
My Exceptional System

This story is set in a future timeline where some humans possess superhuman abilities due to mutations in their DNA.these humans are called "Exceptionals." humans have also been able to explore other planents and could live on them due to advanced technological breakthroughs. This world was simply for the rich elite and powerful, simply put, it was a dog eat dog world. Azura was a young teen whose dream was to become an exceptional. since he was poor, weak, and useless, his only hope was for the universe to bless him with super powers, powers he would use in exacting revenge on everyone who has wronged him, especially his wicked uncle.

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Azura's past.

in a future world where humans no longer care for the weak or show sympathy for the poor, a world where some humans have undergone an unusual mutation in their bodies.Azura finds himself barely surviving day after day.

thinking back to his past, he still remembered how he lost everything when his dad died. not having a mother, his greedy uncle took over his father's business and properties. leaving Azura and his sister with absolutely nothing.

then he was just fourteen,with his sister being two years younger, they were both driven out of their own home . sometimes, he would steal to put food on their stomach.

other time they had to eat from the left overs in the school canteen, even though education in this world was free, one still had to pay for their lunch. paying for lunch was a luxury Azura couldn't afford.

Sometimes, they would go to bed without eating. other times Thommy, the old man who offered them a place to stay when they lost their home, would give them bread that wouldn't even sustain one person, let alone two.

But Azura was grateful to Thommy. In this wicked world, he was the only one who had offered Azura and his sister a helping hand,Even the Ai robots in this world where treated better than Azura, at least those robots had a decent roof over their heads, Azura thought.

in this world, technology was way advanced, people could travel and live on other planents, and the rich could own teleportation devices.

Apart from the rich, another group of people who controlled the affairs of the world were the "Exceptionals." These were humans who had undergone a special type of mutation, this mutation basically changed the internal structures of their body, turning them into supper human.they were called exceptionals due to their extraordinary powers.

some exceptionals had powers that could destroy an entire planet, but of course, not every one of them could do this. Those who can have to train for years and master their powers.

Becoming an exceptional has been the lifelong dream of Azura. He wanted powers he would use to take revenge on his uncle. Moreover, becoming an exceptional is simply by luck. there was absolutely no formula or fixed way to become one.

Those who were lucky enough to be blessed by the universe would undergo this mutation upon turning 15 and would also receive these said powers.

Azura knew whatever the rich and powerful said was final in this cursed world of theirs, so since he was poor, the only other option left for him was to become powerful.

After turning fifteen, azura didn't receive any powers, it was safe to say nothing had changed, he was still the same lowlife miserable teenager,who couldn't feed his sister, or afford decent clothing.


[Back to the present]

walking through the streets of valon, he saw a girl being harrased by some group of teenage boys, seeing this he wondered, what if the girl in question was his sister, would he just let them do to her as they pleased?

not wanting to draw any trouble to himself, he convinced himself it wasn't his business. moreover, he was no one's hero. if anything, he was a villain at heart.

making a resolve not to get involved, he focused his gaze ahead, Until he heard the cry of the girl, help! help! help!.

hearing her cry for help, azura lost the will to move on. The picture on his head was that of his sister Leyla being harrased by those teenagers. This thought sent him into a frenzy.

grabbing an iron rod that was lying on the side of the rundown street, he charged in at the group of boys, swinging the rod from side to side, hitting anything and anyone on his part.

although he managed to land a few hits here and there, he was clearly outnumbered. The group of teenagers removed their attention from the girl and started attacking azura.

seeing this, the girl ran away, leaving azura to fend for himself. attacks where raining down upon Azura from every corner, he was already thin,and bonny base on the fact that he could barely afford a single meal, now having to go against a group of well fed teenagers was simply too much for him to face.

Azura fell on the floor due to lack of energy and the continuous attack that seemed to have lasted for ages, he layed on the floor, with one thought and one thought only...."Is this the end for me? if I die now, how will I exact my revenge upon my wicked and greedy uncle?" This was the only thought on Azura's mind.

he can't die, no, not until he has had his revenge,so he thought. while he was still thinking about his situation, he saw some blurry texts in front of him. he could barely make out the words.

In fact, the only thing he saw was, "Congratulations, you're now an exceptional.

seeing this, the last thing on his mind was, finally! his brain was playing jokes on him. Eventually, his vision went blank due to lack of energy and blood loss. not wanting to be held responsible, the teenagers abaddon Azura's unconscious body to die, since he was no longer responding.

they quickly fled the location of the battle.no one wanted to be held responsible for killing anyone. the only ones who could kill without being questioned were the highly powerful Exceptionals or the rich and elite.

several hours later, Azura woke up due to the constant water droplets falling from the sky. the moment he opened his eyes, he could feel the wetness,his clothes were soaked by the rain.

he stood up as he decided to head back home. it was already late at night, leyla would be worried, it was best he headed home anyway.

on his way home he kept thinking about the girl he took a beating for, she had abandoned him and saved herself the moment the opportunity presented itself, that right their was another reason he needed to focus on himself and Leyla.

in this world, it was better for him to be the villain than a hero, so he thought. it was a dog eat dog world, only the selfish and powerful survives, and he was ready to be both.

getting home, his sister was standing outside the rundown building they were living in, with a worried look on her face.

some part of the buildings had cracks, the windows and doors were all in terrible situations, to be honest, all the houses on this side of valon City were like this.

no one would believe this side of valon City existed.

"What happened to you? I was worried, Azura. I thought you ran into trouble again."

[Scratching the back of his head, Azura responded] "I'm fine, I needed to take care of something,I'm home now." he said this while giving her a light hug. even though leyla was suspicious, she said nothing.

they both entered into their apartment, and she offered him a small portion of bread. "Mr Thommy brought some bread for us earlier, here eat some, it's late already."

Azura was grateful for the small portion of bread. He was hungry, extremely hungry. After eating the bread, he changed into another worn-out pair of shorts and tshirt, he then took a blanket and spread it on the floor. This was where he would sleep every night.

they only had one small bed Mr thommy had given them. He naturally allowed leyla to have the bed since it wouldn't contain the both of them anyway. he would sleep on the floor each night.

After laying down, he remembered seeing some blurry texts in front of him before passing out. thinking about the texts, the screen opened up in front of him once more.

congratulations! you're now an exceptional!


******For more info about my future works********

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