


Anna looked back at Anthony he sighed he knew what she was thinking he had a horrible feeling about what was coming next. But he would do the same he knew every shadow guard was the same. They had definitely touched the bottom line there was no mercy for any of them. They had tried to harm the baby of the house they had to be taught a lesson.

Anna:" on the last question how does your boss know the Falong clan" Anna wanted to clarify one thing if her suspicion we're correct and it was true then she would go after the Falong Clan and wipe them out they would wake her inner demon that knows no bounds and knows no end it only stops after it wiped every last one standing.

The shadow guards were on full alert they feared the answered that knew what would come next.

The boys all looked at the reactions on the faces of the shadow guards they knew it was not good the stories of their mother wasn't stories they were all true events she was as vicious as they say and merciless as they heard she was a legend in the underworld. She was there Mummy.

Nurse:" I don't know much but I heard that they had worked together and they were good terms and my boss wanted to please Master Falong and ask for a favour in return wiping the Mu's clan out" she laugh hysterically.

Anna:" you mean the Falong clan didn't have anything to do with this kidnapping it was all your lots doing"

Nurse:" I don't think so the boss wanted just please the boss of the Falong clan and raise his position in the underworld ones the Mu's are gone then the others would be easy to take down"

Anna:" so he wanted to rise in the underworld oh I will him rise alright today he will definitely rise to the pit of hell he wished he was never born " he was going to send him to meet his maker but not until he was slowly tortured"

The nurse knew she has pissed off some dangerous people she thought the only way to stay alive was to keep talking so she carried on blabbering while they waited for her boss to arrive the other shadow guards and the little guys took there position this was the first time they saw their mother in the battlefield they were thrilled to see this side of their Mummy too. She lived up to there expectations.

Nurse:" I heard that the Falong Clan Boss has never had a woman next to him everybody thought he was gay until recently he returned from somewhere and he was drunk he mentioned that he kissed his one and only love she rescued him and he fell in love with her she was just like he imagined it would be to kiss a forbidden fruit but now he wants more but can't because she already belongs to someone else and he can't force her she will only hate him he wants her to love him as much as he loves her he will do anything to make her happy he said he loves looking at her big blue eyes"

Anna wasn't paying much attention to the nurse babbling until she mentions big blue eyes and rescued him Anna thought shit it can't be is she talking about me I hope the shadows guards didn't hear that she is so not going to be able to explain this at all. Anna had completely forgotten about that prick had kissed her if Mu Yazhe finds out their will hell to pay. Anna thought I only ever met him a total of 3 times and they weren't never pleasant moments. Anna put the stupid thought aside and turned to the nurse to tell her to shut up.

The door flung open in walked about 15 men armed with weapons they were ready for war behind them walks a man every elegant in his strides he looked like he was on the runway of a fashion show he took off his glasses and looked over at the nurse in disgust at the mess she was standing in. He then faced Anna who had her mask on so he couldn't see her face he smiled evilly at her. Anna wasn't slightest bit impressed she went to slap that smile of his face.

Nurse:" boss your here thank God this woman is very scary"

Anna looked over at the nurse:" eh what I haven't touched you what are you talking about" she chuckled under her mask.

Nurse:" but you broke bosses both hand and shot the others and you say you didn't do anything" she was shaking while speaking Anna was glaring at her again.

The man was the second Master of the Cheng's family they were as rich as the Mu's they were rivals of the business world and in the Underworld. They were good at what they did but lately, they have been losing bids to the Mu's and that caused them big loses. And mostly the big loses we're the one's second Master Cheng Park had bided for.

Anna:" Master Park is this how you do business now by kidnapping innocent children and try and sell them to Falong Clan well this is a new low even for you" Anna just want to kill him but he was from an influential family so she just pops him full of bullet holes.

Master Park smirked:" and who am I dealing with and where is the little girl who I asked to for and we're is Master Yazhe why has he send such a short person to do his biding"

Anna chuckled:" Master Park Master Yazhe has taken his little girl back home with him as for me you will soon go d out as for short you heard the saying that shortest is the deadliest "

Master Park chuckled:" my, my what a fiery little think you are I will fun with you later I like them spicy Men capture her and take her to my villa" he smiled evilly.

The men came towards her in order to capture her she took them out in Swift moves they all looked at each other they then took out their guns to shoot her Anna looked over at the young Master it took her couple of steps and she had her weapon on Master Parks head she didn't use her gun much but when necessary she wouldn't hesitate to shoot.

Anna:" hehe Master Park ask your men to lower their weapons and kick them to the far corner will you wanna play with me how about I play with you first" she chuckled it was one before she tortured someone.

Master looked at Anna who the hell was she where did she come from how come he didn't know about her he wanted her by his side sexy fiery and dam good fighter all that he wanted in a woman

she had

Master Cheng:" put your weapons down and kick them over," he thought I will play with her for now but she will be his in the end.

Anna:" good boy now explain how why would you sell Master Yazhe, daughter " she needed to know how much that brat was involved with Master Falong.

Master Park looked angrily at the nurse she must have blabbered it out she was in the room when we were discussing the plan:" well the thing is he wants some leverage over the Mu's and I personally thought that it would be perfect for him this way and we could both get what we wanted" he had failed the plan no problem he still had this fiery woman next to him.

Anna looked at the way he kept looking at the nurse she knew the nurse knew more she would blubber a lot. Anna looked over at the nurse:" hey nurse could you tell me why the Mu's would be useful to Falong Clan and what's your relationship with Master Park it doesn't look ordinary "

The nurse spoke although Master Park is glaring at her it to speak she can't help but talk:" the Mu's know where the women are that Falong Master is looking for and my relationship is he is my lover"

Anna:" my oh my what to do aren't you married to the Elder Madame of the Yu clan what's her name, oh that's it Yu Lilly she is so pretty she like a fairy what did you see in this goofball who can't even keep her mouth shut" she smiled at this idiot he was so stupid.

Master Park was fuming he took out his gun and shot the nurses in the forehead then he looked over at Anna:" your turn doesn't even mention my wife again understand she isn't in the same league as you " he tried to fight Anna for the gun Anna in no time had him kneeling on the floor she still had the gun pointed to his head.

Anna came close to his ear so only could hear:" well Master Park you either love a lot or hate her a lot whichever is no concern of mine as for now you need to ring Falong Master and ask him what would happen if you have harmed the hair on the lady's head that he really likes or so-called love what would he did to you"

Master Park:" what do you mean by that he roared" he was confused but he also knows that if this was the case he would bury him and his entire family alive.

Anna:" what I mean is ring him and find out ring him I would like to speak to him and ask him personally how much of this he is involved in" Anna needed to clarify something with him she felt it was more revenge than love and she know the reason why but she had made a promise to a mother.

Master Park rang Falong Master the phone was picked up fairly quick:" hello Master Falong it's Master Park here how are you? "

Master Falong:" I am well how are you? how is did you remember me anything up" he was surprised that this Master was ringing him. He spoke to briefly at a gathering of some underworld leaders.