
My Ex's Uncle Spoils Me Rotten

Lily was the beloved daughter of a real estate tycoon and the little princess of the family until she was six years old. Everything changed when her adoptive sister Zoya joined the family. Lily became the spoiled, ill-tempered girl, while Zoya embodied the virtues of an elegant and talented young lady from a prestigious family. Her parents and older brother gave up on Lily, and even fiancé, her childhood companion,Royce fell in love with someone else. Before the wedding, her fiancé informed her, "The wedding will go on, but the bride won't be you." In a bold move, she turned around and married her ex-fiancé’s uncle, Edmond, a distinguished and unattainable man whom no one dared to covet. Lily had saved Edmond once, and he promised her three wishes. The first time, when Royce wanted to call off the engagement, Lily asked Edmond to help her keep it. The second time, she wanted to break off the engagement, and Edmond helped her regain her freedom. The third time, she asked him, "Uncle Edmond, do you need a wife?" Thus, she became his wife and the aunt of her former fiancé. This aloof man told her, "Don't be afraid when you get into trouble, I've got everything covered." He spoils her to the point of indulgence Now, she plans to exact revenge on everyone who has wronged her.

August_Witch · Thành thị
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72 Chs

Finally Going to the Zhou Family

Growing up with Royce and Franklin, Lily naturally knew some things about the Zhou family. They had a family rule that all family members must return home for holidays.

Even during Franklin's world tour across the Pacific, he had to fly back overnight for the holidays and leave again afterward.

When Edmond arrived, Lily had asked him to wear a mask as well. In a less crowded, dimly lit area, he lowered his mask.

Family rules didn't bind him.

He mentioned Old Master Zhou, "There've been many family matters recently. His health isn't good, and he slept after dinner. The younger ones have all left."

Lily remembered Franklin. Indeed, Franklin had called her before midnight, so he too had left.

It was late. After one lap, they headed to the parking lot. Lily planned to go straight back to her apartment. Edmond asked his driver to get her car while he drove his own to escort her.

Both cars parked in front of her apartment. Edmond opened the passenger door for her, handed her a delicate jewelry box.

"A New Year gift."

Lily smacked her forehead. "Ah, right. I have a gift for you too. Wait here, I'll go get it."

She was about to run when Edmond called her back. "No rush, I have something to say."

Lily turned around.

Edmond looked at her steadily, his voice husky and low.

"A new year should have a new beginning. Since we're married now, let's live a good life together, okay?"

Lily froze. Edmond didn't press for an answer.

"Think about it, or tell me how you want to live. We'll discuss it."

He stepped forward and gently hugged her.

"No rush. Royce's wedding is in half a month. After his wedding, we'll move into our marital home. Then you can give me your answer, alright?"

This was their first real embrace.

Lily, in his arms, felt her mind go blank.


...Time flew by, and the New Year passed without notice.

February 14th, Valentine's Day, and Royce and Nadia's wedding finally arrived.

The weather was strange.

Despite the forecast for clear skies, it rained on Valentine's Day. The wet weather was frustrating.

Given Royce's status as a favored grandson in the Zhou family, the wedding should have been grand and splendid.

But attendees said it was boring and somewhat amusing.

Only younger family members from the Zhou side attended, except for Royce's father and a few distant uncles whose names people couldn't recall.

Royce's mother didn't come.

She was said to be ill, but no one believed it.

"It was awkward. I felt embarrassed for Nadia—her mother-in-law wasn't there, and her husband seemed distracted, like he hadn't slept for days."

"Not interesting at all. I'm looking forward to Lily regaining her memory."

"Me too. Wherever Lily goes, it's lively. What's she up to these days?"

"She went abroad for a fashion show recently. I saw her at a beauty salon yesterday."

"I saw her too. Her skin is so perfect. I'm jealous."


Lily did go to the show and bought a few outfits. She also went to the beauty salon, pampering every inch of herself.

Tonight, Royce would bring Nadia to the old house for dinner.

After waiting so long, the climax of her show was finally here.

She had to attend in style.

Edmond asked her, "Will you feel uneasy with so many people for your first appearance?"

Lily:"No, I love lively occasions."

Today was her day to shine. She even changed her morning alarm to "Good Day."

She worried there wouldn't be enough people to make it fun.

Aria was more excited than Lily. She started fussing over her early in the morning, bringing an entire styling team after her spa session.

Lily cooperated fully, except for one thing. Aria put away the outfits she had specially bought from the fashion week.

Those were her carefully selected, brand-new haute couture, coveted by many celebrities.

Aria justified herself.

"Those would be killer at a banquet, but you're meeting Edmond's family. It's not the same as walking the red carpet."

She handed Lily a bag she had been holding mysteriously, her eyes squinting with a smile.

"Wear this, and you'll outshine Nadia."

Lily opened the bag, looked at the contents, and after three seconds of silence, restrained herself.

"Are you sure?"