
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs

Chapter 139

What's for dinner?

Thomas asked, "Le, do you cook for them?"

Qin Li shook his head, these big men are from the country, used to eating delicacies, will not rare her home-cooked dishes. Her craft, to say the least, can only fool the people of the village. Just like the scrambled eggs with tomatoes that people are so fascinated with, that is, in front of crooked nuts, if it is on the Chinese table, no matter how delicious it is, it will be rejected. Nine out of ten people will say, oh, that's what you can serve!

They wanted an authentic Bavarian roast pig's foot, and the owner of the only restaurant in the village was in jail, so they had to take them to town to eat. The taste is not good is second, the price must be expensive, but also have style, and then order a bottle of red wine to enhance the value, so as to eat out of taste.

In this line, except for the annoying purchasing Colo section chief, everyone else is good, even the bag always put down his body to talk and laugh with them.

Mr. Bao asked, "How did you come to live in such a quiet village?"

Qin Li also has nothing to hide, just the truth said, "At first I came to learn the language, and then by a strange accident, I participated in a TV dating show, and married this mountain deep."

Listening to this, a 20-year-old girl at the same table could not help but interrupt and ask, "Are you not the blogger of Li Li and Senge?"

Qin Li was stunned, "Someone actually recognized me."

The little girl was immediately excited and shouted, "I'm a fan of yours, can I have your autograph?"

With the development of Weibo, Qin Li gradually accepted his success in the second dimension, but in the third dimension, it was the first time to be sought after, and it was somewhat flattered.

Lu is older and does not mix with the Internet, so he does not know who Qin Li is. But I didn't like her stealing the limelight in front of everyone, so I scolded her, "It's not a star, what's the name?" Don't fool around in front of the boss."

The little girl was Lu section chief said, suddenly dare not speak, flat flat mouth retracted into the corner, look very wronged.

The Lu section chief is a Luthor, will only pick soft, however, this is their family affair, Qin Li dont want to insert a foot, so only as did not hear.

But Bao, who seemed very interested in her story, asked, "What microblog? Are you still an Internet celebrity?"

Qin Li smiled, modest and authentic, "It is just a random mix."

Bao Zong, "can let a stranger see you, recognize you, ask you to sign, certainly not just random."

Qin Li said, "Just a coincidence."

Bao total praise, "not arrogant, not impetuous, very low-key." Very good!"

Listening to him say so, Qin Li himself had no reaction, but others were more or less surprised, because Bao always never praised people easily.

If according to the domestic custom, this meal will not let the customer pay for it. However, Qin Li is only a translator, and she does not have enough money to invite a group of unrelated people to dinner. And those Germans in the village, also do not have this custom, so they can only be wronged, let them pay their own money.

The person who paid the bill was Lu Section chief, who took a look at Qin Li and muttered in dissatisfaction, "What the hell?" It didn't do any good."

Qin Li pretended not to hear.

Bao said, "Oh, how can I let a girl pay for it?"

Chief Lu said nothing in his mouth, but his heart was very unhappy, and he wanted to save the budget and put it into his own pocket... The chief of the purchasing section, usually a lot of benefits, no matter where to buy, everyone praised him very high. But this time to Europe, food, shelter, transportation, nothing as he hoped, really feel oppressed, it is better not to come.

Bao said, "Look at your age, you should be not small, have you worked in China before?"

Qin Li nodded.

Mr. Bao, "In which company?"

Qin Li did not want to talk to strangers, so he casually said, "It is a small company with no reputation."

Bao Zong smiled, "The little girl is quite defensive. If you don't want to talk about it, forget it."

Lu Section chief said, "Miss Qin this is a little unappreciative, after you return home, you may come to our company to apply, we are the top 500 domestic."

Qin Li could not understand his logic, and the five hundred had nothing to do with gossiping about her history. She simply does not like the attitude of Lu Section chief this person, a pair of arrogant hanging, but also everywhere run on their own, really helpless. After she endured several times, she felt that this man was pushing his luck, stepping on his bottom line, and couldn't help but want to fight him.

Qin Li said, "The domestic market is changing rapidly, today is the leader, tomorrow may be poor." Besides, there is nothing unusual about the top 500 in China, not the top 500 in the world."

Listen to her big talk, Lu Section chief some angry, is waiting to poke her two words, listen to the package on the side of the way, "you are right, it is really nothing rare." This time I came to Europe to participate in the exhibition only to find that the world is big, we are very small. It's not enough for the brand to be known at home, it's important for the world to know us."

"Although the Chinese have a lot of food that meets European tastes, they can't officially enter the European market because they can't pass the inspection or because of the lack of advertising," Qin said.

Bao said, "We are also improving this. You can't get fat all at once, so it's still up to everyone to work together."

Qin Li was a little curious, "I thought the cow ranch was only for dairy products."

Bao Zong Dao, "God cow ranch is just a diversion of our company, ordinary food this piece, we are also involved."

