
My EX-Love story

---Mature Content--- I woke up. "Reese" I mumbled before I had sense of anything else ------------------------------------------------------------------- Reese Silver summoned Amanda Winters, and she has no choice but to obey. Such is their pact, their promise, their bond. He gives her the challenging task of remembering Amanda's EX-love story, right after the death of her husband. But the ending is unresolved. And the truth turns out to be a huge plot-twist.

Loki_Fan · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs

The letter

-Present Day-

I sighed as I took off my spectacles and placed them on the table. I always knew that something was wrong with you. That you somehow supernatural and you weren't normal at all.

First off, it was you presence.

Once you made yourself noticed by someone, you would be the only thing in their mind. They would replay their conversations, no matter how brief or meaningless they may be. Once you were in the same room as them, they would feel conscious of everything around them. They would suddenly be aware of forgetting to brush their hair wearing mismatching socks.

Second off, it was the peculiar events that took place when you were around.

Seriously…you would do random things. How you changed the song at the DJ booth, how you were perfectly fine after a 10 feet fall, how you could make the temperature colder. The details took a little effort to relate and notice but they were there. They had always been there, I had just been too ignorant.

Thirdly…your timing was just too perfect.

He would always show up when I was on the verge of crying. He would always be there when I needed to talk to someone. You was always there to save my ass whenever it needed saving.

I pushed my thoughts off of you but they kept bouncing back. Why the hell had you even asked me to bloody do this? You were just playing a game.

'He's unwell'

Hell Nah, you weren't unwell. This was just your little game that you were playing to pass the time. I had always been a mere plaything to you. That was your advantage, you could have anything you wanted without making any effort. If you so wished for it, it would be yours.

I finally managed to text you and tell you that I was done with a few chapters. You sent me a thumbs up and a smiley face in reply, as if nothing had goddamn happened between us, ever. As if we were still that happy college couple.

You called me later at night.

"Hey Amy." Your voice sounded bright and cheery…and as tempting as ever.

My heart did a little somersault but I quickly regained my composure and frowned. Why the heck were you calling me now?

"I was just bored…" You answered my thoughts, "And I was a little lonely."

Lonely? Did Reese Silver just admit that you were feeling lonely? That you were missing me? My heart did a double somersault and I broke into a huge grin. I let my head drop back as I thought of what to say.

"Well, do you want me to keep you company as your servant?" I asked as I subconsciously swung my legs.

"I'd much rather you keep me company as your friend." You laughed in reply.

Then there an awkward pause.

A silence that seemed to stretch on forever.

"Well, if we're not gonna talk…then I was sorta busy…" I broke off the silent, my voice heavily hinted with disappointment.

"Gosh!" You chuckled, "What happened to the girl I met by the tree huh?"

"She grew up and changed. And you played a major role in that…I guess I am sorta your creation. But I mean, all I ever was to you was a plaything…a pawn." I let you digest my bitter words.

I didn't mean a single word. If you would had asked me over, I would've ran there. I would've talked to you about my day like I always had before. I would snuggle into your body as I always had before. I would let you kiss me with dangerous, soft, passionate kisses. I would fell asleep while reading a book with you.

"Never mind that…What books are you reading nowadays?" I muttered.

"I recently finished 'It ends with us'. It was a good book, but I mean...it displays reality and reality's too harsh…so I don't know really." You gave me your expert opinion.

It ends with us.

I guess I would have to read that.

"I was rereading 'Da Vinci Code'." I said.

You laughed a little and I swear that I could see you tilting your head. Maybe you was projecting the image into my head.

We talked for about 20 minutes, about books and all. That's when Michelle came.

We were just opening up to each other, getting easy. And your sister had to ruin all of that. I had never liked Michelle. Not even when I used to live with you.

"I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Bye." You ended the call before even waiting for my response.

I collapsed into bed and tears started flowing down my cheek as buried my head into the pillow and screamed my lungs out. I had been missing you for so long…I was finally able to take those emotions out.

I loved you,

I would always, always love you.

No matter how many times you would break me and betray my trust,

I would love you and I would trust you more than anything.

You were my one true love.

The next morning when I woke up, a letter was waiting for me on the table. The letter had a blue seal, his seal. Why would you be contacting me? My heart began to beat faster out of fear, what threats were written on that page?

I thought of calling you.

But I restrained.

I sighed and carefully picked it up and carried it to my bed.

I gingerly broke the seal and opened the envelope. I cautiously unfolded the letter, and took a deep breath before reading.



I know that I swore to get outta your life and all, and I will…but why should I? After all, you didn't keep your end of the deal. I'm not gonna stop you because this will be interesting and I am dying to see what happens. You both keep sooo many secrets from each other, it will be amusing to see them unfold. And it will be most satisfying to see you both against each other, rivalling, hating. I will not take any immediate action but I might take some if you keep me waiting so hurry, darling. Hurry darling…and I might let you share a kiss with him one last time.


No senders address, but I knew who it was.

My insides were gripped with fear,

What secrets?

I had a lot.

How many do you have?

I let those thoughts slide as I sat down to write for the day, but they lingered in the back of my brain, barging in like an uninvited guest,