

* Authors note(sorry for the late release) I will try to release every second or third day Thankyou for your patience with me.

Anna's ears were burning red and she thought what did he mean by that he made some of that up didn't he she looked at his face and thought which is the real you this or the pictures she was really confused how did it come to this that bastard but a seed in my head now I can't shift it until I get to the bottom of it.

Mu Yazhe looked at Anna who was in a daze she was staring at him but not at him he waved his hand in front of her face she didn't respond he smiled cheekily he leaned over and bit her ear Anna jumped in shock and she looked at Mu Yazhe angrily they others sat in the car they weren't alone why was he behaving like a hooligan. Mu Yazhe looked at her and smiled like he was a gentleman. She couldn't say anything now but she would sort him out when they got home. She would teach how to be gentleman a few rounds in training would knock sense in to him.

It was a long drive Anna was exhausted but not sleepy she had slept at the hospital so sleep was nowhere in sight she thought a nice shower and then she would read some good romance novel with steamy bits so she could pick up some tips or manga she loves a good manga Mu Yazhe couldn't understand why a grown woman would read such things. As they entered the house the kids were all wake they hadn't seen their mother for 2 weeks they missed her not really more like her cooking they all lined up to greet her and then with the gloomy looked like their father had tortured them they asked there mother to cook something since Anna wasn't sleepy she thought this is better.

Mu Yazhe looked at the kids as they threw him under the bus just so they could get their mother to cook for them. The shadow guards all sympathised with him and told him that they understood his dilemma the number of times the kids had thrown them under the bus just to get Anna's sympathy and get her to make their favourite dish these kids were something. They had Anna wrapped round their fingers she loved them unconditionally. He followed them all into the kitchen he didn't speak but silently helped Anna. Anna smiles at her silent partner Anna prepare the food the kids all knew daddy wasn't happy he has given them the silent treatment but they were ignoring him because they have their mother now. They didn't need to suck up to him just yet the older shadow guards had other things to do so they all head to rooms and only came out when the food was cooked. But when they sat down they realised they were a cold war between the father and children it was a funny sight the kids purposely teasing their father they all were in it together they seen the way they communicate with their eyes. After they all ate it was time for bed the kids decided they would torture their father more before they hit the sack. They all knew he had missed their Mummy the he looked when they all came in and no Mummy behind them so it was fair they could tease him.

Li Na:" Mummy would you sleep in our room tonight we haven't seen you in a while pleaseeeeee" as he smiled cheekily while looking at her father.

Little Blessing:" yeah Mummy come to our from well have girly's night what say" she winked at her father to say we're taking her what are you going to do about it.

Ash:" yeah Mummy we can do our hairs and make up really girly things. She smiled at her father as to say daddy we are stealing Mummy from you.

Mu Yazhe eyes nearly popped out thinking I haven't seen my wife in almost 4 months and I have her you want to steal her is not happening she is sleeping in my room. I want my wifey.

Anna was about to speak Mu Yazhe butted in:" kids Mummy has had a long day maybe tomorrow"

They hadn't told the kids what had transpired on the boat and they hadn't told them about her heart yet. But the kids had noticed they mother skin was paler and she looked exhausted.

Li Na looked at the others and decided to let daddy off they would be plenty of teasing him now they knew his weakness.

They all smiled and bid night headed to their rooms the girls all shared the same room they liked to hurdle together but the boys not so much the twins shared and the other boys shared they we're in and out of each other room they even slept in each other's beds but they secretly wanted two rooms. To do the late-night activities and all the boys were together and thick as thieves they all knew what each other were up to but they have also kept it a secret. They were also part of Little Tiger elite force they were they some of the best hackers in the world and they traded with other organisations they had made friends over the years with a lot of other hackers and organizations and some government officials who they helped solve the cybercrime they had helped them bring down another criminal organization and took out local bad boys just for fun.

