
My fate as Evil Antagonist

"Protagonist? It's kinda good to be a Protagonist, but what I'm focused on is Antagonist. Why are you asking? Antagonists can do whatever they want, they can be good, evil and many more! But their fate is in the Protagonist's palm. They have a plot where they get killed by the protagonist, defeated by the protagonist, and more. If the Antagonist defeats the protagonist, the protagonist suddenly gets stronger because of friendship power and they will defeat the Antagonist in future. Right Jake?" Said MC to Jake as the said person quietly nodded his head. "Uhuh, uhuh, uhuh." Nodding Jake while shaking his head up and down. Facepalms at Jake, MC irritated by his behaviors. "Do you listen to redheads?" Jake is still nodding his head upside down. 'I think he's like one of those people that nodding their head when they don't know what is happening, like Jake right here.' Sighing in disbelief, MC looks towards his books, the title is 'Why Antagonist is weak compared to protagonist in various ways.' 'Damn, I really wish I can make Antagonist more awesome, powerful, and cool than Protagonist, kinda boring when I always see Protagonist always win in the end.' With that word running through his mind, he just jinxed himself that day, that time, and that place where he sits.

MCijam_MC · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

My new body is Drug addict?!

MC, or known as MC… yeah that is his name and nickname. Why is his name like that? Ask his parents. It has been a year since they went on a journey searching for jobs.

He is 21 years old, and he doesn't have a girlfriend. Don't have a girlfriend because he never confesses in his life. He has a good-looking face, white hair, blue eyes… Oh my God, I'm bad at describing characters.

(His appearance)

He is handsome, many girls lay their eyes on him at first glance. But because of his attitudes, personality, and how easily he gets awkward making many girls throw they thought about him.

He has a friend, only a single friend. Name Jake, he is the only one that is opposite to MC. He has a girlfriend, has many girls fall in love with her, and even gets confessions in various ways.

Their first meeting is where MC buys a game store. MC buying an action, fantasy, and adventure game, while Jake 18+ game.

After they become friends, Jake notices the MC situation. As his best friend, he tries to make MC be a center of attention to many women out there. Through many attempts, Jake fails to make any woman fall in love with him.

MC's luck is so bad, worse than red-haired guys that are excellent at cooking.


On a road, we can see two figures walking side to side. This is MC and Jake.


[Sorry I'm bad at describing character appearances, especially fighting scenes.]

"MC, you got any plans this evening?" Ask Nake to MC that eating bread that has cream inside it.

"Grinding my gacha game." MC's answer makes Jake sigh in disbelief.

"Can't you go outside and search for any woman who is your girlfriend? You need someone to look for you when I'm not around here, probably dead, or maybe get Isekai?" Jake said that while daydreaming if he gets Isekai. "Damn."

"I don't need someone to look after me, and Isekai? Do you think it exists?" MC threw the bread wrapper plastic to the trash bin before grabbing a me one in his jacket.

"Don't you know? If you get hit by my truck-Kun, will you get Isekai? This year, there's no record of someone getting hit by a truck-Kun. There's a possibility someone will get Isekai this year. *Notice a Truck* Hey, if I run so fast and kill myself by hitting my head at the Truck bumper, will I get Isekai?" Said Jake as he looked at the Truck with excitement.

"Not logic, and no. Come on Jake, you are more mature than me, you like… my birthday is around 27/12 I guess? Yeah, you like 2 months earlier than me! Act like mature people. Not act like Weebs." Jake looks at MC before shaking his head.

"Said the one that played the same gacha game from the first days I met you. What is your game again? Arknight, Counter Side, and Punishing Gray Raven. You have to play those games since the first time I met you at the game store."

"Arknight is not a gacha game since I can finish all chapters with low star Operator, while Counter side gacha is gear, and PGR needs good skill and reflex if you want to play it. People like you don't suit this game, Jake."

Jake felt an arrow of MC's word piercing his heart brutality. He suddenly coughs blood from his mouth, scaring MC.

"You ok dude? Is my word too harsh for you? But it is the truth."

Another arrow pierces Jake's heart again as he coughs more blood.

"I still remember you confessing to someone by using a 18+ dating game simulator. And it failed miserably."

Another one.

"There's was a time you think kiss your girlfriend will make her forgive you easily then have sex with you after you accidentally rips her bra when you trying to wear it."

Another one.

"It's reality Jake, wake up bro."

With that last word, Jake falls to the ground while coughing more blood.

"And please don't use tomato sauce to cover your coughing blood. I have experienced it many times."

*Truck horn*

Jake suddenly stands up as he wipes the 'Blood' from his mouth before turning to MC and grabbing him by the shoulder.

"You… it is your time." This word made MC raise his eyebrow at Jake?

"My times? My time for what?"

He looks to the left to see a Truck coming toward his way at a fast pace. Seeing this MC finally realized!

"Let me, go Jake! I need to do my Annihilation at Arknight! I need to reach my house as fast as possible!"

He struggles out of Jake's grasp as Jake looks at MC with a tired face.

"You haven't figured it out yet? You will die?"

"Say what now? Die? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Remember, use everything as a way to win. You must win, and gain allies to help you on your mission."

