
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs

Chapter 32

When we got back to the farmhouse, the director asked to start the movie.

Yan Sen said, "I'm going to sweep the chicken coop."

When the director saw Qin Li standing in a daze, he gave her a push and said, "Let's go together."

The countryside is large, and as far as the eye can see, there are green fields. The iron fence surrounded a circle and cut off the weeds as if it were their garden.

Such a large piece of open space, but in addition to a cherry tree stands alone, nothing, inevitably some pity.

Qin Li asked, "Why don't you plant some flowers?"

Yan Sen asked, "What kind of flowers?"

Qin Li, "Whatever. Red, green, green, a little color, not more beautiful?"

Yan Sen shook his head, "I don't have time to take care of them."

Qin Li sighed, "It's a pity. Such a big yard, you can reclaim a piece of it to grow some vegetables, then plant some flowers and plants, dig a lotus pond ..."

Qin Li sketched out in her mind, surrounded by plantings full of bamboo, making a small bridge with ancient style, a lotus pool to raise some fish and shrimp, that want to eat can catch ... She could not help but wow out, the picture is too good, simply let a person yearning ah!

Yan Sen said, "If you stay, this piece of land is yours, at your disposal."

Qin Li, "You're tempting me!"

Yan Sen didn't say anything, just raised his eyebrows and smiled.

The chicken coop was large, estimated to be fifteen or sixteen square feet, much larger than the toilet in Dani Qu's Munich apartment. There were a total of ten chickens and three geese inside, with the chickens on the left and the geese on the right, separated by a wire mesh door.

Qin Li tsked and sighed, really villa level poultry cages ah, chickens and geese can live more comfortably than her.

Walked in, and heard twitter twitter twitter a few tender chickens call, Qin Li looked around, and immediately saw the corner scattered with a few just hatched out not long baby chickens. Chickens are not afraid of people, saw her and Yan Sen past, thought the feeding time was up, flapped their wings, and jumped over, the appearance of the crooked mention how lovely.

Yan Sen squatted down and spread his hand on the ground with his palm facing upwards, letting the chick jump onto his palm.

A man of the heavens and the earth, holding a pair of chicks not as big as his palms in his palms, this picture is particularly incongruous, but it is also unique in its contrast. Chickens fluttering wings, non-stop screaming, goose-yellow feathers, and green eyes, Qin Li looked, the heart was adorable.

She couldn't help but ask, "Can I touch it?"

Yan Sen drove the chick into her hand, fluffy and hot, the more Qin Li touched it, the more she liked it.

"When I was a child, there were vendors who specialized in picking a stretcher to sell chickens to the school, my parents did not allow pets, so I stole the chickens in my school bag. Unfortunately, can not raise a few days to die."

At these words, Yan Sen drew a cross on his chest.

Qin Li spat out his tongue.

Yan Sen was busy while she was playing with the chicks, she was a little embarrassed, so she took the initiative to ask, "What can I do?"

Yan Sen said, "Drive the chickens out into the sun so I can clean up."

Qin Li rolled up her sleeves high and confidently said, "Good."

But she didn't realize that she couldn't do such a simple thing well, and she made the chicken coop full of chickens, topped herself with a head of chicken poop straw, and the chickens hadn't been driven out yet.

Yan Sen was cleaning the cage, when he heard an ouch behind him, he turned around and nearly sprayed laughter.

Qin Li flopped to the ground with a chicken nest on her head, and a hen clucked and jumped on her back.

She smiled at Yan Sen and asked, "Will the chicken bite me?"



Yan Sen put his arm on the chicken coop and swore, "No, chickens are very friendly ... animals."

Who knows, just as he finished this sentence, a rooster came over and pecked him hard.

Yan Sen shrunk his hand and turned his head to look at the chicken, while the rooster shook his meaty beard and switched his left eye for his right eye to look at him as well. One man and one chicken, just glaring at each other.

After a few seconds, he let out a low laugh.