Anna headed up first and went to take a shower as she turned the shower on she heard the door open she turned around and their stood Mu Yazhe with an amused looked on his face. Anna faced all burnt red she throws the towel on Mu Yazhe head to cover his face and grabbed a towel wrapped herself in it then pushed him out and locked the door. She didn't care how much they had seen of each other she still felt really shy. Mu Yazhe was stunned by his wife reaction he was also so amused by her shyness he didn't miss the look on her face and her face turning red the panic too. He chuckled to himself while he took his clothes and went use the other shower.

Anna came out to see Mu Yazhe already showered and leaning on the headboard while on his laptop completing something Anna snuck over lifted the covers and hid her self in the cover she knew what was about to come but no matter how she prepared her self she couldn't bring herself to make the first move. Mu Yazhe looked over and smiled at his wife behaviour. He put his laptop away and cuddled in behind Anna he pulled her in for a hug.

Mu Yazhe:" little demon are you still this shy" he smiled at her she was shaking he could feel her he found her so cute.

Anna didn't respond her emotions were playing havoc she was trying to fix her emotions and do what Amelia had told her but when it comes down to it she couldn't she cowered away.

Mu Yazhe:" don't worry I won't do anything tonight until the doctors sees you tomorrow and he says it alright so just let me cuddle you and sleep" he really wants to eat her but he also had to wait.

Anna turned around to look at him she was surprised with what he said and also so touched that he cared so much she smiled at him and cuddle into him to sleep. Seen Anna relaxed Mu Yazhe also relaxed he fell asleep.

But Anna was wide awake she couldn't sleep she started at Mu Yazhe and thought what are you really like she was going to learn everything there is about him and good or bad she would deal with but one thing was for sure she was not will to share him or leaves him that she was sure about she moved closer and softly kissed his eyes and then his nose his cheeks and then his lips they tasted nice like fresh minty taste she likes the taste so she kisses him softly again she thought just one more time she kisses him again but this time she lingers a little longer she slowly nibbles on his bottom lip. Anna doesn't realise that Mu Yazhe has been awake the moment she kissed his eyes he just wanted to see what she would do but now he is finding it hard to control himself the more she nibbles the more he wanted to take over but he wanted to know how far she would go.

Anna stops and looks at him and smiles she whispers:" all mine not sharing" she goes back to kissing his lips it's like she can't get enough of the taste. Mu Yazhe can't hold it in any longer he takes over the kiss he deepens it he grabs the back of Anna's head and waist and pulled her in Anna is surprised but doesn't move the way. Mu Yazhe only releases her when he is satisfied by this time

Anna has lost control of all herself she is feeling dizzy she feels light-headed. Anna is panting for air she opens her eyes to see the green stars staring at her. Anna smiles at him she is feeling guilty for waking him up. Mu Yazhe doesn't say anything she just stares at her he is thinking that this is the second time she has said all mine not sharing what did she mean by that what happened to her he didn't mind it he in fact like it a lot. He liked his wifey's passiveness he is all hers to do what ever she wants with.

Anna:" sorry I woke you" she still had a sorry look on her face.

Mu Yazhe voice was horsy which made him sound so sexy:" it's okay I rather like this interruption I want to now know what else my wifey can do and how far she will go" he smiled at her.

Anna:" I was just" she didn't know what to say she didn't even know why she just kissed him first time she had done something like this on impulse she had to admit she liked it too she wonder if Mu yazhe was okay with it.

Mu Yazhe:" I just what ?little demon I am yours you can do whatever whenever you want okay just don't hastate I will help you when you struggle okay I like what you did a lot if there's any more I would love to see" he tried to tell her it was alright and not to afraid.

Anna nodded her head she didn't speak she kissed him instead she was telling him without speaking and he smiled at her through the kiss and deepened it they kissed for a long time finally Anna stop moving around Mu Yazhe realised she'd fallen asleep he was so amused by this he cuddled her soon fell asleep. This women of mine she falls asleep at the strangest of times. He looked at her and smiled he was glad she fell a sleep he couldn't control himself any more. He took himself of to the bathroom for a cold shower.

In the morning a loud thud woke them up they all got up and ran downstairs to see what had happened everything is normal in the sitting room so where did the noise come from. They all move towards the kitchen Anna had her gun in her hand Mu Yazhe had his gun out the tiny shadow guards had their weapons out they enter and find?