
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs

Chapter 20

Qin Li brought her best friend to the farmhouse just as the two brothers were there, and when he saw her come in, Thomas asked excitedly, "When are we going to sweep the supermarket? What's for dinner tonight?"

Qin Li introduces Qu Dani to them and says, "My friend couldn't book a hotel at once and has no place to go at night, can he stay here for a night?"

When Thomas heard this, he immediately screamed, "What? Your friend wants to stay here? I don't agree."

Not expecting him to flatly refuse in front of everyone, Qu Dani was embarrassed and looked at Qin Li at a loss for words.

"Why?" Qin Li was puzzled, the farmhouse was as big as a hotel, there were four or five houses on the first floor, plus the basement had four floors, one person living on one floor was more than enough. He thought that this was just a small thing and not a matter of concern, but he never expected that this brotherhood would not be welcome.

Thomas tossed his head and said, "I don't like strangers living in my house."

Qin Li, "I'm a stranger too."

Thomas, "You don't count."

Qin Li, "You don't even know what I like or don't like, how do you not count as a stranger?"

Thomas wisecracks, "It's just not the same. You're the one who came on a blind date with my brother, and strangeness keeps the mystery alive, but she ..."

Saying that, he reached out and pointed at Dani Qu, "What does she count as?"

Qin Li, "She's my friend."

Thomas, "It's not like it's a buy one get one free promotion, we invited you and you had to bring one."

Qin Li, "Your house is so big you can't live in it, so doing this favor is just a favor."

Thomas, "It's my business to have a house, why should I share it with others?"

Qin Li, "You're being selfish."

Thomas, "You're being morally abusive."

Qin Li, "Don't you have any sympathy? The nearby hotels are all booked up, if you want to kick her out, you'll have to sleep on the street."

"Just sleep on the street then," Thomas shrugged, "What does it have to do with me?"

This is the first time I've encountered such an insensitive guy, Qin Li was furious, "Why are you unreasonable?"

Thomas, "Where am I being unreasonable, I am logical in every sentence. This house this room is ours, to whom to live, not to whom to live, have absolute dominion. The one who doesn't want to be reasonable is clearly you."

"You!" Qin Li was speechless, really showman meets soldier can't reason.

Qu Dani saw the two of them getting into an argument, embarrassed herself, pulled her and said, "Forget it, I'd better go to the car and settle for one night."

"Wait." Qin Li pulled Qu Dani back and turned her head to ask Yan Sen, "You won't accommodate either, right?"

Yan Sen did not comment from beginning to end, at this time, seeing Qin Li asked himself, he nodded, "My brother is right ..."

Qin Li could not hide the disappointment under her eyes, and the goodwill she had saved up for him before was all gone at once, and she coldly said, "Okay, I know."

She turned her head to Qu Dani and said, "You wait for me to pack my bags, I'll leave with you."

Qu Dani stops her and says, "Ugh, don't get in trouble with them for me."

Qin Li interrupted her and said to Qu Dani in a language that the brothers also understood, "It's not for your sake, but people who are so cold, I don't want to deal with them at all."

Qu Dani didn't make another sound, in her heart she felt a little guilty and regretful, she didn't expect her arrival to make things turn out like this. If the director found out tomorrow that the reason why the program couldn't be recorded was because of herself, she didn't know how she would feel. But on the other hand, she also supported Qin Li's decision, after all, these two brothers are also a little too desperate. After all, these two brothers are a bit too desperate, not to mention that they come from China, a humane society can not accept, even in Germany, also belongs to the cold-blooded oddball. Now such a small matter has such a big friction, the future may also have what conflict, since it is not suitable, it is better to kill everything in the cradle.

Things were not much, Qin Li quickly packed up.

Seeing her leaving, Yan Sen asked, "Where are you going?"

Qin Li, "Differences of wills and paths don't mix. See you later."

Saying this, she pulled the luggage with one hand and dragged Qu Dani with the other, throwing the door open and leaving.

Yan Sen looked at the door for a long time and turned his head to his brother, "You've pissed her off."

Thomas grunted, "It's not like it's my decision alone."

Jensen, "I'm helping you because you're my brother, not because you're right."

Thomas, "..."

Jensen asks after a moment, "Why don't you let the woman live?"

Thomas grunts, "Seeing her reminds me of our mom."

Jensen looks puzzled, "Where does she look like our mom?"

Thomas, "The smell of shampoo on her head."

Now it was Yan Sen's turn to be speechless.

Dani Qu would probably be able to vomit a vat of blood if she knew that the reason she was unpopular was because of the shampoo.

Thomas looked up at the clock, unknowingly, it was dinner time again, he asked Yan Sen, "What are we going to eat tonight?"

Yan Sen calmly replied, "Spaghetti."

There was still a lot left over from lunch, and the cat wouldn't even eat it, so he had to eat it himself.

Thomas slapped his forehead and said hopelessly, "Let me starve to death."

Yan Sen suddenly said, "Then eat an omelet."

Thomas' eyes lit up, "You know how to make them?"

Jensen stammered, "Almost."

Thomas said with a few moments of sadness and a few moments of joy, "It's not good to eat so many eggs."

But he soon realized that his worries were simply redundant.


On the other end, Qin Li and Qu Dani were nestled in the minivan.

Qu Dani rubbed her hands together and said, "I didn't realize that it was so cold at night in the mountains, I should have worn a cotton jacket to come."

Now in April, the sun was shining during the day and didn't feel it, but now that the sun was going down, a cloudy wind was blowing. Fortunately, they still have a car, they have to use the car as a hut.