Qin Li's eyes couldn't help but fall to the knot of his throat, slightly vibrating because of the low laugh, her gaze fixed there for a long time, she gulped, suddenly feeling that if this man was sexy, he would be a slut everywhere.

Looking at him, Qin Li's brain infinitely looped a song often played on the radio, I'm sexy and I know it

Yan Sen pulled her up from the ground and used a broom to drive all the chickens out in three or two strokes, then went to fetch a water hose over to rinse the chicken coop.

Qin Li said, "How often do you sweep?"

Yan Sen, "A week."

Qin Li was staggered, her family's hygiene wasn't even that diligent, so she said offhandedly, "I wish to be that chicken of yours."

After saying this, she suddenly gave a start, always feeling that this sentence where not right.

Only then did she daze off, and then out of the blue, a tube of water fell from the sky, it was icy cold through and through.

Qin Li screamed, wanting to hide, but the clothes on her body had already gotten a large portion wet. She turned her head, crossed her arms, and glared at Yan Sen, who said with an innocent face, "Sorry, hands slipped."

Hand slips your sister ah! It was intentional.

Qin Li shakes her hair and says, "You go feed the chickens, leave this side to me."

Yan Sen hesitantly looks at her and says, "You feed."

Qin Li stomped her foot, "Feed them when I tell you to, don't be so maudlin!"

Yan Sen's ears hurt from her vibrations, and under the threat of her loud voice, he had no choice but to give her the hose. Qin Li took the hose, and when he turned around, she immediately turned on the faucet switch and spiked him with water with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

I knew she would do this!

Yan Sen took a few steps over to grab the water gun in her hand. Qin Li did not allow, put his back to him, who knows, he reached out and grabbed, touched a hand of warm and soft jade.

Qin Li's face a black, this guy has learned to grab milk hand? So accurate!

Yan Sen has no expression on his face but secretly says, the feeling is not bad.



The two were just like kids who hadn't grown up, playing with the water and having fun. In a short while, they both became drenched in water.

Qin Li raised his hands and panted, "I surrender, I admit my fault."

Yan Sen turned off the faucet, threw the water gun aside, looked down and saw his clothes that were wet from the inside out, frowned slightly, and then pulled his clothes over his head in one go.

He wiped his body with the clothes, then tossed them aside and walked into the chicken coop to continue the cleaning he had just done halfway through.

Qin Li chased the chicks on the grass for a while and turned his head to look, only to see Yan Sen, his upper body bare-chested, there rinsing the chicken coop. It was April, and although it was warm under the sun, it was still a bit chilly when the breeze blew, so much so that the red fruits on his chest were bulging.

Yan Sen finishes cleaning, and when he turns his head to see Qin Li looking at him, he tenses up his pecs and shakes them a bit, then the corners of his mouth hook upwards, revealing a dynamic smile.

Qin Li was seduced by him, and his brain automatically dubbed, oh oh girl, look at that body, I'm sexy and I know it!


Qin Li sneezed, excused himself to change his clothes, and fled as if he had slipped away.


After the bath, Qin Li stomach a little hungry, casually flipped through WeChat and saw someone in the circle of friends sunshine a bowl of noodles. She craved to eat, just as the refrigerator also has a dish that can be made with toppings, so on a whim decided to do it yourself.

Qin Li boasts that he is also a foodie, and since he is a foodie, he is also very particular about food. Either you don't eat, or you have to eat the best, this is Qin Li's motto. She disliked that the noodles bought outside were too thick, and not delicate enough, put the heart a cross, simply pinched the noodles, and rolled a handbag.

After rolling out the noodles, she hung them on the side to cool and then started to make the toppings. The toppings include pork, potatoes, garlic cloves, fungus, carrots, tofu, and egg skins, which are diced and stir-fried over low heat. Once it's served, start making the spicy oil again, adding vinegar to flavor it. When it's all pretty much done, then cut the noodle skin.

