
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Thành thị
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157 Chs

Chapter 101

Qin Li showed off his skills this time and amazed the village people's little eyeballs. These German village bumpkins finally opened their eyes. The original Chinese blade was so awesome, cut the bones, peeled the skin, cut the silk, chopped the sauce, really on the world all-powerful ah.

Originally, the villagers held the mentality of having to flatter Qin Li, with not much sincerity in it, but after this free lunch, their stomachs and taste buds were all conquered by Qin Li, and they praised her one after another.

Seeing that she had successfully recovered the hearts of the villagers, Qu Dani's eyes reddened, and she clasped her hands together and said to Qin Li, "Mistress Dongfang, please accept me as your disciple."

Qin Li was puzzled, "Why do you call me Oriental Warrior?"

Qu Dani said seriously, "In my mind, you are the modern version of the Oriental Undefeated!"

Qin Li, "..."

Qu Dani said, "Watching you conquer the world with your cooking skills makes my heart itch, you're a generation of the god of food, Western Invincible."

Qin Li, "..."

Qin Li thinks Qu Dani exaggerated, she would not dare to call herself the God of Food. In the great country of China, there are a handful of talented people, he is only a third-rate level. Only here in Germany, the village people see fewer, a few dishes because often do to eat, so handy. In addition, the sour in place, spicy, sweet, salty, just right, the flavor is rich, and the aroma of a stimulus, is a person will be greedy. And, from eating to drinking are free, eating people's mouth soft, is the reason did not run.

Qu Dani heard, shook her head into a rattle, "You are also too modest. If the food didn't taste good, where would you eat the bottom? You know that the Germans are stubborn people who only order one dish in a restaurant all year round. It's obvious that you're the one who's good at cooking, and the word "God of Food" is well deserved."

Qin Li saw her insist and had to give in, well, all sorts of factors are a little bit, right place, right time, right person, today will be half the effort.

On the other side, Patrick sighed from the heart, "Brother, you found a good wife."

Yan Sen muttered in his heart, not yet my wife. But his mouth said, "Thanks. She is a good woman."

Patrick confessed, "I envy you for eating such a good meal every day in the future."

He was a barrister, made money by the minute, and was, in most people's eyes, a successful man. Now even this successful person said that he envied himself, how long face!

Yan Sen pursed his lips and was silent for a while. Now putting on this unspoken smile is not to pretend, but he is afraid that he will laugh out loud when he opens his mouth, it is not good to be too proud, to be low-key, low-key!

After a while, Jensen asked, "Have you ever been to China?"

Patrick nodded, "Been ... there several times."

Jensen asked again, "What kind of country is that?"

Patrick, "An amazing country."

Yan Sen, "How amazing?"

Patrick, "a famous cosmopolitan city with its bustling bustle, and a small, unheralded village deep in the mountains, polarizes the gap between rich and poor. You can live well there with money, but you can't get anywhere without it."

Yan Sen said, "It seems that you are familiar with this country."

"When I was 18, I went to Songshan Shaolin Temple and became a monk for a year."

Yan Sen, "..."

Patrick looked up, caught his understanding look, and smiled, "At that time, I was young and energetic, so I wanted to try a different life."

Yan Sen could not imagine what the Shaolin Temple in China was like, and could not help but ask, "Is it different from the German monastery?"

Patrick nodded. "It's different. It's like a vacation compared to that."

Yan Sen oh a voice, "Say I listen."

Patrick. "That's where I learned two words: discipline."

Yan Sen listened to him with interest.

Patrick, "Get up at five in the morning, wash and eat breakfast for half an hour, practice for two hours from 5:30 to 7:30, and then carry water and scrub the temple." Lunch at 11:00, meditation in the afternoon. After eating at five o 'clock in the evening, I meditate freely. Lights out at 9:00 p.m. Day after day, no weekends, one day a year."

Yan Sen, "..."

