
My Fated Lover

This story of a successful, popular, and craziest rising star among teenagers, kids, and even adults named Ace. A hot young man which is unlike other actors got popular for his unique acting skills. The young man shows boldness and badass boy's skills with his sharp words which look like coming straight from the devil himself. That devil becomes a rising star of the entertainment industry. He was done with his exhausting life and meanwhile found an app on his phone which erased the loneliness from his life. And the normal girl named Arana runs errands for her only family her younger brother. She was busy in her hustle-bustle life, without thinking about herself she just used to work different part-time like a lifeless doll from day to night without even giving thoughts about her life. She becomes a daily life outcast who just used to work and work without interacting with anyone. Meanwhile, her friend who was worried about her suggests a chatting app, so that at least she tries to chat with someone else rather than the customer, boss, and her brother. And from here the story begins, on the platform 'ranchat' Of one who has made himself into an outcast and of the one who more or else doesn't even have time to think about being one. Will she be like a Cinderella waiting for her prince to rescue or Will she be a princess who guards her prince? Read the story to know more. And the cover definitely belongs to me. ^^ Enjoy^^

StrangePeace · Thành thị
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16 Chs

A nightmare

"Arana!! oh my, get up dear it's your birthday" A soft familiar voice strike in her ears which she had longed to hear.

Arana opens her eyes, the bright light of the room strike in her eyes.... rubbing her eyes she looked at the person taking out her clothes from her ward bode. That person looked familiar to her,

"Arana, sweetie get up quickly. Your father and brother are waiting for you downstairs" Her mother said as she sat beside her with a beautiful smile on her face.

She looked at her as if she is lost somewhere, "Father? brother? birthday?"

"Uff! yes sweetie, get up and get ready," Her mother said while softly caressing her cheek, and a drop of tear slowly escape from her eyes...

"W-What happ- w-why are you crying" Her beautiful mother gets easily startled seeing her princess suddenly crying in front of her making her feel unease.

"Let me call your dad, Sweetie" She tried to get up to call for her husband but Arana holds her hand tightly.

"What happened, sweetie? Please tell me" She can't really take it, her princess looking at her with this unusual silence

"M-Momma" She weakly uttered while hiccuping

"Yes sweetie, tell me" Tears start surfacing in her eyes as she heard her daughter calling out for her weakly.

"P-Please ...Pinch..me ...Please," She said while tilting her head slightly

Her mother who didn't understand what her daughter was actually saying, she wiped tears from her daughter's beautiful face and said softly "Sweetie"

"Momma... ple...ase...pinch me... and tell me... I am not... dreaming" She yelled while sobbing in tears.

Her mother got confused, she just can't see her cry like this.

"AH! okay" Her mother softly pinch her on her hand

When Arana felt the pain then finally she smiled with those tears streaming out from her eyes "M-Momma, it's not a dream. I ..am .. not.. dreaming..momma" She sniffed as she happily hugged her mother to feel her mother's warmth and she closed her eyes.

"ARANA!!ARANA!! GET UP" A familiar voice struck in her ears

She finally opened her eyes and found unknown people's faces who have surrounded her. But still one was familiar to her.

"Arana!! you alright?" Her best friend yelled out of worry while softly patting her face.

Seeing her best friend finally conscious, she thanks the people in the cafe who helped her.

"Take care of her, I'll cover her shift till then" Liam, her part-time mate suggested. He got worried when she suddenly faint, he didn't know what to do. But thank god Remi come to pay her a visit or else he would be in a tight situation.

Arana nodded while trying to focus and rubbed her temples "what happened to me?"

"You!! You fainted again... Are you sure that you aren't trying to kill yourself?" she isn't going to let her go this time just with a simple lecture, its the 3rd time that she fainted like this, and what else will you can expect when you will work like a dork 24 hours non-stop.

'So it was a dream' She thought but then she added 'No it was a nightmare'