
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs

Chapter 155

Building No. 3 took most of the year, and when the dust was almost settled, it was autumn again.

At the time of acceptance, Qin Li specially called a real estate appraiser to evaluate the house inside and out. It was not that she had no money, but that she had learned from her loss. The house had cost her more than a million dollars, and once she had signed the contract for its completion, the remaining sixty percent would be paid out. If any defects in the construction are found later and need to be rebuilt, another fee will have to be paid.

In recent years, a person to start a business ups and downs, Qin Li suffered losses, but also learned a lot. It's only when you're pushed to the wall that you see what a person's potential is.

Such as No. 3 house officially put into use, it is already November, another month, is the peak season.

Qin Li sat in the kitchen in the account, two men in the hall watching TV, happy.

She looked at the online booking, although the No. 3 house is a newly opened dried bean curd, but this month there are several lists. Probably because of the credibility she's built up over the past three years, so much so that as soon as No. 3 comes out, people are admiring her.

For the ski season next month, all 15 apartments in No. 3 have been booked. Her house is booked by a number of repeat customers, every year to come here skiing, the first stay is satisfied, and she will come to this report every year.

In addition to the 11 houses in No. 1 and No. 2 houses, she estimated that by the end of this winter, she could earn at least 230,000 yuan, and pay off a third of the loan should be no problem.

After Qin Li calculated the account clearly, he happily announced to everyone, "The loan can be paid off in three years, so maybe after three years, we can build four houses."

Looking at her ambitious face, Yan Sen could not help but remind her vaguely, "Your life has a big job, don't you forget?"

Qin Li patted the top of his head and said, "Yes, there are amazing dumpling houses." Now the business is so good, just make dumplings is no longer enough, it is better to contract to others to do it, open a formal restaurant is better. What do you think?"

Yan Sen looked at her, can only smile to, now the wife has become a strong woman, open mouth is business.

Thomas saw big brother's face full of helplessness, a look of wanting to speak, can not help but love him for a minute. Although I know that Yan Sen does not like the third party to meddle in their lives, but Thomas still can not help but open his mouth, for him to say the truth to the heart, "my big brother means that the baby... Do you want to have kids or not?"

It is a word to wake up a dreamer, he does not say, Qin Li really forgot this thing. Before the start of the third house, Qin Li ran the hospital very hard, but her stomach has not been good, played a lot of follicle needles down, but there has been no mature eggs. After persisting for a while, she retreated a little, and then there were more things, and Yan Sen did not put pressure on her, and it was stranded.

Looking back now, Qin Li felt very guilty and spontaneously made a phone call to Dr. Hahn to make an appointment to see a doctor.

Thinking of his grand cause too late to put aside, can not help but sigh, "there are so many things to do, a person's life is too short."

Smell speech, Thomas immediately interjected, "so we should cherish the people in front of us."

Yan Sen glared at his brother, and Thomas immediately threw up his hands and surrendered, "okok, this is your husband and wife's business, nothing for me." But it's up to you, Le, whether we von Walden have any more."

Then, without waiting for Yan Sen to make a sound, Thomas rolled off roundly.

Thomas is now a celibate, do not intend to marry, do not intend to have children, so the matter of procreation only to Yan Sen, but Yan Sen's daughter-in-law is not reliable. Looks like the Feng family is dying out. Aych!

Seeing Qin Li with a worried look, Yan Sen shook her hand and said, "Don't think too much, let it be."

That is to say, but Qin Li still felt the pressure, to have children is also her wish, if this life can not be pregnant how to do? What's the point of making more money?

With this thought, the feeling of joy that I had just felt in the business suddenly disappeared.

See her unhappy unhappy, Yan Sen heart Thomas scold a dog bloody head, so many years have passed, the dead head or so will not look at the eye, which pot does not open which pot of the problem has not changed.

Yan Sen pulled a chair, sat beside Qin Li, held her hand, and said, "Every child is a gift from God, he will not come casually, because his arrival represents obligations and responsibilities, we will make a lot of sacrifices and concessions for this, so from the moment you are pregnant, it will be the beginning of our test." Li, tell me honestly, are you ready?"

When Qin Li saw how serious he was, he became serious and thought about what he said. Before to have children, because the outside world gave her pressure, and then went abroad, public opinion is no longer, but always want to give Yan Sen a complete home. Until now... She was successful, independent, and decided it was time to have a baby. It is not who persuaded her, who moved her, who threatened her, but a sincere desire from the heart, is that she wants a continuation of life, the witness of love.

* * *

Seeing Dr. Hahn again, Hahn joked, "Planning to have a second child?"

Qin Li blushed and said, "Some time ago something was delayed."

