
My First Love Werewolf.

Brutal bullying at school becomes the main topic! Febiola, the head of a beautiful girl gang and billionaire, bullies Xandra, a geeky girl who keeps her feelings for the school prince secretly. After being brutally bullied, it was reported that Aldyn the school prince who was the cause of the bullying had mysteriously disappeared but a mysterious man who claimed to be a spy suddenly came claiming that he was an alumni of the school but why did all the school students not know who he was? he Henryk who is a werewolf is a spy but Xandra feels that Henryk has something in common with his first love, Aldyn.

Devya_Irsya · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

1 Xandra Pov

All eyes on me, strange. Because I wore glasses, shabby clothes and dull shoes while they wore nice clothes with their short skirts that looked hot in everyone's eyes, they were a group of women who were respected and respected. Any man they want to get they can easily reach, while I? only play the role of victims of bullying and victims of their strange stares. I hate this situation, I want them to look at me as the most beautiful girl in school, but all is impossible because of this ancient appearance. "Hey look!! The prince of our school has arrived!" I ran along with a group of girls who were trying to steal the eyes of the school prince. His name is Aldyn, he is very handsome and made me fall in love with him. Our gazes do not turn away from his good looks. "School Prince!! I love you." "Prince Aldyn, I love you!!" All the women cheered for him, while I was just silent, I was too embarrassed to shout love to him. "You guys, shut up!!" She is Febiola, the most beautiful woman in school who is respected by all school people and becomes a school idol, but the beautiful girl is only attracted to Aldyn. "Prince Aldyn, please accept the food I have given you. This was made especially for you, handsome school boy." Aldyn looked at her very coldly. He was indeed a school idol, but Aldyn was very cold and didn't care about the circumstances of the people around him, he was quite introverted. "Ah, I really like it." I mumbled. "You like Aldyn, it's only natural since he's the school prince." I was surprised to see my friend Thei, who actually heard my grumble. I just looked down. I was afraid that she had conveyed what I said to a group of Febiola, because the girls in that group were very scary. "I won't say it, calm down." "Thank you, because you've been willing to shut up for me." Thei just smiled, she didn't seem bothered to cover her mouth, so I didn't bother to beg or give her money to keep her mouth shut. " Love in silence. It's hard, huh?" "You like the school prince too?" "Not him, but Robio. I like Robio, he's the second prince after Prince Aldyn." "At least, you still have a slight chance of getting it." "How big?" "0.00001 maybe." I laughed and she laughed too. Our eyes returned to the two people who were walking towards their class. "Very handsome, yes. How can Prince Aldyn be that handsome?" I grumbled. "To me, only Prince Robio is the most handsome. His beauty penetrates to the sky." "Ohh, I'm touched to hear that." We laughed again, until a teacher came into the classroom to chase away those who still wanted to stare at the prince of the school.

I'm studying very well. I sit near the classroom window, making me occasionally look out to see the scenery outside. Strong wind makes my hair sway. I really enjoy the strong wind that slowly makes me sleepy.

"Alexandra, did you fall asleep!"

I got a warning from my teacher, so I immediately returned to focusing on the lesson. However, the wind continued to disturb me. I looked back at the window, very surprised when the school prince came out of his classroom and leaned against the wall that led to my window. I was very surprised and immediately returned to focusing on my studies.

"That's very surprising."

I glanced back out the window, I saw him smiling at me and waving his hand, making me blush. My heart beats fast from receiving his very sweet smile

"Why is he so cute? I really like him."

I smiled widely, making me blush even more. I didn't expect the teacher's gaze to stare at me.

"Xandra, go to the toilet to wash your face."

I immediately stood up and nodded.

"Oh, yes."

My reaction was quite surprising to my classmates, including my teacher. I walked out of the classroom but I didn't see the school princess who was standing staring at my window.

"Where is he?"

I walked into the toilet, to wash my face. I saw my blushing face and a big smile that I couldn't stop.

"He's so handsome, really charming."

Finished washing my face, I walked out of the toilet but my body accidentally bumped into someone who was about to enter the toilet.

"Ouch, I'm sorry."

"are you okay?"

I was surprised, felt his hand touch my shoulder and our eyes met, so handsome... looking at him up close

"So handsome.. am I dreaming?"

I felt his hand touch my cheek and he smiled at me.

"You're not dreaming, it's real."

"Ah, school prince, why are you so handsome?"

" Thanks,"

I flinched and blinked a few times to wake up from my daydream. It was true that at this time you and the school prince were staring very closely, realizing that our situation was dangerous, making me immediately get away from him

" Oh shit!"

Very surprised, when he kissed my lips and pressed the nape of my neck, deepening our kiss, he kissed my lips sensually, making my lust level increase.

"mmph ah"

He broke the kiss, looking into my eyes. My heart was beating so fast, I immediately ran away to avoid it. I ran fast and went back to class.

"What's wrong, you look scared now." Thei looked at me in confusion.

" Damn it! Why did it happen? Did he see me blushing? What if the Febiola gang finds out about me and the prince's situation? I will die."

" Hey Xandra, wake up!"

Thei patted my shoulder, making me wake up and focus back on the book. I didn't want her to know what happened to me.

" You are very weird." That was Thei's grumbling before she returned her focus to her book.

After school, I saw a group of febiola gang who were driving their sports car and stopped right in front of the school prince

"Prince, come on in. Your driver definitely won't be coming anytime soon."

I saw the school prince smiling, he got into Febiola's luxury car. It made me realize that expecting something that can't be achieved is painful. I looked down sadly.

" Hey, you came home alone?"

He's my best friend, Robio, and also the second prince of the school after Prince Aldyn.

"Yes, I came home on foot."

"Don't be sad, I'll take you. Come on, come on."


I was surprised to see him asking me to get on his expensive motorbike. I was really embarrassed. How can a lowly woman like me ride on an expensive motorbike with the second prince at school? I'm chuckling

"Haha no thanks prince. I don't want them to look at me strangely and don't want to be the target of the febiola gang."

Robio smiled at me, he held my hand.

" Hey, I'm not a school prince like Aldyn. I'm just Robio, still the same as other boys in this school. Let's get on my motorbike."

The sentences are very gentle, full of good sentences. He is not the typical arrogant man.

"Can I?"

"Sure, come on up."

I got on his expensive motorbike, he pulled my arm to hug his waist, making me startle and let go of the hug. But Robio held it

"Hey, don't mind them."

I hugged Robio's waist tightly and we walked home. His scent made me so addicted, I inhaled his scent even up to his neck.

"You like my scent?"

I was taken aback by what he said. I stepped away from his body.

"Are you blushing?"

"Robio, stop teasing me." I'm annoyed. He pinched his waist. He just laughs.

"Your next goal after high school?"

"I want to go to work for a year and then go to college."

"Why don't you just go to college?"

"My family, I don't have enough money to go to college."

"Is that so? Okay, I understand."

Robio took me home well

"Thank you very much, Robio." I smiled and waved at him.

"Then, I'll go. See you later, beauty girl."

" See you later."

I smiled, then went into my house.

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