
My First Star

Kiwiiii_Butter · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Gathering Evidence(3)

Later in the evening, Jiang Daiyu stood outside enjoying the view that evening. She gazed as the stars as memories of what happened that 4 years ago came rushing in. She was distracted when her phone started ringing. It was Han Weixi. She quickly answered the phone.

"I found out where young master Bai was coming from that day"

"The night before was his birthday so Bai Ziming had a lavish party at club X.....he was still drunk when he entered his car and left the club"

"So he drove while he was drunk....good" Jiang Daiyu said as a smile appeared on her face.

"Oh.. it's more than good....it's better" Han Weixi said.

"How?... what do you mean?" Jiang Daiyu asked curiously.

"Apart from the deaths of Mr Song's wife and granddaughter, Bai Ziming has also been involved in the death of Lin Jiali who died last year" Han Weixi explained.

"Who is Lin Jiali?" Jiang Daiyu asked as she walked into her bedoom and grabbed her car keys from the bed and left the apartment.

"Feng Peizhi's sister in-law" Han Weixi answered.

" This is interesting" Jiang Daiyu said as she entered the elevator.

"What is more interesting is that Feng Xiaoli and Bai Ziming are getting engaged tomorrow" Han Weixi said happily.

So Feng Xiaoli is going to get engaged to the man that killed her sister in law's sister. Wonderful. What could be better than this?.

"OK... I need to do something first... I'll get back to you later" Jiang Daiyu said as she walked out of the elevator.

"Miss Jiang" the attendant from earlier called as she walked towards her holding a card.

"Miss Feng asked me to give this to you" the attendant said as she gave her a card. Jiang Daiyu thanked her and collected the car. It was an invitation card. Jiang Daiyu's eyes sparkled when she saw it. Since her sister personally invited her to her engagement party, how could she not go?.

Jiang Daiyu entered her car and left the hotel. She stopped at Blue Moon restaurant. The restaurant was not too far from one of the most popular law firms in Sun State. The place was filled with lawyers. Jiang Daiyu walked in.

"Good evening miss...do you want a table?" A waitress asked smiling politely.

"Hmm... not really...I'm looking for someone" Jiang Daiyu answered as she looked around. She smiled when she saw him. She thanked the waitress and went towards him. Lu Junli was enjoying his meal when someone sat on the chair opposite him. He looked up and saw Jiang Daiyu sitting in front of him. He was surprised to see her. Since the incident that happened 4 years ago, he hadn't seen her or heard from her. He thought he was dreaming until she called his name. Lu Junli didn't respond so Jiang Daiyu touched his hand and called out his name again.

"Dai...Daiyu" he said hoarsely as he looked at her.