



Author note( mature content read with caution 18+)

Anna was letting her boys deal with this all but before that, she needed to have words with the old man to warn him if he tried anything funny he would pay with his life. The look she gave as she walked into the bathroom to shower was to telling Mu Yazhe what she was up too he smiled and shook his head he knew she was too relaxed as the boys explained their plan because she had her plan.

Mu Yazhe waited for Anna to come out he was going to tickle the plan out of her. He had to make sure murder wasn't on the agenda he knew her well enough that when it came to her loved ones she didn't hold back to protect them. As he was in deep thought Anna walked near him and found him in deep thought she kissed him on the cheek.

Anna:" penny for your thoughts babe" she smiled.

Mu Yazhe felt the kiss he smiled as he looked at his wife, she was slowly, coming around herself being his wife it looked like she was wooing him not the other way around Mu Yazhe was thinking I should let her woo me it would be fun to watch want antics his little Demon would pull.

Mu Yazhe:" I was thinking that instead of me wooing you, you should woo me and see if it would work what say" he chuckled at his idea.

Anna looked surprised:" I woo you, you would be okay with it what if I'm demanding dude are you going to be all shy like a girl " she chuckled at the thought of seeing Mu Yazhe feminine side.

Mu Yazhe didn't think that Anna would easily accept so he was taken back a little and thought little Demon has changed a lot but I like the idea so why not I don't mind playing the role of her wifey:" okay I accept to let the wooing begin then" hugged his little Demon and chuckled at the same time.

Anna surprised him by standing on her tiptoes and straighten his face so they were facing each other she kissed his lips she lingered there a bit just as Mu Yazhe was about to make a move she pulled away and chuckled:" easy there tiger remember I am wooing you we will continue this later I have a meeting with my pillow I will see you in the morning" she dived onto the bed and pulled her covers up as she smiled at her cheekiness.

Mu Yazhe looked at the lump in the bed and now so regretting his decision of letting Anna woo him she was going to tease him to death he walked over and got in next to her he tickled her waist she until she chuckled under the blanket she poked her head out and smiled it was enough to send Mu Yazhe over the edge:" I take back the wooing I will woo you little Demon" he moved over and pulled her on top of him.

Anna looked at the man he didn't play fair when it suited him he changed his mind that's unfair she didn't even get a chance of wooing she didn't want him to change his mind but she had no idea how to woo she was going Google it in the morning or ring Amelia, she straddled Mu Yazhe this position was okay it was domineering to be on top she sat up and looked at her husband and thought want can I do to send him over the edge and then leave him hanging until he begs her to let him do all the most amazing things that he doses that send Anna to heaven but she would never tell him it was her little secret she chuckled to her self.

Anna decided as she moved down and kissed his lips just enough to get a reaction out of him then she started to kiss moving down his neck near his ears she was breathing heavily too, which send shivers down Mu Yazhe spine her hands were all over the place which earned her a growly moan from Mu Yazhe under her he was aroused now she was still light kissing and sucking the skin just enough to leave little marks like he was bitten by a large mosquito she drew circles on his arms and side of his body she could feel the change below as well she knows he is ready to flip her over and do his thing now but she was done she sat up very bravely and undid her nightshirt he looked in to his seductive eyes he would eat her alive at any moment he was losing control she threw it on the floor then she removed her bra exposing her body to him he touched her breasts on by one he brought his head forward to kiss her breast she let him she want him fully aroused she was always shy about doing anything to him before but she leaned from her sister that it's okay to let your inner desires and inner demon to come out when your with your husband because he is you husband you can do wild things that you hide way in your wild imagination and also her sister had told her some things that she liked to do so, for now, Anna would stick to this may be later she would let loose her inner demons. Anna tried so hard to stay in control but after Mu Yazhe started kissing her she lost all her senses so much for making him beg it was the other way around.