Hahn said. "Free now?"

Qin Li nodded.

"It's a big project to take seriously," Hahn said, flipping through the case history. "Sometimes it takes time and effort, but it's worth it. So, are you two ready now?"

Qin Li and Yan Sen looked at each other, and Yan Sen quietly held her hand under the table. They looked at Hahn and nodded in unison.

Hahn laughed. "Well, let's start the original plan again."

* * *

A year ago, the ovarian repair operation, the body organs are no problem, but because of perennial endocrine disorders, resulting in each ovulation period there is no mature egg.

Dr. Hahn also had a headache for this, and could only increase the dose of promoting excretion to the maximum, if it had been for others, the decplets would have been pregnant early, but Qin Li...

The more I wanted it, the more it refused to come.

Watching the days turn over like a book, Qin Li's heart gradually sank into the sea, unable to bear four characters on the heart, heavy as Mount Tai.

At night, she had a dream that she was pregnant. Can open your eyes a look, there is nothing, immediately put himself to the abuse cry.

To tell the truth, God is not thin to her, gave her a chance to regenerate, gave her a loyal lover, gave her a chance to do business... Will he fulfill her last dream?

Qin Li has no bottom in her heart, she is afraid that she has been so smooth in these years, is overdrawing her own happiness.

See his wife so sad, Yan Sen heart is also very bad, but he has no uterus, and can not be pregnant for her.

He held Qin Li and finally made up his mind, saying, "If it is absolutely impossible, we will go and adopt one." Even if they are not my own, I will treat them like my own."

Qin Li leaned in his arms, his voice choking, "But there is no blood flow, don't you feel sorry?"

Yan Sen reassured her, "On the bright side, at least we can choose our gender... Do you want a boy or a girl?"

Qin Li answered without thinking, "Girl."

Yan Sen nodded, "I like girls, too. We can go to China sometime and find out about the adoption process."

Qin Li stood up and asked, "Why did you go to China to adopt?"

See her so sensitive, Yan Sen busy waving to explain, "you don't think, I have no hidden hobby." But there are fewer orphans in Germany, the adoption conditions are strict, and the procedures are complicated. I think China should be more convenient."

Qin Li nodded, this is true, according to the urine of the German bureaucracy, when they adopt a baby, it is estimated that she is almost in the coffin.

"Well, there is another way."

Yan Sen asked, "What is it?"

"Go back to China and live for a year or so to try traditional Chinese medicine."

Yan Sen doesn't object, it's just...

"What about your business? Give Thomas all three houses?"

Qin Li blurted out, "No. This guy has done more than he has done."

Yan Sen helplessly look at her, so said fish and bear PAWS can not have both.

Qin Li is also very difficult, Chinese medicine conditioning needs a process, three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, what effect will there be. There is no authentic Chinese medicine in Germany, and even if there is, there is no medicine.

Seeing her sad face, Yan Sen patted her shoulder, "Forget it, don't think too much, or the boat to the bridge naturally straight."

Qin Li, "How straight? I may never get up straight again."

The next day, Qin Li went to the hospital to report as usual, and the doctor also drew blood for her to do Yin ultrasound as usual.

Because of too many disappointments, Qin Li dared not hope again, for fear that the blow would be too great and would crush him.

While she was lying in bed for an examination, she told Dr. Hahn about her idea of cloning, foaming at the mouth, and suddenly, Hahn shouted a pause.

Qin Li was startled and stared at the doctor, not knowing what had happened.

Hahn said, "Maybe you don't have to clone..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Qin Li's heart began to beat wildly and he asked ecstatically, "Am I pregnant?"

Hahn smiled and shook his head, "Pregnancy is not, but after a lot of conditioning of the needle, the emperor finally pays off, there is a mature egg."

Qin Li, "...

Only one mature egg! Well, one is better than none.

Although there is still a long way from pregnancy, but at least it is a qualitative leap, it is fortunate.

Hahn advised, "Tomorrow at ten o 'clock you come to report on time, because you have to have general anesthesia, you can't eat breakfast or drink water." The operation is scheduled before twelve o 'clock. '

Qin Li asked vaguely, "What kind of operation are you going to do for me?" I thought the ovaries were fixed.

Hahn, "You're too unstable, so I decided to go straight to IVF." In other words, tomorrow I will remove the only child, form an embryo in vitro fertilization, and transfer the embryo back to the uterus. You go back and tell your husband that you must bring the sperm to the hospital before nine o 'clock tomorrow morning, because we have to do the pre-sterile treatment."

Hahn briefly introduced the egg retrieval operation, but Qin Li was not in a trance.

She stretched her hand over her stomach and wondered if this meant she was going to have a baby?