu Dani describe her experience in foreign countries over the years, her heart truly envied her. She was dragged by these trivial family matters, like a bird with shackles on the wings, wanting to fly not high, want to fly not far.

Qu Dani said, "You envy me, I also envy you. Although a person is dashing, but also lonely. Sometimes, I have the impulse to find a random person to marry, but I am afraid to marry badly. Why don't I just go to the sperm bank and find a handsome guy and give birth to a cute mixed-race baby, which is also considered a life reversal."

Speaking here, Qu Dani suddenly realized that she lost her words, and busily said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to irritate you."

Qin Li, "It's okay."

Qu Dani, "Are you guys still looking at infertility? Germany is medically advanced, or else you guys can come to Germany to try, I can help you contact hospitals."

Qin Li was grateful for her friend's enthusiasm, but it was a pity that things were different now.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Qu Dani added, "By then you'll be older, and you'll be out of your depth. Riding on the fact that you're young now, and properly conditioned, there's still hope. It's okay to have a slippery fetus, the big deal is to stay in bed the whole time and quit your job to keep the fetus at home."

Qin Li said, "We'll talk about it when the time comes."

After doing the face, the two came out from the second-floor beauty room, Qu Dani said, "I plan to do a water ion perm and straighten my hair. How about you?"

Qin Li was about to reply when another guest came to the beauty salon, the welcoming girls at the door called out in unison, "Welcome."

Qin Li subconsciously cast a glance, did not expect this glance but let her stunned on the spot, came a pair of male and female fingers tightly interlocked, the female had just met Xu Jing, and the male ... was her old man Sun Yi.

Watching the two people unapologetically show love in public, her whole person is like a petrified statue, a little bit of hardness and coldness, and finally from the depths of the heart left a mouth, the crack is getting bigger and bigger, and finally touched the sound, broken into pieces of slag.

She heard Qu Dani call out from her side, "This is not Sun Yat ... Hey, this kid cheated!"