Mu Yazhe chuckled he know Anna was his puppet now he enjoyed the little show she displayed she was coming out of her shell he was really happy that she tried to tease him and to a point, it worked he lost most of his senses when she stripped her self he loved her body so much. He couldn't hold it any longer he flipped her under him and entered all he could hear now was mourning and whimpers from his Little Demon. He always knew when she reached her climax her grip give her way and she limps the way clenched him tightly then loosen after. After the first few times she would go very quiet and soft that's when he could do what he wanting she would move to his every command and did he make her work out. When he finished with her she could hardly move. He lifted the lifeless body and took her to the bathroom and showering her down he wished he sit in the bathtub together but he knew she was too scared he wouldn't put her through that.

Anna slept like a baby she was so tired to do anything he had his fill and enjoyed his wifey till his heart was content to he pulled her close and kissed her forehead:" I love you my firey little Demon and today you impressed me thank-you for opening up to me your one amazing woman my wifey today you behaved as I wanted you to all along I can t wait to see more I think you wooing me is going to very interesting" he smiled as he closed his eyes.

In the morning when My Yazhe woke he felt empty he knew his little demon wasn't a sleeper she was a crack of dawn she would be causing a ruckus somewhere she wouldn't be his little demon if she sat in peace. He got up as he remembers last night he muttered to himself," you've changed you longer stiff you had your whole body wrapped around mine I am impressed to see what you got up your sleeve I love too much my wifey I wish I could show you and I am sorry for hurting you but I will make it up to you I promise " he headed for the shower he needed to find his little Demon.

Outside, the three boys kneeled on the floor with three hands in the air Anna sat on the seat looking at them angrily she didn't speak but her looks where enough to knock the fear of God in them. They all repeated:" sorry mama" they would let her know where they were going next time they didn't know it was a red-light district they went to and the women were high-class prostitutes, they had to ring their mother when they were caught by the police after there was a police raid but luckily They had been verified to who they were but that meant ringing the parents they tried their father as he was a better option but he didn't answer the phone they ended ringing their mother they knew they would be punished once she got them him they might be fully grown adults but mama was still their mama they feared the most. Even the life-death situation they found themself in sometimes didn't scare them as much as their mum. They had begged the police officers to let them go before their mother arrived which surprised the officer seeing these grown men cower at the mention of their mother what surprised the officer, even more, is when they saw Anna she was small in height very beautiful and didn't look like their mum they thought that sister had come until the boys yelled "Mama sorry" but the officer soon realised when Anna gave the cold icey look that even send chills down their spine they felt for the boys now but they were happy it wasn't them dealing with this icey queen.

Mu Yazhe walked out to the scene in front of him he looked shocked he hadn't seen the boys being punished for a very long time so what had they done to be punished first thing in the morning.

Anna had her back to him so with hand gestures he asked what's wrong the boys replied with hand gestures they weren't to blame it was the other party that started the fight. Mu Yazhe waves at them to say let me talk you the little demoness she firing on all cylinders which meant he would be crucified if he wasn't careful.

Mu Yazhe finally spoke:" hey little Demon what the boys did there must be a reason behind it you know your boys better than anyone they are good boys" he tried to walk over to Anna.

Anna was sat on the sofa as she started at the boys like a lioness ready to pounce on her prey:" what good reason did they have to be caught in the red light district dear husband you mean to say you condone their behaviour well maybe you would like to join them too huh!" she frowned.

Mu Yazhe looked at his boys and looked at what the hell were you doing there how am I supposed to save you from your mother now? He was speechless but still asked:" What were you three doing there?" he looked puzzled.

Mu Benjamin spoke:" Daddy it's my fault I took them I was looking for a girl and her sister who was taken there forcefully I wanted to rescue them so asked bros for help we were only there to find those girls and then a fight broke out we got involved to save a few girls who were getting beaten and the police arrived and took us for questioning that's when we ring mama because you would my answer your phone" he sighed.