
My Ex's Uncle Spoils Me Rotten

Lily was the beloved daughter of a real estate tycoon and the little princess of the family until she was six years old. Everything changed when her adoptive sister Zoya joined the family. Lily became the spoiled, ill-tempered girl, while Zoya embodied the virtues of an elegant and talented young lady from a prestigious family. Her parents and older brother gave up on Lily, and even fiancé, her childhood companion,Royce fell in love with someone else. Before the wedding, her fiancé informed her, "The wedding will go on, but the bride won't be you." In a bold move, she turned around and married her ex-fiancé’s uncle, Edmond, a distinguished and unattainable man whom no one dared to covet. Lily had saved Edmond once, and he promised her three wishes. The first time, when Royce wanted to call off the engagement, Lily asked Edmond to help her keep it. The second time, she wanted to break off the engagement, and Edmond helped her regain her freedom. The third time, she asked him, "Uncle Edmond, do you need a wife?" Thus, she became his wife and the aunt of her former fiancé. This aloof man told her, "Don't be afraid when you get into trouble, I've got everything covered." He spoils her to the point of indulgence Now, she plans to exact revenge on everyone who has wronged her.

August_Witch · Thành thị
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72 Chs

I got married today. I'm happy

Alistair took out his phone, took a few pictures of the wine, and sent them to friends who weren't there, asking Edmond, "What's the special occasion for opening such good wine?"


Edmond took the wine from his hands and passed it to someone eager to open it. "Open both," he said, to cheers from the crowd.


Seeing something different about Edmond, Alistair asked, "You're in a good mood tonight?"


Everyone else was focused on the wine, leaving the two of them alone. Edmond took a cigarette from Alistair. "Yeah, I got married today. I'm happy."


Not just today, he had been happy since Lily was in the hospital. He had arranged for the wine to be flown over immediately.


Alistair lit a cigarette for Edmond, but the lighter slipped when he heard this, extinguishing the flame. "You got married—"


Before he could finish, Edmond covered his mouth. "It's a secret for now. You said you were troubled today, so I thought I'd share some good news to cheer you up."


Alistair thought, "Will this make me happy? This is terrible news!" Edmond's single status had been his shield against his own family's pressure.

Now that Edmond was married, he'd lose that excuse, and his family would drive him crazy.


"Good, keep it secret!" Alistair urged, lowering his voice. "So, who did you marry? Lily?"


Edmond had mentioned before he would marry Lily. "Yes," he confirmed.


Someone handed them two glasses of wine. Alistair took one for himself and gave the other to Edmond. "You've got courage, marrying Lily when she almost became your niece-in-law."


As he drank, Alistair pondered. "Tell me honestly, do you still have feelings for her?"


Edmond once had feelings for Lily, a fact known only to Alistair. Lily had saved Edmond's life multiple times.

Despite Royce and even Aria being unaware, Edmond had never forgotten her kindness.

She was like a ray of light in his darkest times.

But since Lily's heart belonged to Royce, he had never dared to show his feelings.

Last year, Lily had insisted on getting engaged to Royce. Edmond said he had moved on.

Had he really? If he had, why was he willing to risk his future at her mere request?

In the private room, Edmond stubbed out the half-smoked cigarette in the ashtray, took a sip of his drink, and pondered Alistair's question.


"When she came to the club that day, her eyes and face were swollen.I had an impulse to marry her, to protect her openly," Edmond said after a moment of thought. "Before, she never sought me out, and I couldn't actively help her because of my complicated position. Royce's mother and son hated me. If I helped her more, they would vent their anger on Lily. So I could only watch her suffer."


"But now, everything has changed. I've married her. She's my wife. I can protect her and support her openly," Edmond continued. "You ask about my feelings for her. Well, she doesn't even need to speak. Just one look of distress from her, and I want to give her everything. Marriage is nothing; she could ask for my life, and I'd give it to her."


Over New Year's, Lily went to Finland alone.


"It's said that lovers who watch the Northern Lights together will have eternal love. Lily, let's go see the Northern Lights after the college entrance exams," Royce had promised her in high school. He had even bought a camera to practice taking pictures, so he could capture her beauty when they finally went.


The camera mostly ended up in Lily's hands, and with all her practice, she became better at photography than him.

He once joked, "Lily, you should consider becoming a photographer. Your photos are really good." Because of this comment, she truly pursued a career in photography.


Sadly, their trip to see the Northern Lights never happened. She had booked a glass igloo before their engagement was called off, still hoping to see the lights with him and make a last effort for their future together.

With the travel plans made and the tickets bought, she decided not to waste them.

Plus, she had longed to see the Northern Lights for a while. Even if they couldn't go together, the scenery deserved not to be missed.


Lily left for Finland on New Year's Day and stayed at the Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi.

She was lucky enough to see the Northern Lights on her first night.

The sky was a velvet canopy above her, with green and purple lights intertwined, dancing like a waltz, unpredictable and breathtakingly beautiful.

She shared the video with Aria.

 Aria was back home for the New Year's holiday, playing bridesmaid at her cousin's wedding.

After the wedding, she still had to attend her cousin's son's full moon banquet and other family events, leaving her no time for a getaway. She watched the video twice, feeling both relieved and happy.