While Jake monologues, MC notices the Truck heading toward them.

"Uhh, Jake? The Truck coming toward us."

"Through many Universes, I found you are a worthy MC. Make me proud as your friend."

"Ok, I will make you proud, now let me go, the Truck is heading this way, Jake!"

"THROW HIM NOW JAKE!!" A loud shout can be heard coming from… Truck?!

"Wait, is that truck just shou- Huh?" MC doesn't finish his sentence as Jake pushes him to the middle of the road as the truck is in front of MC's eyes ready to hit him.


In another universe, at night, and in deep forests, we see a group of girls wearing a robe around their heads to cover their faces standing in front of a badly injured person.

"Trash. Let's go, he will die because of blood loss. You shouldn't hurt our beloved master."

The girl then disappeared in thin air leaving the man alone as he slowly died due to blood non-stop coming out from his chest.

This is MC… yeah the same person that got hit by a truck. But from this world.

'That means I will die here huh? So many years of training only for me to be killed after I defeat Kumai. Those girls are simp. I wish there's someone Chad out there. Maybe a Sigma in grind sets avenged me.'

He slowly can't feel his body and his eyes begin to get heavier with each passing second. After releasing his last breath, he closed his eyes as he smiled with sadness behind it.

This is the moment the Isekai plot happened, a blue and purple light appeared around the body as it healed the wound on the body.

A few minutes had passed, the light gone as the said person opened his eyes with confusion.

'Where am I? Did I get isekai? And why do I sit like this? Is this body talking about a drug because of an overdose? Why, why is the body I get isekai'd from being a drug addict?" That's what he thought as he smiled like an idiot staring at the Moon that shines in the midnight.


'Why did I hear the microwave sound after it finished the timer?'

{Congratulations MC! You have been Isekai'd like anime/manga/novel you have to see!}

'I see.'

{I'm a system, not a blind person.}

'I heard you ok?'

{I'm not mute.}


{I'm not deaf either.}

'Damn bro, ok ok. Care to explain where I am right now?'

{You in isekai World.}

'I know that already. Where am I right now? Like why my new body is in the middle of the forest! Is he taking drugs that make him die in this forest?'

{… Yes}

'You sure?'

{Yes! I'm 100% sure your new body takes a drug then dies in this forest! Maybe he hallucinates? Who knows? But for sure your new body is due to an overdose.}

'Why did I feel like you were lying right now?'

{System can't lie MC.}

'That right, all systems that grant a Protagonist can't lie.'

{Correct and half correct, you are not a protagonist, but you are an Antagonist!}

'*gasp* That means I'm a sure character?! Awesome! Finally, I can make sure the antagonists get the attention they deserve and plot like the protagonist.'

{Indeed, your main mission is to make the Protagonist's life miserable and kill all his lovers anyway.}

'Inde- wait what?'

{You got that right! Your main mission is to make the Protagonist's life miserable and kill all his lovers, or NTR him!}

'This is nonsense! Why do I need to kill the Protagonist?? And why do I need to kill his lover, especially NTR? Am I missing a page when reading Novel?'

{Nah, you're not. That is your main mission. The reason is he is a pervert and has a big ego that can hurt your eyes if you want to see how tall his ego is.}

'Urgh… so I have status, right? Like my stats?'

{Says 'Status'.}


… nothing happens.

'It not coming out.'

{Says 'Status', but with more feeling.}

"… ok fine. *deep breath the release it* Status."

A blue panel appears in front of him as it shows his stats.

[Name: MC]

[Age: 21]

[Race: Human]

[Class: None](level 5 to unlock)

[Title: - ]

[Level: 1]

[EXP: 0/1]

"Mmmm, why does the EXP need 1 to level up? Is this OP isekai plot?' And where are other stats? Like HP, Attack? Where is all of it?"

{We don't do that here.}

"Then how do I want to know when my HP is low?"

{As I said, we don't do that here. You are a special MC. You are immortal and you are immune to all attacks or magic or poison, etc.}

Another blue panel pop up showing the skill he has.

[Immortality: Can't get old, stay young, and can't die unless they have cursed that destroyed the immortality skill. (Passive)]

[Immune: Immune to everything. That's all. (Passive)]

[Creation: Can create any power you want! But I need a chant word for it. Etc like 'Star falling' where a star falls to this planet and destroys everything. It's simple. (Need a chant word, don't forget to name the skill if it Element power.)]

"I'm OP, that's good news. I don't want everyone I 'care' about in this world to die because I'm not powerful enough to protect them. Especially in the fight, I suddenly get the power of friendship by my side that makes me defeat the enemy."

{That's good, you are not like other isekai people. Remember, do everything you can to finish the main quest.}

"… How about a side quest? I want to be powerful enough to do my main mission."

{Alright, your first side quest is to level up that all.}

"That's good to hear, how to get EXP?"

{Think it yourself, you have seen many isekai right's? Use your brain to get EXP idiot.}

Facepalm, MC looks to see the surrounding, and the first thing he sees is a rock and tree.

<MCijam: If there's is wrong grammar, tell me so I can fix it, I appreciate your help. >