The specialty of the noodles is that they are sour, spicy, fragrant, thin, and sinewy. That means the soup should be sour and spicy, and the toppings should carry a distinctive flavor. The noodles should be thin and smooth, but at the same time Q. Two-thirds of a bowl is soup, and the noodles are sparse, preferably only a handful. The red oil not only just tones the color, but also serves to seal in the heat of the soup, so that it won't get cold even if it's left on the table for ten minutes in the middle of winter.

Qin Li's chef lived in Shaanxi for many years, so her noodles are also a masterpiece.

When she was frying the egg skin, the aroma spread far and wide, and a few Germans couldn't resist the temptation and ran in to ask what it was.



The assistant director had been to China, and said with a beat of his chest, "I know, this is a Manchu banquet!"

Seeing that his men were all dumbfounded, he was even more pleased and couldn't wait to show off his little bit of knowledge, "A full Manchu-Han banquet is what served the emperor in ancient China, both Manchu and Han Chinese were cooking, and there were more than a hundred different meals that could set a table."

The assistant director blew the bull out of the water, and someone asked in surprise, "Lai? With just this much material, can you make over a hundred dishes?"

Qin Li was made to laugh and cry by this group of simple foreigners, so she had to explain one by one that this was not a dish, she was just making a bowl of soup noodles.

The assistant director was the first to call out, "Impossible, you're teasing us."

Everyone looked at each other with expressions of disbelief on their faces, in their narrow culinary experience, this was cut and fried, a whole lot of red and green, how could it be just to make a bowl of soup noodles?

Qin Li saw that the explanation was not possible, so he saved his spirit and waited until it was done, the facts speak louder than words.

The Deputy director called out, "Camera shooting, to capture this witnessed moment."

Qin Li, "..."

Witness what? The birth of Jesus?


Yan Sen finished his work and returned to the house, and before his feet stepped in, he smelled a strange fragrance. Sour with spicy, spicy with a strong meat flavor, drilling into his nose, rattling his appetite. He smashed his mouth and swallowed the saliva that flooded his mouth, secretly saying, this woman is showing off her cooking skills again. He had to gain several pounds living at her hands and had to work twice as hard to maintain his figure.

He thought so, but he couldn't help but increase his pace.

The kitchen room door is crowded with people, the deputy director of the filming team and props team people are in, and a person holding a bowl, head down is eating noodles.

Qin Li saw him come over and asked, "Are you hungry? Do you want a bowl?"

Before Yan Sen could say anything, the assistant director slurred, "This is the best noodles I've ever eaten, even better than the Full House!"

Saying this, he hands the empty bowl to Qin Li and says, "Add another bowl for me."

Qin Li helplessly says, "I've told you many times, don't eat the soup! Keep the soup, I'm running low on soup ingredients."

The assistant director rubs his scalp and laughs, "It's not too good to eat. I've already eaten my tenth bowl, so add more noodles for me."

Qin Li shook her head, "Shammy noodles are all about the toppings, the noodles need to be less."

She turns her head to look at Yan Sen, "What about you? Want to try a bowl?"

Yan Sen nodded his head.

So Qin Li helped him serve a bowl out.

Yan Sen looked down and saw that red oil floated on the surface, a big bowl of red and green, floating fragrance.



He took the chopsticks and couldn't help but fork a large bite into his mouth, the strong sour aroma instantly awakened his taste buds, and the feeling was, how can I put it? It was like a dance on the tip of the tongue, a moment of a hundred flavors.

Yan Sen subconsciously went to fork a second mouthful but tragically realized that it was gone. There was only a pinch of noodles in the soup.

He couldn't help but ask, "What are you giving me to eat?"

Qin Li laughed, "The temptation of taste buds."

Yan Sen extends the soup bowl over, "Then tempt again."

Qin Li blinks, "No more."

Yan Sen looks at her, only to see the pair of black eyes inciting a cunning light, he suddenly realizes that just now he was the one who was using color to tease her eyes, and now it's her turn to use color to tempt his taste buds.

It's payback for payback, it's good and fair!