
She frets

Jake was still in the forest thinking and remembering about his past, then suddenly his mind returns and he sees that he had strayed too much away from his home and was about time he went home.

As Jake was about to leave the woods, he felt something creeping in the woods which caught his curiosity. He then said, “Home can wait; I have got to check this thing out.” So Jake went after the thing in the forest.

Meanwhile at home, Jake’s grandmother was worried and scared of why Jake hadn’t returned home although it was pretty late because she knew of the scary things in the forest.

But Jake didn’t own a cell phone so she could not call him to know what was happening and this frightened her because she didn’t want to lose any more of her family members.

But she decided to wait and have faith in him, and then calmed down a bit, and went on to prepare the night’s dinner.