Qu Dani lit the engine, opened the car's heater, said, "In fact, you can't afford to gamble, after all, these brothers and sisters are still good for you."

Qin Li shook his head, "How can I leave you alone in the mountains regardless."

Qu Dani, "Big deal, I'll go squeeze into a tent with my coworkers."

Qin Li, "In this kind of weather, without a sleeping bag, you're bound to get sick the next day if you stay out overnight."

Qin Li's life was saved by Dani Qu when she was in China, and now she can't just ignore the situation.

Qu Dani, "Although the Germans are not enthusiastic, but also not so cold-blooded, really once again refreshed my new knowledge of the Germans."

Qin Li, "It's this pair of brothers. In the morning there were also two other girls who came for a blind date, but they were both scared away by Thomas."

Qu Dani perked up at the sound of gossip, "What's going on?"

So Qin Li repeated what Thomas said about finding a female match for his brother, Qu Dani tsked and shook her head, "This person still has a master's degree in Physics, I think it's because he's reading his brains out. That said, then why didn't you follow?"

Qin Li, "It's not that my wallet was stolen yesterday, I don't have a dime by my side, so I can only settle for you."

Qu Dani patted the top of her head, "Poor baby. Then what are you going to do tomorrow?"

Qin Li, "Go and explain to the director that this blind date won't work."

Qu Dani sighed, "Alas, if I had known that this brother was this kind of behavior, I wouldn't have introduced you. It is estimated that the director will understand the cause and effect tomorrow, and will still have to be angry with me."

She herself was recommended by Qu Dani, and Yan Sen had selected her, leading to a filming crew being stationed here, but now if the filming couldn't be done, Qu Dani would definitely be scolded to death.

This is something Qin Li did not think of before, she thought about it and said, "Otherwise, hold off, I won't talk to the director, let's do this first. Anyway, the shooting will only last for a month, and after that, they will each disband, which will also save you the trouble."

Qu Dani was obviously relieved, but she then asked, "Then aren't you embarrassed? Having to face these two brothers every day."

Qin Li said, "Let's see what happens. It's not likely that Yan Sen doesn't want to see me again, and if he takes the initiative to propose canceling the blind date with the director tomorrow, then it won't be our problem."

Qu Dani, "I hope so."

There were a few packets of snacks in the car, and two bottles of water, so they could only pad their hunger for now, and wait for dawn in the morning before driving to a nearby town to buy food.

It was getting all dark, and with the moon occasionally hiding in the dark clouds, the area was dark. Coupled with the fact that the wind was picking up outside, the swaying of tree branches, and the mournful cries of owls, it was like a scene from the best ghost movie ever made.

Qu Dani, "There are no wolves here, right?"

Qin Li's heart was also hairy, "I don't think so. You've lived in Germany for a long time, have you ever heard of people being eaten by wolves?"

Dani Qu, "I don't think so. If I had known, I would have gone to camp with my coworkers, and you wouldn't have had to suffer with me, at least I would have had something to eat, and I wouldn't have had to be scared."

Qin Li, "What the hell are you talking about? It's better to close your eyes and go to sleep, wake up after a nap and it'll be dawn."

Qu Dani hmmm'd and leaned her head back on the chair to sleep.

Qin Li closed his eyes, but he tossed and turned, just couldn't sleep. Even if you can't sleep, you have to close your eyes, or else the long night will be even harder to get through.

Qu Dani's voice came, "Lili, are you asleep?"

Qin Li, "No. But almost."

Qu Dani, "Why aren't you a man, otherwise it would be so nice to have a snog and fall back to sleep exhausted."

Qin Li, "..."

Qu Dani saw that she did not say anything, and then said, "I want to pee, what should I do?"

Qin Li, "..."

Qu Dani a grunt sit up, said, "No, to not solve this problem, hold to tomorrow morning non to suffocate me into internal injuries."

In fact, it's not too late now, it's just that there are no streetlights in the canyon, so it relies on the moon for illumination. Tonight, the sky was not good, a cloud drifted by, blocking the moonlight, and the surroundings were gloomy.

Qu Dani begged, "Li Li, you accompany me to go boo boo, okay?"

Qin Li's heart was stuffed.

Outside in the dark and windy, she really do not want to go out, but can not stand the repeated pleas of his friend, no choice but to give up his life with the gentleman.

The two boldly walked to the side of the road, Qin Li said, "You hurry."

Qu Dani said, "There won't be anyone peeking here."

Qin Li was about to say peeping a ghost, but think of this place this scene, or less mention the word ghost, will swallow the words hard.

Qu Dani said, "I want to go on the big one."

Qin Li a dizzy, "Then you quickly on ah, and I said what?"

Qu Dani cried out, "I didn't bring any hand towels. Did you bring any?"

Qin Li a mold on the body, also did not, then said, "You use the leaves will be under.

Qu Dani, "No, will be infected with hemorrhoids."

So, Qin Li had to go back to the car to get.

Qu Dani's voice drifted far away, "napkins in the side pocket of my bag, yes, by the way, help me bring my cell phone."

Qin Li was depressed, can't you concentrate a little bit, you still have to play with your cell phone when you take a shit.

A gust of wind blew by, the moon drilled out from the dark clouds again, illuminating the whole moor oil road with a bright and clear light. The whole mountain stream is cold and quiet, and occasionally came one or two cries of night owls, making Qin Li scalp numb back cold. Sure enough, even more beautiful landscape, but also in the blue sky and white clouds under the background, only have the charm.


She was burying her head in search of a napkin when, out of the cold, there was a hand behind her, a hand on her shoulder. Qin Li was so scared that she let out a scream.