Yan Sen to him not impressed, no wonder this guy can become a lawyer, such a day, it is estimated that he can not live a day.

With a dry cough, he asked, "Do you speak a little Chinese?"

Otherwise, how to communicate with the monks?

More than a little, almost words, in the days of Shaolin Temple, he in addition to practice is to learn Chinese, and those monks mingle. Had it not been for his blue eyes, few would have remembered that he was a foreigner.

Yan Sen couldn't understand and asked, "Why did you choose to live such a different life?"

Patrick said. "Back to basics. I want to test myself, without a phone or computer, such a day can last a few days."

Yan Sen smiled, "Don't run so far, you can go to the mountains for me to graze."

Patrick laughed, too. "Okay, next time there's a chance. But at that time, I wanted to learn some real Chinese kung fu."

Yan Sen, "The monks there will teach you?"

Patrick, "I begged for a long time before I was admitted to the master."

Yan Sen asked, "How long have you been studying kung fu?"

Patrick, "Since the age of sixteen, when I was studying in Karlsruhe, I started learning Wing Chun in my spare time. After two years of learning, I still wanted to see real Chinese Kung Fu after graduating from high school, so I went to Songshan."

Yan Sen, "You are also a persistent person. So why not just stay in China?"

Patrick, "missed home and came back."

With a body of iron and steel.

Yan Sen asked again, "Then why did you want to study law?"

A lawyer and a kung fu kid, they don't mix.

Patrick said, "A man must find a rice bowl to eat all his life."

Yan Sen, "..."

He could not help but ask himself, did this man do it on purpose? How can you poke him in the heart?

When Patrick saw his silence, he asked, "What about you?"

Yan Sen said, "I don't have as much experience as you. My father is a farmer and my mother is a housewife, and my family has been herding cattle here for generations."

Patrick laughed. "I'm afraid your ancestors were both rich and noble."

At this point, he paused and added, "Sorry, I looked in your mailbox. Von Walden, that's a noble title, and then I got curious and looked it up online, and I didn't realize that General von Walden from World War I was your mother's grandfather."

Yan Sen a little underpants were dug feeling, a stuffy hum, "what is the use, now the few pieces of land left."

No, he didn't even keep the land. He sold it to pay his debts. In this way, he is a black sheep, empty of a noble title, but in the end, is still clean ah clean! If Mom's grandfather knew, he'd have to climb out of his coffin and die in peace.

Patrick's IQ of 180, a turn of the eyes, he knew what he was thinking, convenient way, "the 300,000 euros is quite wrong... However, there is an old saying in China that only I am born will be useful, and the daughter will return after dispersing."

Yan Sen not good gas tunnel, "Thank you for comfort!"

Patrick, "I hear you're having a farmhouse?"

Yan Sen corrected, "I didn't open it, I wanted to open it."

Patrick took the card out of his pocket, put it in front of him, and said, "If you have any legal problems, come to me anytime, and I'll give you half the price."

This guy does not forget to go anywhere to advertise his firm, strict, and hard tunnel, "No need."

Patrick smiled and, seeing his black face, said no more.

* * *

After chatting for an hour after dinner, we digested lunch and finally returned to today's theme: the election of the village committee chairman.

Pete who has been deliberately hiding finally shows his face, his face is not very good, and there is no spirit, presumably, someone has persuaded the villagers to elect Yan Sen as the successor of the things said.

He always felt that what he was being reported had something to do with Yan Sen, and now this makes it even more certain that he was behind it.

Two people met behind the stage, see no one, Peter could not help but be filled with anger, a Yansen collar, "you instigated Qin Li to do so, right?"

Yan Sen stretched out his hand to push him away, straightened the collar of his clothes, and said, "Old Peter, you've had enough of this seat, it's time to give up your talents."

Peter was furious and said, "It's you. I have always treated you like a son and treated you well, why do you treat me like this?"

I didn't expect this kid to look honest, but actually, the upper abdomen is very black and stabbed in the back.

