
My first beast was a slime

Franz will be caught in a series of strange events that will reveal to him a truth that the world itself does not want him to know. Franz, with the help of a small slime, will embark on an adventure to discover what the world has hidden from him.

NoisyRainy · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Chapter 11: Knowing the Trade.

Franz had long since joined the chimeras, it is just that many unforeseen events had arisen and therefore he had not been able to present himself to the association to receive his badge and a welcome gift that was given to all the newcomers. 

The insignia, according to its name, had the image of the mythical chimera beast, a beast made up of multiple beasts, such as the head of a lion, a dragon and an eagle, as well as a snake's tail and the body of a lion with scales and feathers.

As for the welcome gift, it was a voucher that could be exchanged for a small amount of resources for the beasts of the newcomers, the voucher had to be exchanged in the same association and it was forbidden to give it or sell it to others, this rule was implemented so that no one messed with the newcomers and so that the prestige of the association would not be affected accordingly.

The association actually had only one requirement to be able to join, of course you had to be a beast tamer, otherwise the association had different resources that could help anyone enter the world as a beast trainer.

They also allowed to sell any resource that the beasts could give, that is, Pom Pom could create potions thanks to the minor healing liquid ability, there were other beasts that could create minerals or rare resources used in potions or alchemy in general, the association would buy all those resources without having to go through a third party and through procedures that would take a lot of time from anyone.

Franz's priority for now was not to sell Pom Pom's potions, actually Franz wanted to take his first application as a beast trainer, the reason was simple, he could continue to train the control he had over his mana and he would also get a quick way to get more skills, the fact is that the more a skill improved, more mana required, also the other problem is that the mana suction force increased accordingly, making it difficult for Franz to control the mana supply, so he had temporarily stopped training Pom Pom in his abilities, until he learned to better control his mana or advanced to the second grade, for which he still lacked time.

Once in the application area where requests from different people and associations were placed, Franz observed and read each of the requests, however, some had a bit strict requirement such as that the coach had to have a history of several successful requests before, some were to get materials, etc.

After looking for a while, Franz actually found a request that caught his attention.

Applicant: Alek White.

Beast: Stone golem.

Application: You are looking for material capable of increasing a beast's mana or even if it is some ability that can increase mana permanently is also fine, the Stone Golem was born with a mana deficiency defect, so it tends to weaken very often due to the lack of it.

Reading the request, Franz was glad that he had just been practicing the ideal skill with Pom Pom, Mana Reserve.

Taking the request, he went to a secluded and exclusive area to accept the requests, who attended Franz was a receptionist named Rose, quite capable as far as Franz is concerned, because it only took her a few minutes to contact the applicant.

Explaining Franz's skills and what he offered to help him, Franz accepted without delay and agreed by phone on the time to meet inside the association's offices.

Franz agreed and after thanking the receptionist, Franz and Pom Pom decided to wait.

While the two were entertained by the song of a bird-like beast, Franz couldn't help but feel bad for the singing Tengu, he was actually one of the first victims of the Lambda city center incident, during a fight, the singing Tengu was surrounded by multiple aberrations and although he had the help of several mana practitioners who were in charge of guarding him, It was still insufficient to overcome all aberrations and was killed accordingly, resulting in a great loss for Lambda City as it was one of the few silver beasts the city had.

 - Are you Franz? – Someone asked.

Franz looked at the person, being a little surprised, it was actually one of the people who was accompanying dad during the incident.

- I thought it was strange to see your name on the application, how have you been? Holding out his hand, the man accepted the greeting.

- I'm fine, it's a pretty small world, huh?, but I'm glad you're fine, maybe you don't know it, but you've created a scandal not only with... you know that, even with Hans accepting you as your teacher, after all he is not just anyone, as you may suppose –

Believing that he had said something rude, Alek apologized, Franz of course would not be offended by it, instead he asked Alek.

- I thought you were just a warrior? –

- Oh no, the Golem is actually a gift for a friend, but when I bought it, I wasn't aware that the Golem was born mana-deficient, do you think you can do anything buddy? –

Franz nodded and asked Alek to accompany him to a private room that the same association offered for a small price, and it was also to be able to familiarize himself a little with the Golem because he would be with it for at least three days to a full week, but Franz could really cure the Golem.

- Rocky, this is Franz, he will help you with your mana problem so be nice –

The Golem called Rocky looked at Franz and greeted him with one of his huge arms, Fran did the same, but if he could tell it, deep down he was dying of fear, he never thought he would see such a big monster, the private room was at least 15 0 20 meters high, the Golem covered at least half of the room and its appearance was intimidating, It looked like an ancient statue in the shape of a man that was poorly polished.

After talking for a while, Franz and Alek reached an agreement, Franz would have the Golem ready in 4 days to a week and Alek would pay him 20 thousand credits for the work, actually Alek wanted to give him more, but Franz refused, for him it was already a very generous sum of money and he also wanted to make a name for himself not only so that people would want to go to him, but also to clear his name and that the government and the press would leave him alone.

Now there was only Franz and the Golem left, Pom Pom was training in the soul space, that and that he was afraid of the aura that the Golem gave off, although Franz could not blame him, in truth, although he was a little trained to handle this type of creatures, the natural aura that a monster in the third degree gave off was to a certain extent suffocating for someone who was still in the first degree.

But with no other option, Franz had to approach and talk to the Golem, he needed to keep in touch with him if he wanted to teach him one of his skills, but of course, trust and respect were the most important fundamentals that should be respected when doing this kind of thing, it was not uncommon to be attacked by a beast just for invading his territory or his personal space.

Luckily, the Golems, coming from a natural element such as earth, were quite calm and rarely bothered.

- Rocky Good, how about you lend me your hand so I can examine your condition? –

Rocky did what Franz asked him without any problem which made the job quite easy, in fact, Franz felt grateful to have chosen Alek as his first job, because there was never a lack of problematic beasts that made any work difficult.

Golem (Bronze): Rocky.

Current Kingdom: Third Grade Beast.

Status: Mana Deficit (Treatable) +


Earth bending (A) (Advanced)

Rock Body (B) (Mastered)

Affinity with nature (B) (Beginner)


Curious to see something new in his ability, Franz didn't think that actually a beast could have so many abilities that the screen decided to show him only the most important ones, moreover, being tempted by the treatable tab, Franz pressed on the plus icon and a new screen appeared in front of him.

Mana Deficit:

Ingredients to treat:

Ten stones of azulite

A cloud spray herb

A piece of soul wood

A fist of earth with the essence of nature

Two third-grade Mana Stones

Preparation +

Note: It can also be treated with mana-growing abilities.

Seeing the ingredients, Franz felt his heart skip out of his chest at the sight of the kind of ingredients that were needed, the only ingredient that was within his budget was the azulite stones, Pom Pom's favorite food, however, he was relieved to see that the state of the Golem was still treatable with his abilities, which took a weight off his shoulders.

"Well Rocky, you and I need to get going," Franz said as he put his hand on Rocky to start the treatment.

Author's Note: Hello to all my dear readers, thank you to those who are giving this book a chance, I would like to apologize in advance if some parts are not well written or there are some things that seem incongruous, the truth is that English is not my source language and I am still learning, I also want to say that this is my first novel so if there is something that you don't like or something that you think I can improve, I would like you not to hesitate to tell me so that I can continue to improve and that you, dear readers, find it comfortable to read my novel.

In advance, thank you for giving me the opportunity.