
The Toad Lusting After a Swan

Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Tianyuan Continent, Beian Nation, Qingxuan Academy.

Screams and shouts pierced through the air as voices filled with malice and ill intent became deafening.

"Whack her! Beat her up!"

"Only ugly women can create trouble like this!"

"A toad lusting after a swan? Look at yourself in the mirror before you do anything!"

"Miss Su, that was a good one!"

"A good-for-nothing actually hopes to win Mister Baili's heart? She can dream on!"

A young lady with a beautiful face was wearing a thin dress with tassels that she used as a whip to whip another young lady on the floor, even though the young lady was already convulsing uncontrollably on the ground.

On the ground, the young lady's sallow skin and petite body were already covered in bloodied wounds and she curled herself up as much as possible. She kept rolling around like an isolated young animal on the cold surface of the ground, but there was no way she could avoid getting lashed by that long and vicious whip.

Around her was nothing but excited and passionate shouts as the sorry state of the young lady on the ground brought out their sadistic side. They were so excited that their ears and faces were all red.

There was no sympathy in them at all, only a cruel sort of excitement and shuddering.

"Yun Qingyan, do you admit defeat or not?!" Su Ling loudly shouted with her hands on her hips at the person rolling in pain on the ground as she looked at her victim with a disdainful expression on her face.

"This disgustingly ugly useless thing hoped to win the affection of the most popular guy in school?!"

"She should take a piss and look at herself in its reflection first!"

"No… No, I don't!"

The person who had been rolling on the ground finally managed to open her eyes to say these words with a trembling voice. Her voice was rather weak and feeble, but while it trembled from the intense pain she was feeling, there was also an incredible determination in it.

Her deep black eyes looked yearningly and adoringly at the handsome man in a white robe seated below the battling platform. Her infatuated gaze was filled with great love and longing.

Baili Qingxue was the greatest genius of the capital city. His face was like snow, his personality was aloof, distant, austere, and cold. He was known as Qingxuan Academy's number one frosty male idol and was the flower of the high mountains that all the girls in school could only pine after and admire in their hearts.

When faced with those intense infatuation gazes from other girls, Baili Qingxue's eyes remained as calm and distant as ever. He remained like a pure piece of frost that was untainted, crystal clear, and completely removed from the world.

But when his gaze met with the passionate and determined gaze from the person on the floor of the battling platform, Baili Qingxue felt his heart suddenly skip a beat, and a barely noticeable feeling started to spread through his body.

He frowned his handsome brows slightly in an attempt to capture this feeling, but he couldn't find any traces of it anymore.

The gentle, elegant, magnanimous, and gorgeous lady next to him noticed the slight change in Baili Qingxue's expression. "Qingxue, what's wrong?" she asked him, feeling concerned.

After she asked, she looked with great sympathy and some tears at the girl who was still rolling about on the battle platform.

An evil and murderous glint flashed across her eyes, but it disappeared soon after.

"I think our dear Qingyan is not going to hold out much longer, so we'd better stop Su Ling before it's too late. Qingyan might have done something that's not really appropriate, but at least her feelings for you are real." Lin Wanyue used both hands to hold Baili Qingxue's hand tightly and her voice was filled with great worry.

The soft and gentle hands that suddenly stretched out to grab his made Baili Qingxue instinctively want to pull away, but he resisted the urge to do so.

He looked more gently towards Lin Wanyue as if the icy snow had melted a little. "No need."

His voice was just as cold and icy as the first snow, just like himself.

Lin Wanyue was relieved when she saw Baili Qingxue's attitude towards the fight.

She was glad that Qingxue wasn't interested in that useless girl on the battling platform.

But… if he found out that the person who had saved him was actually Yun Qingyan…

A malicious look flashed across Lin Wanyue's eyes.

No! She would definitely never let him discover this truth!

The one who saved him was herself, Lin Wanyue! And the woman that he liked should also be herself, Lin Wanyue!

"Oww! Oww! Qing…xue…" The painful howls from the young lady on the battling platform grew softer and softer, and less and less audible.

She was losing consciousness soon, but even so, the young lady's deep black eyes continued to look intently at that figure that was as cold as the first snow without any question of why, nor any thoughts about whether he would respond to her.

The love in her eyes was fiercely intense and blazed passionately enough to burn someone.

Even a person as cold and aloof as Baili Qingxue couldn't help but feel his heart tremble. He was even a little afraid to face her gaze.

In the end, Baili Qingxue looked down to avoid her gaze and turned to leave.

His snow-white sleeve cut through the air at a perfect and elegant angle as he turned.

The light in the eyes of the struggling young lady on the battling platform started to grow dimmer and dimmer, dimmer, and dimmer…eventually, the light was put out, and her heart turned to ashes.

"Yun Qingyan! Keep struggling! Continue to use that pitiful look of yours to gain sympathy!"

"A good-for-nothing is a good-for-nothing alright! She can't do anything after getting beaten a couple of times!"

The jeers and mocking voices were like a giant beast that had opened its fearsome mouth to cover the small and skinny body of that young lady.

"Is that useless thing seriously dead?!" A doubt was raised but it was barely audible amidst the jeering voices.

Baili Qingxue had reached the exit, but he suddenly stopped in his footsteps.

Even Su Ling suddenly started panicking. She just wanted to teach Yun Qingyan a lesson or two, but she didn't intend to kill the girl.

As the only heiress to the Yun family, everyone in Beian Nation knew how much Grand Master Yun doted on this useless granddaughter of his. If he found out that she had killed this good-for-nothing…

Su Ling's entire body started shuddering from fear.

She figured that Grand Master Yun would disregard the Su family's standing and just kill her off.

"Ow! Gosh, it's so painful!"

"Argh! It's so noisy!"

Yun Qingyan felt like she had broken every single bone in her body and the pain was ridiculous. Why was she still feeling pain if she was dead?

Suddenly, memories rushed into Yun Qingyan's consciousness like a flood.

If an ordinary person suddenly received such a tremendous amount of information all of a sudden, that person would either die or at least go insane. But Yun Qingyan was already at the Godly Sovereign level in her previous life, so of course, she wasn't afraid.

That consciousness of hers soon absorbed all those memories and made it her own. It was as if she had just watched herself live another person's life. It was a life that was dark and filled with no light at all.

She had been called a freak and a useless thing since she was a child, and even though her grandfather loved and cared for her, it wasn't enough to stop her heart from slowly closing itself to the world… until she had saved that blind young man who was as clean and pure as the first snow.

He said that no matter what she looked like, he would marry her and protect her.

She went all out to heal him of all his wounds and his eyes, but just before she died, all she got was him turning his back to her coldly.

A terrible and indescribable pain arose from her heart, and those emotions belonged to the original owner of this body.

"Hey! Yun Qingyan, aren't you a very hardy person? Don't tell me you've died so easily?" A feminine voice shouted very loudly and domineeringly next to Yun Qingyan's ears.

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