
My Futuristic System

Mc reincarnates on a whole different planet..... Filled with people, business, adventure, passion, love, and many more..... Deciding himself to live a better...... When he was just beginning to start his life... System Arrives....... . . . . . . Now warning, Yeah there will be HAREM!!!!! YEAH H-A-R-E-M( yeah but it will be after a while) English is not my 1st language Please overlook some of the misplaced words or grammatical error And yeah i was not that good with the subject English especially with the grammars but will try to improve for sure.. And can you please at least read the prologue....

FluxleX · Thành thị
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3 Chs

Prologue 2: Different perspective…

Morning light fills up the vision of a young man as he opens his eye. He gets up from his king-size bed. Scratching his belly while yawning the young man walks toward his bathroom.

After 20 minutes, he walks out of the bathroom with only a towel covering his lower half. He walks toward the wardrobe and gets completely dressed.

He stood in front of a mirror and gaze at the mirror reflecting his image. Standing just over six feet, Dark brown hair flowing backward, wearing a black polo neck under an overcoat with black trousers.

He looked good-looking, clean shaved face, slightly hard but smooth skin, a low arch eyebrow, defined cheekbones, chiseled chin, in conclusion, he looked handsome.

His eyes look calm and steady with a confident smile on his face. After combing his hair he picked up his side bag from the hanger left side of the door hanging on the wall.

Carrying the bag he walks out of his bedroom and walking for a bit he starts to descend the stairs toward the hall of the house.

Arriving at the ground floor he walks toward the kitchen, He says loudly, "Mom, I am hungry,"

Arriving at the kitchen he sees 3 women in the kitchen. 2 ladies seem to be working on preparing food and one girl seems to working on a laptop at the dining table facing toward the kitchen stove.

Hearing the voice of the young man all three looked toward the entrance of the kitchen,

"Alex, The first thing you do after waking up is to ask for food, not even greetings us good morning huh young man" a motherly voice scolded Alex softly by one of the women working in the kitchen.

"Good morning young master" another woman said while bowing toward Alex in a calm and steady voice softly.

The girl working on the laptop paused a bit, turns around, and says in a steady voice "Hmm… good morning" and continue to work on her laptop.

Alex pauses a bit, rubs his hand back of his head, sticks out his tongue,

"Ahh… good morning Mom and I am in a rush, today's my last day at the university, and after that I will be starting my own business" Alex said with a smile on his face, feeling happy and giddy with anticipation.

Looking at her son dotingly Alex's mother smiles warmly and proudly. She turns and starts working on food.

Alex smiles back at his mom and turns in the direction of the bowing woman. "Big sis Roberta, good morning to you too, and how many times have I told you not to bow to me" he said with a small frown on his face and scolded lightly to her in a reprimanding way. But his eyes were warm and looked nothing like reprimanding.

Roberta looks at her young master with a bit of a smile on her face and said "Maid must greet her master's children, young master"

Alex shakes his head at her and says in a disapproving way "But you are like family to us, you have watched me and big sis grow up".

Hearing her being mentioned and she nods toward Roberta. Seeing his sister agreeing with him Alex smiles a bit, walks behind her and puts his hand around her neck, and places his chin on her shoulder.

"Good morning big sis" and turned toward Roberta who was looking at the siblings and said "Look even big sis agrees with me".

"Okay young master, young miss" Roberta says with a smile on her face and returns to work on the plating the dining breakfast.

Alex who has heard this and who knows how many, shakes his head off knowing it would be difficult for Big sis Roberta to change but he knows he will eventually succeed.

He turns his attention toward his sister "What are you doing sis early in the morning?"

"Finishing someone else works who seems to forget that she got work to do" His big sis says with a sharp tone filled with reproach glaring at the lady working in the kitchen on food.

The lady in question turns stiff but stiffly continues to work on the food without turning her head. Alex watching his mom who turned stiff, laughs lightly and shakes his head.

"Come on big sis, give mom a break and she is doing it for us" Alex said to his big sis. His mother whose head was still toward making food nods off rapidly.

His Big sis who was glaring at her mom and hearing the support for mom from little brother, turned her head fiercely and glared at Alex.

Alex saw the glare and immediately backed out raising his hand in the air.

The mother seeing that her daughter who was about to explode immediately turns and says "Breakfast is ready."

Alex immediately walks toward the chair "Okay Mom".

After having breakfast Alex stands up from his chair and carries his side bag, "Mom, Big sis, Roberta I'm going and today I am going to arrive late and going to have dinner outside so you guys don't have to wait for me, bye".

Saying that he blots off excited. The three women wave their hands toward Alex's figure. "Bye son" (Alex, young master).

Alex raises his and waves his hand still walking toward the door.


Late at 11:00 pm,

Alex enters through the door, looking at the seemingly noiseless house, he slowly locks the door and while tiptoeing he walks toward the stairs, after a while reaches the living room and looked around the living room and pauses as he looks at the view in the living room.

3 figures could be seen on the couch sleeping on the couch, looking at them Alex's eyes turn warm, and smiles gazing at them lovingly.

Knowing that all of them had a tiring day but still waiting for him made him feel warm and loved.

He walks toward his mom, slowly and gently Princess carries her and starts to walk toward her bedroom.

After placing her on her bed and while covering his mom with the blanket, his mom wakes up and looks toward the figure of her son and says "Good night son."

"Good night Mom" Says to his mom and walks out of the room after turning off the light.

He did the same to his big sis and Roberta, after saying good night to them, he walks to his room, Alex showered and puts on his pajama, climbs up his king-size bed, and was ready to fall into sleep.

"The last few days were similar gaming all-nighters, will today be the same? Well even though I can't move my body, watching the game is pretty fun too but I hope this end soon even though it is still amazing to watch my previous life from 1st person's perspective, it is starting to get boring, I hope he does something different and knowledgeable today." He mutters and falls to his slumber.

He daily experiences the life of a man on a planet name Earth in his dream, from as early as he could remember he daily experiences this particular lucid dream. Today he experienced Fri, March 17, 2026. And experienced man or his previous life dead.

As the man was dying, Alex could see cracks starting to appear and spread across his vision, as the crack increases in vision it eventually shatters and he heard,

{Soul completion 100%,

Soul memories transferred 100%…




I will only update after a while,

please comment on how you feel and any tip or advice i am willing to listen.

And this novel is business related and then adventure, so dont expect supernatural event early in the story...Thanks


FluxleXcreators' thoughts