
My Extraordinary Career is Wet Nurse

To repay my debt, I became a wet nurse in Boss Li's household, and not only did I have to breastfeed his child, but I had to breastfeed him as well…

The Ideal of An Experienced Driver · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
491 Chs

Chapter 6

The servant's surname was Liu, and everyone called her Auntie Liu.

Besides her, Sister Zhao was also at home.

This gave me a sigh of relief, with them around, Boss Li wouldn't make any inappropriate requests.

"Qin Qin is here, please have a seat," Sister Zhao said warmly as she let me in.

I saw Boss Li sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and he nodded at me when he saw me.

I didn't know why, but something about Boss Li's reaction made me feel uneasy.

Just then, Auntie Liu brought the baby over. Perhaps recognizing me, the little one was overjoyed.

I took the baby to the sofa and found a comfortable position to sit down, then lifted my blouse and began to breastfeed.

The little one latched onto my cherry, and his little hands kept grabbing at my peaches, making me a bit ticklish.

Babies usually eat slowly, and most of the time they would fall asleep while feeding.

It was then that I suddenly noticed Auntie Liu and Sister Zhao were gone, busy with something else, apparently.

Meanwhile, Boss Li, sitting not far away, occasionally glanced over at me. His greedy gaze made me frightened.

I was really afraid he wouldn't be able to resist and would come over to snatch the cherry from his son's mouth. At that time, should I resist?

But clearly, I was overthinking it. After all, he was a married man and wouldn't dare to meddle in such things in front of Sister Zhao.

After the little one had eaten his fill, he didn't fall asleep. Instead, he kept gazing at me and giggling non-stop.

Hearing the child's laughter, Sister Zhao came over, her face covered with slices of cucumber.

After some effort, I finally got the child to sleep and was ready to leave.

"Boss Li, the child is asleep; I'll be going back now," I said.

As I walked out,

Boss Li followed and said amiably, "I'll walk you out."

As soon as he said he would walk me out, I immediately got nervous and waved my hands frantically, "No, no, I can just take a taxi back."

"I'll take you to the elevator." Saying this, he went out ahead of me, not giving me a chance to refuse.

Having no choice, I obediently followed Boss Li out the door, and soon we were at the elevator.

While waiting for the elevator, Boss Li leaned toward me intentionally or unintentionally, his eyes fixed on me with a lecherous gaze.

Suddenly, Boss Li reached out and gently caressed my cheek, his face still wearing that greedy smile.

I trembled nervously, keeping my head down, not daring to look into his eyes.

But Boss Li gently lifted my chin with his hand, looked at me tenderly, and whispered in my ear, "Qin Qin, let me taste your milk, okay?"

Before I could say anything, Boss Li actually reached into my collar, grabbed my breast, and started to knead it forcefully through the bra, causing my fluids to spray out, dampening the bra.

His sudden action scared me quite a bit. Although there was no one here now, what if someone came?

If others saw this, how could I live that down?

So I grabbed Boss Li's hand, trying to stop him.

However, Boss Li had no intention of stopping. He whispered in my ear, "Don't be afraid, no one's here."

My heart was pounding, trying to figure out how to escape his entanglement.

Just then, the elevator arrived.

"The elevator's here, I... I need to go first," I blurted out.

I quickly slipped into the elevator and frantically pressed the close door button.

But before the door could shut, Boss Li stepped in as well.

In the enclosed elevator, there were only the two of us, me and Boss Li.

At that moment, my heart was so nervous it felt like it was about jump out of my throat.

After several seconds of silence, the very thing I feared most still happened.

Mr. Li suddenly pressed me against the elevator wall and lifted my clothes in one swift motion.

My full, ripe peaches were completely exposed before him.


Mr. Li's eyes widened, and he swallowed hard.

I thought he would immediately take my cherries into his mouth.

But to my surprise, he made no move, merely staring intensely at my peach as though observing a piece of art.

While looking, he murmured, "So beautiful, just so beautiful."

As he spoke, he finally couldn't resist anymore and reached out to grab my peach, kneading it forcefully.

Instantly, my body reacted, my legs went weak, and I almost couldn't stand.

I bit my lip hard, struggling not to make a sound.

After a few seconds of kneading, he opened his mouth as if to devour my peach.

However, just at that moment, with a "ding," the elevator doors opened.

Reluctantly, he let go of me and sighed with a trace of regret.

I quickly took the opportunity to straighten my clothes and walked swiftly out of the elevator with my head down.

And as I passed by Mr. Li, he suddenly whispered in my ear, "Tonight, I'll come to see you."

At the time, I just thought he was joking with me. After all, my husband was at home, and if he dared to mess with me, my husband would never agree.

I finally got home only to find my husband had already bought prepared food, and there was even a case of beer.

Seeing his cheerful demeanor, I smiled and asked, "You seem to be in a good mood. Did something great happen?"

My husband hugged my waist and gave me a fierce kiss on the face, "Of course, it's great news! We got paid today. Guess how much I got?"

"Four thousand?" I ventured to guess.


My husband excitedly said, "Five thousand! Haha, the boss gave me a raise of more than a thousand. We have to celebrate."

Hearing this, I too was very happy, knowing that earning more money meant we could return home sooner to take care of our child.

During the meal, my husband suddenly said, "Tonight our boss is treating the workers to a movie. How about you come with me?"

"Really? Can I come?" I asked eagerly.

To be honest, I could count the number of times I've been to the movies on one hand.

So, I didn't want to miss any opportunity to watch a movie.

Even if it's just a boring war film.

My husband nodded, "Of course you can, because you are my wife."

"Here, let's have a drink," he said, handing me a bottle of beer.

I glared at him, "Have you forgotten I'm currently breastfeeding Mr. Li's child? I can't drink."

But my husband said, laughing, "It's okay, just one bottle, and nobody has to know."

I didn't want to dampen his spirits, so I took the bottle and gently sipped a small mouthful.

I never drink alcohol, so my tolerance is very low.

Half a bottle of beer and I was already feeling dizzy.

My husband could drink quite a bit; he downed three bottles and felt nothing.

Seeing my state, he laughed and said, "You've really got to work on your tolerance. Here, let me help you lie down a bit."

He then wrapped his arm around my waist and led me towards the bedroom.

I don't know if it was the alcohol or something else, but such simple contact caused an intense physical response in both of us.