
My Exceptional System

This story is set in a future timeline where some humans possess superhuman abilities due to mutations in their DNA.these humans are called "Exceptionals." humans have also been able to explore other planents and could live on them due to advanced technological breakthroughs. This world was simply for the rich elite and powerful, simply put, it was a dog eat dog world. Azura was a young teen whose dream was to become an exceptional. since he was poor, weak, and useless, his only hope was for the universe to bless him with super powers, powers he would use in exacting revenge on everyone who has wronged him, especially his wicked uncle.

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Becoming an Exceptional

congratulations! you're now an exceptional!

seeing the notification in front of him, felt like someone was playing tricks on him. for one thing, he was passed fifteen. He was due to turn sixteen in a month or two.

how come he's been congratulated for becoming an Exceptional. Reading further, he could see a timer on the bottom left corner of the system screen. At the top of the timer was a text written in bold letters. daily mission would be issued in an hour time.

Azura couldn't help but wonder if everything was a joke. he knew he had various injuries on his body before passing out, and now his body was as good as new. To be honest, he was feeling better than he had ever felt in a long time.

his body was completely healed. It was due to this that leyla didn't know how badly he had been beaten earlier.

inspecting further, he saw a tab with the name stats and attributes. clicking on it, the following info was displayed in front of his eyes.

Name --------Azura Everd

Stats And Attributes

Health -------100/100









Exceptional power

Plasmatic Force manipulation.


Anger strike Lv 1.

when activated, the skill will send the host into a fit of rage. Any attack carried out while "anger strike" is activated will deal an extra 5% more damage with each hit.

Host level-----Lv1.

Host Experience point-----10 Exp.

total of Exp needed to progress to the next level---100Exp.

whatever it was, even though Azura didn't know what exactly had happened, he was happy and grateful to whoever was behind this system.

finally, he could grow stronger and carry out his revenge on his good for nothing uncle, a wide grin appeared on Azura's face, smiling from ear to ear, " I'm one step closer to killing that thief of an uncle." he murmured to himself.

moreover, seeing the name of his exceptional power made him happy. Even though he wasn't exactly sure what plasmatic force manipulation was all about, anything was better than being a weakling.

After taking a few minutes to browse through the system, Azura finally decided to sleep.

the next morning, a loud sound woke Azura up.

[Ding! Ding! Ding].

Azura heard the system sound inside his head. opening his eyes, there it was, he could see the system texts in front of him,like last night.

so it wasn't a dream, he murmured.

checking through the text, Azura could see a twenty four hours Misson that has been issued since 6 hours ago. this meant he only had 18 hours to complete the mission.


system mission.

mission 1. Do a total of 50 pushups.

mission 2. run a distance of 10km

mission 3. run in place for 40 minutes.

Misson rewards.

+1 stat point in charm and strength.

+100 Exp.

without complaining, Azura started carrying out the mission. First, he moved out of the small apartment, and once outside, he began running in place without moving forward or backwards. After 40 minutes, he got another notification signalling him of the success of the mission.

moving on to the next,he decided to run first before doing the pushup. azura completed the second Misson quite easily. After completing the 2nd mission, he came back to the spot he had run in place. There, he began doing his pushups.

at exactly 10 minutes, he finished doing the pushups.[Ding! A new system notification]

Azura quickly opened the notification. He was happy to see the system confirmation and the promised rewards.

Mission complete.

3/3 Mission has been completed.

------------------Mission Rewards-----------------

+1 stat point in strength. +1 stat point in charm.

+100 Exp.

You have Levelled up.

congratulations, you're now a level 2 exceptional.

After levelling up, azura could tell he was stronger, stronger than he was when he woke up this morning. he was genuinely happy. maybe, just maybe, he wasn't unlucky after all.

at this point he knew he was already running late for school, rushing into the small apartment, he quickly brushed his teeth took a shower and he headed out, leyla wasn't in the apartment so,his only guess was she had left, when he went out earlier to run.

Azura had to run to school every day since he couldn't afford a bus pass.putting on his old looking school uniform, he ran out of the house.

usually, he needed to run for 40 minutes before getting to his school " Valon high".

but today, he noticed he was running quite faster than he used to, after running for just 12 minutes he could already see, the school roof.by his estimate he would get to school in about 3 minutes, this was good news for him, since he would at least arrive on time today. this also means no punishment for coming late.

stepping through the school gate, Azura could see Nathan, beating up a weak looking teenager, seeing this azura was grateful, for once he wasn't in the receiving end of Nathan's wrath.

Nathan was a 6 ft 2-inch tall bully with jet black hair and brown eyes. he was known for bullying and oppressing the weak. ever since he became an exceptional one year ago, the scale of his bullying has increased, since azura was poor, Nathan couldn't ask for money from him or collect any valuables, so naturally Azura became his punching bag.

for a change Nathan was beating up someone else and it wasn't him, azura felt the universe was changing his ill-fated luck for some reason unknown to him, and he was grateful.

Azura quickly made his way to his class. Here, he sat all alone in the front seat on the middle roll. No one wanted to associate with him anyway. He wasn't bothered by this. If anything, he enjoyed the seat that would fit in 3 teens, all by himself.

the moment the bell sound was made, his home room teacher, Mr Walsh, made his way into the classroom.

Mr Walsh was an ordinary human who favoured the strong and rich over the weak. He would always take side with the few Exceptionals in the school.turning a blind eye at the constant oppression, the exceptional were dishing out on the weak human students.

at one point, the teachers' behaviour used to get to azura, but now he couldn't care less. If anything, he knew he would be leaving this stupid school in two months' time anyway.

now that he was an exceptional, he wanted to join the "exceptional academy", this was where various Exceptionals would learn to harness their powers and also learn different fighting techniques.


******For more info about my future works********

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thanks for your support so far!.