Bao always really is the head of the family, very general gas, talk between strength, Qin Li and he chat casually, all feel benefited. Unfortunately, she has no plans to return to China for development in the near future, otherwise she can have a good lesbian relationship. However, it may also be that Bao Zong saw this, so he was willing to talk to her more.

After eating, send everyone home.

After a night's rest, the next morning, Qin Li took everyone to King Lake. A car license can't drive Iveco, so the driver is hired from the tour company, paying $300 a day.

After pulling them to the King Lake, Qin Li took a party to the scenic spot by boat, and everyone was busy taking photos while listening to her introduce the scenery.

After getting off the boat, it is still a long way to go to the scenic spot, under the scorching sun, unanimously decided to take the mountain road without sunshine.

"It's called King's Lake. Has it anything to do with Swan Castle?"

Qin Li, "No."

There must be a relationship, that is, King's Lake and Swan Castle, are both world-renowned classic attractions.

Someone asked, "The Swan Castle is in Bavaria, too."

Qin Li nodded and could not answer, so he listened to Lu Section chief in that way, "We give you money, you take us there."

Two places together 350 kilometers, for people from a great country, this distance is really nothing. But for the German village people, more than three hundred kilometers is very much the same thing, after all, more than two hundred kilometers can cross Germany.

Qin Li glanced at his watch and said, "It's too late today. Even if we drive there, the castle is closed, and the tickets need to be booked a week in advance. Let's take another day."

Lu Section chief, "Then we don't go in, just take pictures at the door."

Qin Li dilemma, "Today is Friday, the highway will be very congested, when we drive past, the sun has gone down, you still shoot what."

Chief Lu did not give up, "What about tomorrow?"

Qin Li could not help but remind, "You are leaving tomorrow, you must find time to visit the ranch."

Lu Section chief saw her always contradict himself, not angry, "to say that you are looking for an excuse, do not want to take us to." If you greet the guests like this, you are not afraid that we will not sign the contract?"

Qin Li is most annoyed by people like him, always put the contract on the mouth to threaten her, she ignored him, but looked up to Bao General, said, "The milk produced here is one of the best in Germany, if you are willing to sign cooperation, will certainly give you the best products." However, if you have no intention to cooperate, please do not play with the villagers here, they are very simple people, do not understand that set of flattery. I'm just the interpreter they hired. I'm willing to take you to the nearby attractions, but I'm not a local escort, so please respect my decision."

After saying this, the surrounding immediately quiet down, it is estimated that usually, no one dares to talk with Bao. But Qin Li does not regret at all, these big men are usually spoiled in the country, want to go east, want to go west, as if the whole world should kneel at their feet to lick the vamp.

"Aren't you afraid to offend me by talking like that? I think the villagers here are keen to work with us."

Qin Li corrected, "I am cooperating with you with a straight back." Just as you said, our Chinese food wants to enter the EU market, but you are not willing to beg them to accept it on your knees. Similarly, the villagers here are very happy and want to cooperate with you, provided that you show sincerity, you say that this field visit, the villagers have been preparing for several days. But as it turns out, you're leaving tomorrow, and you're not even going to look at the ranch, don't you think you're going a little too far?"

Bao was silent for a few minutes, then suddenly laughed, "I haven't seen someone with a real temperament like you for a long time." Say what you have, dare to say what is on your mind, that is, in this environment, you can indulge in doing so. If you come back..."

Qin Li also went out of his way and cut him off, "Just because you are not in China, so you have to do as the Romans do, otherwise how can you do business with foreigners?"

Bag total did not get angry, but seriously thought about her words, feel that this is right. After all, they also want to break into the EU, there is no reason that the product has not come in, and already let the locals hate.

So, he said, "Well, let's do as the Romans do and go on a field trip tomorrow."

Although he said so, Qin Li still did not relax, because who knows how much credibility his words have.

However, she did underestimate Bao's credibility. On the third day, as expected, she did not let her take a trip to the field, but ran to the ranch with a group of people, and inspected one by one.

Mrs. Schroeder was surprised. Three days had passed in the blink of an eye, and she had almost given up hope until the last day when the peak reversed course.

She looked at Qin Li and asked, "What happened?"

Qin Li shook his head, "Accidentally hit."

Fortunately, Bao Zong is not a chicken belly, and can hold down such a small man under Lu Section chief, so the visit went exceptionally smoothly on this day.

Bao Zong said he would ask his secretary to mail the contract when he got back.

When Qin Li heard it, he thought it was a perfunctory remark. They brought a translator, and Bao is the one who can make decisions. When you can sign a contract on the spot, but you have to put it off until you get home, most of this is not done.

Although the words yesterday were a little heavy, but if she had not gone out of her way, it is estimated that she would not even go to the field visit on the last day. Therefore, if this matter could not be accomplished, Qin and Li did their best.

Qin Li let everyone don't have too much hope, or what should do, but did not expect, a month later, God cow Group will really send the contract.