"There was an avalanche 12 years ago, and my father and I were buried in the snow, do you remember?"

Peter nodded. "Of course, I remember. I called the rescue team."

Yan Sen, "Yes. You did, but you were delayed for an hour."

Hearing him say this, Peter could not help but shiver, can not help but defend himself, "I was lost."

Yan Sen sneered, "You're not lost, you're just sitting there." Do you think because we're buried in the snow, we can't hear anything? You're wrong. I happened to be conscious enough to hear what you said to the rescue team. You deliberately misled the rescue team into digging somewhere else, and my father was still alive when the rescue team arrived. If it hadn't been for this hour, he wouldn't have died. If he hadn't died, you wouldn't be here."

Peter opened his mouth, suddenly unable to argue, and the situation was not quite what he had said, but it was close enough. Whether it was intentional or not, only he, the person concerned, knew, but even if he said it was inadvertent, who would believe it? Once a bias is established, it is difficult to reverse it. And he does feel guilty about Yan Sen.

Thinking of this, he hung his head, like a defeated rooster, and said, "So, you and Janie married for a purpose, is to dig my bottom, for today's revenge?"

Yan Sen shook his head, "Don't think of me as too great. I married Janie because I loved her. I divorced her because she cheated on me, not because of you. If I was gonna get back at you, today wouldn't be the day I asked you to resign. Pete, you did treat me well all those years as my father-in-law, so that's all. I didn't mean to give you a hard time, but. you're the one who always had it in for Le. I gave her a hand and returned your favor."

Peter opened his mouth, but could not make a sound, the Yan Sen in front of him was still this person, but something had become different.

Pete hadn't figured out what was going on until he got on stage, but it didn't matter.

* * *

The election went smoothly, and everyone unanimously elected Yan Sen as the new chairman of the village committee. Peter handed over the stamps and papers in front of everyone, which represented not only rights but also responsibilities. At the same time, the yellow robe should also have the responsibility of managing the world, although this small village is not the world.

When he officially took office, the proof that the "housing construction conforms to the legal provisions" could be opened, and then he went to the town's industrial and commercial bureau to apply for a business license, thinking that he could soon be a small boss, Qin Li was so excited that he could hardly sleep.

She bought some designs for magazines, studied them, and began to make ideas in her head about how to decorate the cottage and garden.

Antique, nature is the best!

The wooden floor of the farmhouse was worn and creaked when you walked up. Even if you live on your own, if you open the door to do business, you must all ditch and reload. The roof has not been repaired for a long time, the insulation layer is degraded, the rain easily seeps in, the winter is not insulated and the summer is not insulated. Restrooms and restrooms, need to be renovated, and we can't let people use old toilets and old bathtubs, right?

So calculated, not including the garden, just to renovate the farmhouse, it will be 200,000 yuan, no problem 1.5 million 600 thousand yuan!

She added up her and Yan Sen's money and calculated it, leaving 70,000, only a fraction, but also a whole number!

Yan Sen couldn't bear to see her disappointed look, so he said, "We don't hire the engineering team, we decorate ourselves so that we can save half of the labor costs."

Qin Li looked confused, "Decorate yourself?" How can this be decorated?"

Yan Sen smiled, scratched her nose, and said, "Brush the walls yourself, install the floor yourself, repair the roof yourself..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Qin Li wilted, sat on the sofa with a Geyou paralysis, and said, "When the house is repaired, my life will be lost."

Yan Sen said, "Money or life, you choose."

Qin Li struggled for a while and said, "Ask for money."

After all, it can save 100,000 euros, nearly one million yuan!

Yan Sen said, "That's right."

Anyway, it is already winter, winter is the off-season for tourism, and there is just half a year to renovate them. She has no income now, all depend on Yan Sen to support, since Yan Sen sold the forest land, even less money ah.

No, we're gonna have to do some more math on this one.