
something is wrong

It was Saturday and mom came banging on my door

"Kitty! Come out here right now" she yelled

I know what she's about to say, I told Jeremiah that I won't be spending time with them this summer am sure he must have told mom and that's why she is here this early in the morning

"Mom, it's Saturday" I said as I walked towards the door and opened it she then entered the room and sat on my bed

"Kitty, where do you intend to spend your summer this year?

Oh great am right

"Jeremiah told you this right"

"Kitty we are family, and family spend time with each other"

"Yea mom, but most times we also spend time with friends please mom my friends are all spending their time together this summer and I have to be there" I pleaded

"Your friends? Since when did you have so many friends except Lydia"


"We are spending this summer at your aunt's place in California and that's final"


"Yes" she replied and slammed the door at my face

Lydia actually mentioned something about California I quickly took my phone and texted her

"Yes, that's where we are spending the summer" she replied

"Oh my god" I was so excited I found my self jumping on my bed screaming

This is going to be the best summer ever

I rushed into my bathroom to clean up then I ran down stairs to meet the satisfying face of Jeremiah. He smirked at me and I did same

"So kitty, where are we spending our summer vacation together as a family" he asked with a mocking tone

"Well, I think California and guess what that's also where my friends are spending the summer"


" yes Jeremiah deal with it" I said I walked up stairs again to meet Ben when I opened his door his room was a total mess and he was nowhere to be seen

"Mom! Where is Ben?

I asked as I came down stairs to have breakfast

"He hurried out this morning, don't ask because didn't mention anything to me" Jeremiah said

"What the hell is wrong with him" mom said

"I'll clean his room after breakfast" I sat down to eat

Ben has really been acting strange ever since he got back from college and mom was worried about him

What was really wrong with him?

After breakfast I went to his room to help him clean it but the moment I started cleaning, Ben rushed into the room and started shouting at me to 'get out' I was so surprised because this was the first time he have ever raised his voice I ran out of the room surprised, hold on! Is that bruises as I turned to ask him he slammed the door

Something is really going on with him I then went out to meet Lydia

Lydia was sitting outside their house with her dog

"Kitty" she said as she was surprised to see me this early in the morning

"Lydia guess what"


"Am coming with you guys to California"

"What! How? Did mom finally agree"

"Nope she said we are spending the summer at my aunts place in California"

"Oh that means you will be spending time with the girls"

"Yes" I said with a bright smile on my face

"Oh my god! Let's go for shopping to celebrate this early morning news"

We both rushed inside to get change

"So…. How is Jeremiah?

" he is fine"

I was surprised Lydia asked of him after what happened yesterday

"Look Lydia, Jeremiah doesn't deserve you"

"Wow, you're talking about your brother you know that?

We both laughed