

James a 16 year old teenager was killed and sent to another world filled with monsters, magic, and death. He was bestowed the evolution system by something or someone so he at least stands a chance in this new life since he refused to die, and James is unwilling to die a second time at any cost!

LordNephilim · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

10: The Temple & Going To Dragontooth

James was at the entrance standing in awe of the temple and the beautiful scenery in this part of the cavern.

"This is amazing!"

James slowly walked towards the stone temple looking around at all the ruins and the waterfall cascading down to area below as sunlight shown through.

"This obviously once belonged to some ancient civilization that's long forgotten. I wonder what race they were since I highly doubt goblins made something this sturdy and ancient."

James notices the temple has 2 big stone doors with strange carvings on them at the front and on each side of the doors was a staircase leading up 60ft to the top of the temple.

"Hmm I'm more interested in what's inside, but I'd better cover all my bases first and check the top for anything interesting."

James ascends the staircase and after a few minutes he reaches the top and to his surprise the only thing up here is a large black and red throne with the back carved to look like batwings, and the arm rests were shaped like bat heads with the eyes being replaced with yellow jewels.

"Please gods tell me this isn't some old vampire temple or something like that."

[Master would you like me to identify the throne?]



[Throne of The Dhampir King]

The Dhampir King ruled his people upon this throne ensuring they kept the Vampire race in check so they didn't enslave or destroy the mortal races. The Dhampir King loved his people doing everything on this power to keep them safe since no matter how much they protected the mortal races in the dark from their cousin race the mortals only saw them as bloodsuckers too.

The Dhampir King died protecting his people from the very mortals they protected and infused his soul into this throne to watch over these ruins for all eternity.


[Would you like to claim the throne of the Dhampir King? WARNING!! CHANCE OF SUCCESS 4%, CHANCE OF DEATH BY SOUL DESTRUCTION 92%]

"Hell no!! System do you have a map function?"

[Yes master, but currently it is not useful as we do not know where we are in accordance with the current country, continent, or all of Titan]

"That's fine just mark this place down as an important location so we may come back later when I'm stronger. Currently I don't want to get involved with the Dhampir King in any way as I am since I like living thank you."

James chose to leave the temple and not search inside or risk upsetting the Dhampir King since he probably already knew James was here, which he was right. The Dhampir King has been watching James since he came into this place and at first was annoyed, but as he saw the awe James had and how he didn't try to scavenge his people's ruins decided to see what James would do and was surprised by how James understood what his throne was and could sense his soul within. As James left the ruins heading back through the goblin village the Dhampir King was intrigued by James and hoped one day he would return so he could speak with him.

*15 Minutes Later*

James finally made his way back to the room where all the women are and they were relieved to see him return, but were concerned after seeing his bloodied left shoulder covered in makeshift bandages.

Romania came forward concerned and asked, "You okay? That wound seems pretty bad."

James nodded and said, "I'll be fine I'm a lot more durable than you think and I haven't lost that much blood, but it will take a little while for the wound to close still. How long would it take for us to reach Dragontooth from here?"

Romania was still worried but left it alone and said, " If we're careful and pace ourselves around a 3 hour walk, but if we move as fast as we can with little rest it should be around 1 hour."

James pondered for a couple minutes then replied, "We should pace ourselves. Getting out of this forest and away from it's dangers is the goal, but if we rush then we could gain unwanted attention from the beasts or other monsters lurking around which could cause some of you to get hurt or worse. I may be stronger than a nest of goblins, but who knows what lives out here that would consider even me as mere prey."

With that being decided everyone gathered up and followed James out of the cave then Romania came forward to guide everyone out of the forest.

While everyone was walking James thought of something and asked Romania, "How do you know where we are in this forest and which way to go to get back to your town?"

Romania was a little startled by the question then replied with, "Oh my carriage was attacked by bandits on our way back to town and I escaped into the forest where I was captured by the goblins, but they didn't knock me out so I've done my best to remember the way back to the road plus I was the most recent capture by the goblins so I wasn't in there nearly as long as everyone else."

James was impressed with how well she could remember the way back in this dark place especially after all she saw with the goblins no matter how short of a time she was there.

"That's pretty impressive nonetheless Lady Fulgurn, you have a great memory even under such an intense situation which I would consider a wonderful gift."

Romania blushed a little at the compliment and stuttered a little noticeably flustered, "T-thank you for the c-compliment Mr. Stormblood, and please call me Romania."

James smiled and said, "Then please call me James."

For the next 3 hours they slowly made their way through the forest running into 4 wolves throughout the journey which James quickly killed giving him a total of 40XP from them all and eating a piece of meat from each.

[You have gained 4 evolution points and the common trait Tracker: Tracker allows you to see outlines of tracks left by any creature and to easily differentiate scents and can follow these things to track them down as long as the track or scent was made within 3 hours of you finding it]

As they finally got out of the forest the reached a dirt road Romania got everyone's attention and said, "Everyone we just need to follow this road and we'll reach the town of Dragontooth in 20 minutes, please just a little longer and we'll all be safe."

Everyone was happy to finally escape that hell and the pregnant women were all crying never before daring to believing they would escape that place. The others comforted them with teary eyes and all helped one another push forward following Romania and James so they could try to put this all behind them and get their lives back.

*20 minutes later*

[You have taken 65 damage in total due to 3 hours and 20 minutes of blood loss]

[The wound has closed all blood loss damage will stop, healing recommended to fully close and mend the wound]



Name: James Stormblood

Lvl: 5

XP: 460/500

EP: 240

Health: 175/360

Mana: 70

Race: Lizardfolk

Class: N/A

Height: 7ft 9in

Weight: 310lbs


Strength- 18

Dexterity- 9

Intelligence- 7

Wisdom- 5

Constitution- 24

Charisma- 4


Active- Rage, Primal Intimidation

Passive- N/A

Traits: Iron Stomach, Monster Eater, Lesser Night Vision, Strong Body, Tracker

Aspects: Blood of The Dark Blood Wolf

Free Attribute Points: 40